Is it possible to fall inlove with a fan?

As you enter your dorm. You were still thinking of what Luhan have been told you a while ago. You sigh "I don't know what will I do. I just love him. But what if he just want me to back as a fangirl of him?!" You lay down on your bed and just want to take a nap but your phone suddenly vibrate and you quickly get up. "aish! Who's this? It's 2am already!" As you groaned irritation. You quickly tap your cellphone and unknown number shown up to you.

"meet me at the coffee dont ever escape on me again"

. Your eyes suddenly blurt of the last sentence. "Who's this then? It must be Luhan. Stupid, but how Luhan get my number?" You turn off your cellphone and take a nap again.


You were staring blanky at your mirror. You didn't know if you will meet him or just ignore him. "I guess I should meet him then" you sigh and wear your tshirt and pants. You love to wear this kind of clothes. You're a tomboyish. You put an bb cream and lip balm. You sigh and quickly get up. You soon reached the coffee. Those people eyeing you because of your clothes. "why are they staring at me like that? Am I a monster? But I love this kind of clothes" You just rolled your eyes. You were still searching for him.  And he still didn't shown up. You groaned in irritation. "that stupid. I knew it! He just want to tease me. If I will go back as a fangirl of him." You get up. As you, try open the door. "Sissy dont try to escape on me again. I told you, right?" Your eyes were shocked. And you know that voice. You turned your head back and you found Luhan smirking at you. You just staring at him. Luhan blew your hair and said, "You've been staring at me all day. You dont want to sit?" you quickly hide your blushing face. Luhan saw your red face and small smile appeared on his lips. You turn your head to Luhan and said. "So I'm here now. What do you want then?" Luhan just smiled and said, "I just want to see If you will still quit the fangirling job of yours" You stared at his face and said. "I dont know either. Maybe later? Orr tomorrow?" You smiled at him. Luhan still staring at you. You were blushing. "Stop staring at me like that!" Luhan liked to tease you. "Ooppss. Im sorry" then he smirked. You quickly turn around and saw the girl that you dont want too see. "Seohyun" you mumbled.  Seohyun entering at the coffee. Luhan heard it and quickly turn around at Seohyun. Then Luhan turned his head at you again and smirked at himself again. "Hey seohyun!" luhan called her, and you're shocked. And jealousy strikes on you again. Seohyun smiled at Luhan then she noticed you and gave you a smile. "Who is she?" Seohyun asked Luhan. Then Luhan smiled and said, "oh nothing. He's just a fangirl of mine. And I promise her that I will treat her today." You quickly step at his foot "aw!" Luhan's said as he eyeing you. You want to laugh at his behaviour but Seo interact it and said. "what happened lulu?" Your eyes bulged because of what you've heard. You heard that seo called Luhan's nickname. You felt an ache in your heart. You knew that Luhan whinced in pain but he just smiled and cough. "Oh nothing, haha. Seo, sat beside me. And have a little chitchat with me" Seohyun blushed and you notice it. As you wanted to leave them. You felt jealous. But You cannot, because Luhan was holding your hand as his tighten his grip on yours. Seohyun didn't notice it. As they were busy talking to each other. As you cellphone rang. Luhan quickly turned his head to you. You answered it . "Oh, oppa. I will go there. I will just finish what Im doing. Bye" Luhan saw your face. You're blushing. Seohyun noticed that you were smilling unknowingly and Seo turned her head to Luhan as she saw that Luhan staring at you. Seohyun coughed and Luhan turned his head to Seohyun. As you back on your real world. You get up and you lose Luhan's hand. Luhan noticed it and look at you. "Where are you going?" You smiled at him and said, "I have to go home. Oppa is waiting for me" you blushed and Luhan saw it. You quickly get your bag and left them alone. Luhan saw you at the window and he wast just staring at you. Seohyun noticed Luhan's weird action. "Luhan?" Luhan back on Seohyun. "sorry" Seohyun just smiled. And Luhan secretly glance at the window again. But you were gone. Luhan feel bored and said. "Seo, it's going late. Call your parents. Take care okay?" Luhan smiled  Seo blushed. Luhan didn't notice it. As he quickly left the Coffee shop.


Luhan is just walking alone with his earphone. He stopped to walk and stared at the girl. You were on the bake shop. Luhan smiled as he quickly went towards you but he stop on his tracks when he saw you with a guy. "who the hell is he? He must be her oppa then?" Then groan an irritation.



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WeirdMe0302 #2
Chapter 6: AH~~ Im ur fan authornim!
"innocent girl" tsk. XD just joking baby :) Mommy is proud of you. fighting!
WeirdMe0302 #4
Chapter 5: aww hahah CUTE!!
WeirdMe0302 #5
Chapter 1: im anticipating :))