The Changes

Robotronic Turns Into A Loverholic

Jonghyun POV

I was walking into the school grounds when some students greeted me.

"Hi oppa!" a bunch of girls waved their hands at me. Wait, me? Me? ME!?

"He is the one." a male student pointed at me while whispering to his friend. "You are right, he is handsome." his friend remarked as she eyed me head to toe.

What is going on here? Everywhere I passed, there will ba students smiling at me. Can somebody tell me what is going on!?

"Mr. Famous!" Yesung suddenly ran to my side. "Mr. Famous?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Are you nuts? You are famous even you are just staying here for a month!" HUH!? Me, famous!? WHAT!?

"Are you seriously not knowing of your fame here?" he facepalmed, and oh, I saw those small baby hands! They are so cute huehuehue.

"I am famous?" I asked, and he got annoyed. "Stop acting innocent, hyung."

"I don't really know what you are--" then I heard screams from my surroundings.

"HE IS SO HANDSOME OMG!" the girls squealed as they looked at the direction opposite me.

"Who is he?" my eyes widened as I saw the figure in a PE uniform getting closer.

"Dude!" he swung his long arm around my shoulder. "Do I know you?"

"Don't be rude, Jonghyun hyung." Wait, he spoke in a familiar tone.

"Excuse me?" my eyes scanned his facial features.. wait, those big eyes, the frog's eyes...

"CHOI MINHO!?" I exclaimed as I stumbled from my ground. "Finally you guessed it right!" he chuckled as he reached out his hand to me.

"Is that really you?" my eyes almost popped as I touched him on every part of his body.

"Stop it hyung," he frowned, "you are creeping me out, seriously."

"You look sooooo different!" I keep on shouting praises to him as we entered the main school building.

"I know," he smiled, "well, all because my family's debt is paid, I now have the guts to be the real me."

End of POV

JongHo are passing the hallway when Minho bumped into someone.

"At least look where are you headi-- holy molly guacamole..." that someone stared with big eyes and gapped mouth as he looked at Minho.

"Uh Key..." Minho removed Key's hand that is caressing his face, "stop it."

"Is it really you Minho?" he asked as he scanned every angle of the man's body.

"Yes yes. Excuse us." he said as he pulled Jonghyun who is laughing at the scene.

"Choi Minho!" Key yelled as he saw the two departing guys! "COME BACK HERE CHOI MIN--"

"SHUT UP I AM NOT YOUR SLAVE ANYMORE!" Minho shouted back while Jonghyun is busy laughing his out when he saw Key trashing in the hallway floor.


Minho POV

I like it how they all stare at me like they cheer for their favorite K-pop idols. It seems my transformation had been a success. I will be feeling how to be popular too, kekeke. And for Key, I love it how he is practically drooling at the sight of me. He looks like he wants to have me for dinner. But he will never have me. Never. I hate him. He isn't the same Kim Kibum I met when I was 3. The Key I know has always been a nagger but he will never take advantage of everyone. But because of his jeaolousy of Taemin, he practically destroyed himself. He treated me like sh*t, then I will treat him worse. Trashing on the hallway just because I ignored him? Oh Key. How I wanted to see you do that because of me. You made me suffer? You will suffer the worse.

End of POV



"Lee Onew, I am talking." The teacher sighed at Onew. "Now we have to choose a male candidate who is pretty-looking."


"Do you want to be chosen as the candidate?" the teacher had enough of Onew's overacting.

"Boys, form a line." the teacher instructed as she sat and the boys of the class lined up on front of her desk.

The teacher shook her head in every student that is masculine in her opinion but when...

"Jonghyun, I heard you have muscles. Do you think a dress will suit your muscled biceps?" the teacher shook her head.

"Is there anyone who didn't went to the line?" the class looked at Taemin who is humming at the music from his earphones with his eyes closed, feeling it with his heart.

The teacher suddenly went closer to Taemin who is fully unaware of the situation. Some of the boys and girls even stared at Taemin's face.

"Hmmm..." the teacher began, "his eyes.. he is double eyelidded as I heard. Extra points. His nose, also okay. His lips, somewhat rosy. 100 points. Jawline, fine. Overall, he has natural feminine features. Perfect." she said with a grin.

"Why do I feel someone really close to me?" Taemin said as he opened his eyes, he was surprised all of his classmates, as well as their teacher, staring at him. "Yes?" he asked in a low tone.

"You are the class's candidate for the school's first ever crossdressing pageant!" the teacher grinned at him.


"Sometimes, I wonder what I did in my previous life that is so bad that I am in situations like this." Taemin sighed. "Oh, you are talking to me now." Jonghyun beamed as he walked with Taemin to the practice room. "Because you kept on talking." Taemin groaned as he opened the door of the practice room.

"Lee Taemin, 18 years old, born on July 17, 1993, standing at 175-177 cm, and my aid and assistant will be Kim Jonghyun." he said in one go at the one who will train them for the competition.

"O-okay... now introduce yourselves with the guys inside."

They sat on two of the vacant seats and saw the other students with their assistants. "Let's see who these guys are...

Year 1-A's Kim Ryeowook with Lee Sungmin... I think Yesung would had just been his aid if they are classmates.

Year 1-B's Park Leeteuk with Shindong. Is this a joke?

Year 2-A's Zhou Mi with Cho Kyuhyun.., Wait, Kyuhyun should had just been the one who joined, because as I heard, Kyu is the gay one.

Year 2-B's Kim Junsu with Shim Changmin... these guys... really.

Year 3-B's Kim Kibum with Minho... As always. What do I even expect?

And me, Year 3-A's Lee Taemin, with Kim Jonghyun."

Jonghyun is about to ask, "What do you mean by Yesung and Kyuhy-"

"Candidates, stand up!" their trainer instructed and they obliged. "Do you see what I am holding?"

"Oh!" Zhou Mi shrieked, "the latest stilettos! OMG OMG Kyuhyun do you want tha-"

"The stilettos are definitely mine. You don't even need those." Key crossed his arms and Minho glared at him. "Stop starting fights, will you?"

"But but..."

"You and the class just forced me to be your aid, AGAIN." Minho said with annoyance, "so be good or I will be leaving you here."

"You will be practicing to wear these stilettos.: the trainer interrupted.

"Is... Is that... 6 INCHES!?" Ryeowook's eyes grew big at the size.

"Yeah, your height will increase." Key scoffed, and he felt Minho mentally shooting daggers at him.

"Okay!" their coach got their attention once again, "we will practice walking by it first, then gradually strutting. Non-participants, just sit down and keep an eye to the one you are assisting."

The music played and the trainer lined them up horizontally. "I... I think I am going to trip any second." Taemin groaned at why he accepted the task.

"So this is how it feels to be 179cm!" Ryeowook beamed as he started walking slowly.

"Go Wookie!" Sungmin cheered as he took his pictures. "I am sure Yesung hyung wll be happy to see all of these!"

Jonghyun, who is just watching at the sidelines and is beside Sungmin, got curious. "Excuse me, err..."

"Lee Sungmin. Nice to meet you Jonghyun hyung." Sungmin smiled. "How did you know my na-"

"You are known here, okay?"

"Hmmm yeah. Anyway Sungmin-sshi... What do you mean by Yesung being happy to see Ryeowook-sshi's pictures? Are they blood related or..."

Sungmin looked with a weird expression on his face. "Do you seriously don't know? The whole campus knows Yesung and Ryeowook are together for 2 years.. I thought you are Yesung's friend."

"Huh!?" Jonghyun's eyes almost popped out from its sockets, "Yesung is gay?"

"Yes of course! He loves Wookie so much that he would do anything to make him happy. You seriously don't know?"


"You're late at the news then. And if you are going to ask about Zhou Mi and Kyuhyun, well they are also my friends. They are together too. Zhou Mi acts girly but is the man of the relationship."


"Aigoo hyung..." Sungmin rubbed his forehead, "just pay attention at your own. Who knows, maybe you will also be one of them."

Jonghyun ignored the added remark and shook his head. "I am straight." he muttered under his breath as he shifted his attention to the candidates. Wait, are they fighting?

"Don't shout at me b*tch! I am your sunbae!" Key screamed as he defiantly stared at Zhou Mi. "Sunbae? Well you are the kind of sunbae who makes a sh*t out of his hoobaes. You shouldn't be respected." the taller man growled as he is being pulled back by his lover.

"Kui Xian! Don't stop me!" "Mimi, I told you not to call me at that name..." Kyuhyun sighed.

"What is happening here? I just got out for 10 minutes and now you are yelling at each other's faces?" Their trainer almost knocked her own head at the door on how stubborn those guys are.

"Noona, Key hyung is the one who started. Zhou Mi hyung is practicing walking by his 3 inches heels (Zhou Mi is too tall for 6-inched heels) when Key hyung bumped into him-"

"LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR..." Key covered his ears as he keeps on saying 'liar'. "You are the liar!" Leeteuk shouted as he patted Ryeowook's back.

"I got it!" a voice is suddenly echoed through the room and all the heads turned to the direction of the voice.

"Omo Taemin..." Jonghyun's mouth gapped as he stared at Taemin who is walking back and forth with the 6-inched heels on his feet, without even tripping.

"How can you master walking with that in just 10 minutes!?" the trainer clapped her hands as well as the other assistants.

"I just did what I was told, and I just mind myself, not like someone there who keeps on fighting with any candidate, even he is the sunbae." Taemin remarked and Key glared at him.

"Are you referring to me?" the other growled as he walked closer to Taemin. "I am not saying anything. Now trainer noona, what will we do next?" Taemin turned away from the other but he someone give him a hard push from behind.

"Taemin!" Jonghyun panicked as he rushed to Taemin who is now groaning at the floor.

"KIM KIBUM! SERIOUSLY!" Minho threw his hands in the air as he ran to Taemin's side.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Junsu asked as he checked Taemin for any damages, and when he touched the other's ankle, Taemin tried his best not to show his pained face.

"I am okay. Thank you." he removed the heels from his feet and Jonghyun helped him stand up barefooted.

"Key, why did you do that?" Minho facepalmed as he stared at the other who just stood there.

"He started!" Key whined, but Minho shook head at the other. "Just ask me again when it is already talent portion practices." he slammed the door's room shut.

"Kim Kibum, you are going to the office. Candidates and assistants, we will continue this tomorrow. Much had happened today. Now Jonghyun-sshi, please look after Taemin-sshi for a while." the trainer said as he dragged Key by the ear.

As the occupants of the room dispersed, Jonghyun stared at Taemin again who tries hard not to show any expression of pain.

"Jonghyun, don't look at me like that." Taemin said. "Whatever you say." He suddenly carried Taemin by the knees. "Don't carry me. I said I am okay!" Taemin yelled as he kept on hitting Jonghyun's back. "I think you have some injuries but you just won't say. I am carrying you to the classroom."

"Oh please, offer me my dignity." Jonghyun chuckled, " I can't hear anything."

"KIM JONGHYUN DROP ME HERE DROP ME ANYWHERE!" the students at the hallway began looking at them.

"No way I am letting you down unless we are at the classroom." he ignored the jealous looks and lip-biting of some students and ran to their classroom, much to Taemin's chagrin.

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Chapter 13: I love this story so much?
Seoulqueenka #2
Chapter 13: This whole story was just daebak!!!!! I swear Jonghyun brings out my inner hoe and Jongtae brings out my inner fangirl!!!
krodri08 #3
Chapter 14: freaking loved this <3
_Aecha #4
Omggggg what is thissssss
katiemae01 #5
Chapter 14: Love it please update soooooon
Chapter 12: Ugh.....a cliffie
Chapter 11: This is adorable! I love Jongtae's dynamics, I'm sad it's reaching an end tho><
Beavanity #8
Chapter 11: Aww that is soo cute!
Chapter 11: Aw! Adorable
Chapter 10: Aw, a very cute chapter.And I agree with Beavanity! No distance, Taebaby neeeds you Dino!!!!!