Just Friends? Really?

Robotronic Turns Into A Loverholic

Taemin felt a hand poking his .

"Wake up. We are going late." The voice says.

He answered, rubbing his eyes, "I'm still sleepy."

"Nuh uh." then he felt a slap on his buttcheek.

"Yah!" he sat up in shock of the sudden hit. "That surely woke you up." Jonghyun chuckled as he exited his... their room.

Taemin got up and walked out of the room, then lazily sat down and stretched himself on front of the dining table, where food is already served. "Just eat.I don't have the luxurious food in your house but vegetables and chicken are all that I can serve." Jonghyun smiled as he sat himself down.

"N-no..." Taemin waved his hand,"they look delicious, it is just I don't eat breakfast."

"You really don't?"

"Yes. why?"

"That is the most important meal of the day. You should eat, whether you like it or not. Eat anything you want." Jonghyun began placing all dishes near Taemin, and when Taemin is about to get a chicken leg...

"Except that one." Jonghyun blurted out. "You can get any part except that."

"Huh? Why?" "I'm taking that to Onew. Kekeke. He asked me to bring him a piece." Jonghyun scratched his head.

Taemin scowled, "Ah, that chicken maniac. Ever since, he is like that. Should he just marry chicken and live happily ever after with it?" then he began shoving down food on his throat, unlike any rich men who eat with poise,whick Jonghyun found really cute.

"Anyway," Jonghyun began speaking again, "who are the homocouples in our school?"

Taemin almost choked on the lettuce he is eating. "Aish, sorry." Jonghyun rubbed the younger's back and gave him water.

"Uh, why suddenly asking?" Taemin said as he recovered, and began playing with his fingers.

"Because I want to know?"

"Uh, okay?" Taemin thought for a while. "Hmmm, I know only a few... Zhou Mi and Kyuhyun, Jaejoong and Yunho or is it Yoochun..."

"Eh? Jaejoong and Yun are gay?"

"Biual I guess... Ummm Key and Minho of course, but it is still a secret for now as I see,  Yuri and Yoona, I know you didn't know, but that is the truth, I saw them kissing one day."

"So they are also lesbis in the campus. Are there more homocou-"

"Ah! Ryeowook and Yesung of course." Taemin blurted out, "those guys are the cutest of all! When I see them together, I feel my heart going warm. Yesung is such a cool boyfriend who protects Wook, and Wook is a very sweet and caring person, not only to Yesung, but to everybody!"

Jonghyun flinched at Taemin's description of Ryeowook, as he remembered what Ryeowook did before the pageant (talking behind Taemin's back.). "You really think Wook is that sweet huh? If you only know what he really is..." Jonghyun's voice trailed off as he stood up from his chair. "Huh?" Taemin scratched his head, not knowing anything about what Jonghyun is saying


"Hi oppa!" the girls greeted Jonghyun as he entered the campus building together with Taemin.

"Jonghyun, you just flashed them a smile and they look like they are melting any second." Taemin commented as he they climbed the stairs. "Hehehe, that is because I am friendly." Jonghyun answered, which made Taemin roll his eyes. "Whatever you say."



They heard those shouts from the 2nd floor. "What is going on?" Taemin and Jonghyun ran upstairs and they saw a male student crying while kneeling on the floor, and they saw that it is Ryeowook. He was ridiculed by all the students surrounding him.

"As I imagined what the scene will be." Jonghyun sighed, which made Taemin looked at him questioningly. "Do you know anything?"

"I do, I saw something that made the students being enraged at Ryeowook, like now." the students keep on yelling curses at the 1st year student who just cried there on the floor. Then suddenly Yesung showed up from nowhere and ran to Ryeowook.

"Stand up." he said as he kneeled on Ryeowook's level, but Ryeowook just shook his head. "This is my fault. Just leave me alone."

"Yeah he is right Yesung sunbae!" a student shouted, "cheating on you with a teacher is the most disgusting thing I ever heard!"

Taemin and Jonghyun who are just watching just stood at the corner.

Then they saw Sungmin yell while crying. "And you are such a fake! We thought you are a sweet darling but what did you do? Cheat on Yesung hyung? And talking behind our backs? Like me, Kangin hyung, Zhou Mi hyung, Junsu hyung, and Taemin sunbae!?"

"Me? Talking behind me?" Taemin looked at Jonghyun. "And he cheated on Yesung with a teacher? Seonsaengnim who? And what were you talking about this morning?"

"I will tell you later okay?" Jonghyun answered.

"Key sunbae is even way more respectable that you!" then they began throwing cans and bottles at Ryeowook, which hurt more than the eggs and flour he threw to Key that one particular day. And right, he belonged to the crowd who bullied Key.

"Where is that freaking principal!? He is never here when we need him!" Key who just came from the principal's office yelled. "Oh guys, you're here." he went closer to Taemin and Jonghyun and saw how the students hurt Ryeowook, with Yesung covering the younger male.

"I went to the office to report those students, but Mr. Choi isn't here again. But it looks like Yesung is going to do it." Key then turned to Taemin. "Didn't you hear the story?"

"Jonghyun will tell me later, he said." Taemin answered. "Now tell me the story."

"Should we proceed at the library first? It's too noisy here." Jonghyun said as he pulled the two younger males, when a can hit Taemin's head.

"Omo..." the students squeaked, as they saw Taemin, with his blank expression on again, turning to them. The hallway had became silent, and looked on how Taemin walked closer to Ryeowook and Yesung.

"Ryeowook, are you okay?" he asked in a low tone, and Ryeowook gave him a small nod, then buried his face on Taemin's chest, and began crying again.

"Please don't cry anymore." Jonghyun was very shocked to see Taemin's straight face change into a sympathetic one, as he never showed any emotions to others unless it is Jonghyun, Key, or Minho. Jonghyun can tell that the others are surprised too.

"I-I'm sorry.." Ryeowook muttered as he gripped on Taemin's uniform.

"It's okay, I tell you." then he held Ryeowook by the shoulder and stared at him. "whatever you did to Yesung, please say sorry to him. And whoever that teacher is, he or she deserves to be fired, whether you like it ot not. And whatever you have done to all the people here, don't do it again. I believe that you are a really kind person. And, ignore all the jackass sh*ts that are calling you names here." his eyes travelled along the hallway, giving each student a disgusted and disappointed look that pierced to their hearts and made them hung their heads low. Then he looked at Yesung, as if they are talking with their eyes and minds.

"I am r-r-really wrong t-that I judged y-you. Jong-h-hyun hyung was right, y-you are a good person. I'm s-sorry." he was hugged by Ryeowook again, and Taemin looked at Jonghyun, who just smiled brightly at him. Taemin patted Ryeowook's back again... and smiled at the warm feeling he got from the younger hugging him.

"Omo..." Victoria almost fell from where she is standing. "I don't know Taemin is this..."

"Cute. Warm." the other male students help her finish her sentence. Followed by squeals from girls.

"Taemin looks so cute while smiling right?" Jonghyun began hearing those whisphers.

"Seems that, Taemin had some improvements, doesn't he, Jjong hyung? Thanks to you." Minho grinned at Jonghyun. "Eh? Me?" Jonghyun stared at him, puzzled.

"We all know that Taemin began being open to others because of you. Congrats Mr. Kim Jonghyun." Key beamed at Jonghyun.

"I did?" Jonghyun grinned as he stared back at the smiling Taemin.


"You look so tired, even we didn't do any heavy school work. There's no homework also." Jonghyun said as he got Taemin's bag.

"I can handle my things." Taemin tried getting his bag but it was just pulled back by the elder. "I just feel tired all of a sudden."

Jonghyun stopped walking for a while and checked Taemin's lower lid. "Ahhh, you are anemic."

"I had always been anemic." Taemin sighed, "so I was told by my parents not to do any physical work. So I can't dance even I want to, because I will get tired.."

"You're really tired hmm." Jonghyun ducked a little, and Taemin looked at him questioningly. "Aish Taem, piggyback."

"Huh? That is embarassing if people see us." Taemin looked down on the ground as if it is the most interesting thing to look at. and Jonghyun just chuckled. "Just once, please?"

"Are you... really pleading me to ride your back?" Taemin looked at Jonghyun with a weird expression, and Jonghyun just nodded eagerly. "Stop that hyung, you look like a puppy." Taemin smiled as he got on the elder's back.

"Your lighter compared to me, even you are taller for about 2-4cm..." Jonghyun muttered as he began walking. "You really computed our height difference huh? Well, just wear shoe lifts."

"I hate wearing those. It's like having a big rock in your shoe."

"If you say so." Taemin adjusted himself on Jonghyun's back so he will be carried easily.

Then they heard a car horn near them, and the next thing Taemin knew is that he is smiling brightly.

"Seungri!" he got off Jonghyun's back faster than lightning and rushed to the car window. "I see you are having a good time with Jonghyun." the elder smiled as he opened the car window, and Taemin quickly s his arms inside and gave Seungri a hug. "I miss you." he said witrh a pouty face, and Seungri laughed. "Now you are even pouting? Jonghyun-ah," he leaned outside the window after the hug, "you even taught this kid how to pout?"

"I don't know about that kid, he keeps on using that pout to get the things he want." Jonghyun and Seungri chuckled as they saw Taemin stomping his foot on the ground, saying he's not a kid.

"Aigoo, you two, get into my car, and I will ride you home." Seungri smiled at the two.

"What if grandpa catches..."

"Nah, that oldie won't know." they went inside and sat themselves at the back seat.

"So Taem, where are you living?" at the question, Taemin and Jonghyun looked at each other, and Seungri saw it through the car mirror. "Living-in?"

"A-aniyo!" Jonghyun even waved his hands 'no' to emphasize his point, "I-it's not like that, it's just Taemin needs a home and I took him in..."

"Why so defensive?" Seungri laughed, "just make sure you won't do anything bad to Taem."

"Of course I wo-"

"And as you know, Taemin is a , so please don't be too rough on him okay?"

"SEUNGRI!" Jonghyun and Taemin yelled in unison, "We are doing nothing okay!?"

"If you say so." Seungri snickered, "you're home now."

"I don't know my house is this close when riding a car." Jonghyun said as he is about to go out, but Seungri stopped him. "Taem, go, Jjong, please, may I have a few minutes to talk with you?"

"Of course." Jonghyun said. "Tae, go now."

"But but.."

"Eavesdropping in the elders' conversation isn't showing good manne-"

"I AM NOT A KID OKAY!?" With that, the two elder exploded into laughter. "These guys..." Taemin shook his head as he went inside the house.

"What is it that we are talking about?" Jonghyun said as the youngest already went in. "Nothing much, I just want to say thank you for taking care of that brat. You already know how many painful years did that kid have, so please, don't add up to it. Make him happy as you can. I can see that he is happy when he is with you, so please, don't hurt my cou- I mean, Taemin because he is like a brother to me."

Jonghyun furrowed his eyebrows suspiciously at Seungri. "Of course I will."

"Now go inside, that kid must be whining that his teddy bear isn't showing up." Seungri joked, and gave Jonghyun a goodbye wave.


"Tae, you trust me right?" Jonghyun asked as they sat on the couch, watching TV. Taemin hesitated to answer but first, but said, "I know that you know that you are the only one I trust that I just met. I trust you fully."

"So, don't I still know something about you?" Jonghyun asked. "What's with the sudden..."

"About Seungri, hmmm I think he almost said that you are his cousin, or are my ears playing a trick on me?" Taemin's eyes widened a second, but calmed down a second after.

"So am I right?"

Taemin sighed. "Neh. Seungri is my cousin."

"Then why is he just your family's driv--"

"When Seungri's parents died in an airplane crash, my parents and granpda made Seungri a househelper of our mansion. Cruel isn't it?"

"What is their reason in doing so?" "Umm, so my greedy parents can take over the business that Seungri's parents started, and that there will be no heir? What surprised me is that grandpa also joined in the plan. Those golddiggers."

"Tell me what, you hate your family right?"

Taemin avoided Jonghyun's gaze and shifted his attention to the television again. "Tae..."

"I don't want to answer. I can't even bear to think of it." Jonghyun then held Taemin's hand and interwined it with his own, "Tell me anything you want. I won't judge you." Taemin looked up to Jonghyun's eyes that are full of sincerity. "I honestly don't know. Maybe not hate, but rather dislike to their character. I feel ashamed to be called a Lee, because my family is like a collection of people hungry for money and power."

"I understand you anyway." Jonghyun patted the other's back with his free hand, his right hand still holding Taemin's. "Well, if your family is like that, then I am happy that you aren't like that. I'm proud of you. You know how to be different."

Taemin is a little surprised to Jonghyun's answer, but he just smiled and held tighter to Jonghyun's hand. "Thanks for always being here for me." his gaze locked in with Jonghyun, and his heart began thumping two times faster, as well as Jonghyun, who can feel his own face heating up just by staring at Taemin's orbs. At Taemin's side, he felt his heartbeat triple times faster when he saw Jonghyun leaning closer, ready to capture his lips once again.


"Run 10 laps!" the coach instructed to Taemin, who isn't really participating attentively in their PE due to the pain in his head, but he obliged.

Jonghyun looked worriedly at the other who ran around the field, panting, and he angrily shouted at the coach, "Lee Taemin is sick you know! You know that he has anemia and can't be tired!"

"I know, but he needs to. He needs to so that I may gave him a passing remark on his report card." the coach explained.

"2 laps left.." Taemin whispered at himself, but he felt the pounding feeling in his chest now too. He tried running further, but he can't, as he already fell on the ground and all went black.

"Taemin!" the class ran to the unconscious student who laid there helplessly.

"I told you he can't grow tired!" this is the first time the class saw how angry Jonghyun was. "I'm taking him home." Jonghyun carried the younger and proceeded into the campus to get their things first.


Riding into a taxi is expensive, but Jonghyun needs to, so the younger can rest. He got off the cab and carried Taemin on his back, his hands clutching at their bags. As he opened his house door, he is surprised to see someone he hadn't seen for years.


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Chapter 13: I love this story so much?
Seoulqueenka #2
Chapter 13: This whole story was just daebak!!!!! I swear Jonghyun brings out my inner hoe and Jongtae brings out my inner fangirl!!!
krodri08 #3
Chapter 14: freaking loved this <3
_Aecha #4
Omggggg what is thissssss
katiemae01 #5
Chapter 14: Love it please update soooooon
Chapter 12: Ugh.....a cliffie
Chapter 11: This is adorable! I love Jongtae's dynamics, I'm sad it's reaching an end tho><
Beavanity #8
Chapter 11: Aww that is soo cute!
Chapter 11: Aw! Adorable
Chapter 10: Aw, a very cute chapter.And I agree with Beavanity! No distance, Taebaby neeeds you Dino!!!!!