Team Potpourri --×-- A Fragrant Batch of Superheroines [indefinite hiatus]
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home page plotlines powerlist potpourri cheat sheet reviews layout credit shuxian huang it's not like i'm ignoring you on purpose.

Shuxian was currently scanning through several cold case files of missing persons that were long past due the seven years limitation while drinking Oolong tea. Shuxian disliked it when many of these cases never found their justice and was unable to be solved. So Shuxian always did her best to make sure to help the families and friends of these victims to find closure before the expiration date arrived. Shuxian always thought of her family and would placed herself in the victims' family and friends' shoes. Just as she was about to close the current file to open another one, a familiar voice from behind her spoke.

"How can you continue to look at pictures of trashed crime scenes, possible rugged-looking suspects, bloody messes, and still drink tea so calmly." Her friend, Junhong who also went by Zelo and a new police officer to the task force, asked her as he peered over her shoulder to see what file she was looking over. "Hey, wasn't this Jane Doe's case closed a month ago because it passed the seventh year mark?"

Shuxian didn't look at Junhong and just merely closed the file with a sad expression. "Yes, it is." She took another sip of her tea before reaching for another case, but didn't open it. "I've looked at these many times, yet I still can't figure out how to help the police to solve these and find the missing persons. I have the skills and the abilities to do so, but nothing has come up in helping to find these poor people."

Junhong maneuvered himself and sat himself atop of Shuxian's desk like a little kid while swinging his legs. He looked quite silly doing this as he was in his police uniform and Shuxian cracked a smile at the scene through her peripherals.

"What's funny, Miss Amaya?" Junhong asked as he noticed the slight smile on his friend's face.

Amaya was another name Shuxian went by that meant 'night rain' in Japanese, yet still had a western sound to it making it familiar with English speakers although they didn't know the meaning behind it.

She shook her head. "Nothing, Zelo." She then finally looked at him. "So what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be out patrolling or tagging along with Jimin?"

"It's a slow day today. They kept me back to do paperwork. I just got done with them and was bored. So I came to bother you."

"Ah, I see. Well that's good then."

"No it isn't. I'm missing out on all the action!"

"I would rather enjoy a peaceful day than an eventful day. It means that there's no criminal actitives happening."

"Oh. I never thought about it like that."

Shuxian didn't reply as she finished the rest of her tea before opening the case file she had reached for earlier and began to read its contents, again

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Potpourri: 5th SUPER revealed!~


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Chapter 26: take the time that you need :D
Chapter 26: No! I have been looking so forward to this story. But I understand. I will wait.
Chapter 16: Omg so sorry for not being able to read these all since today ;~;
Chemistry has just been killing me slowly since it started and just super stressed about that
I really like the chapters they're all so cute~ my favourite would have to be Emis so far cuz her as Sehuns conversation was just so adorable <3
Anyways. Great chapters. Loved them and congratulations to the chosen girls. Can't wait to see who's next
Chapter 16: ooooh I like the way u wrote her!!!!
I was actually expecting Cameron HAHA but it's ok!!!
omg ikr I love the f&f series
Chapter 15: it's okay, i like the way you wrote her :D
Chapter 15: now I really can't wait for the rest of the chars to be revealed!!!
Chapter 13: Congratulations to the first two supers <3 <3 I can't wait for the rest :D
Chapter 14: yaaaay u're back (-':