Let's Give It A Try

Robotronic Turns Into A Loverholic

Taemin POV

Many things had happened in these past 2 weeks. Just last week, Jonghyun is tutouring me, but now, he is avoiding me. I can't understand why. Although he won't admit it, I can sense it. Whenever I am going close to him, he will excuse himself and say he will go somewhere. When I confronted him about it, he denied he is distancing from me and said he is just busy. Is he tired of me too, just like the others? I trusted him, because I thought he will really be with me always. But I am wrong. And also, I was kicked out of my mansion too. Stupid grandpa, I already told him I won't take over his business, but he still insisted that I am his heir. Now that I gave my shares to my cousin, he will be mad and kick me out of the house just like that? As I thought, I am useless to him, and my only purpose is to become his heir. I have nowhere to go. I can't go to Jonghyun, because I don't want him to worry about me, or does he? And I can't go to Minho, too, Key is already there and it would be a shame if I will add up to the occupants of their house.

Now I am walking down the street, not knowing where I am going. Absent-mindedly passing down an alley. As I am walking, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Her missie, you look sad." The man said and I remembered that I am wearing a beanie with extensions, so I look like a girl. "I am a man." I said, turning away but I was pulled and pinned on the wall, and he touched my private part. My eyes grew wide at the contact, and he smirked at me. "It is okay. You look delectable anyway." then his gang members suddenly went out of nowhere and looked at me with hungry eyes. I stared defiantly at him, despite the fear building up inside me.

"You are brave. Interesting." He touched me anywhere he wants, and I felt my eyes beginning to sting in tears. All I can do is pray in my mind now, that I didn't do in years. I am too weak to fight back, and if I do, I can lose my life. Who knows what these guys can do?

End of POV

Jonghyun who is passing down on the same alley on his way home, heard screams of help, and laughs. He began to be suspicious by the sound of the scream, as he knows someone with that voice. He ran to the direction of the noise, and saw gangsters surrounding someone. One of them, probably their leader, is pulling a pretty boy by his hair who showed expressions of mixed fear and courage. As he went closer, he noticed the boy is the same as Taemin... Or is he really Taemin?

Jonghyun mustered up his courage and randomly punched one of the guys. "Who are you!?" They snarled and forgot about Taemin for a while, and dropped him into a corner. Taemin just curled up into a corner and despite his blurry vision, he recognized the man who is trying his best to save his life.

"Jonghyun! Get out of here!" he shouted but to no avail, as Jonghyun fought thm with unending stamina. "Please don't hurt him.." he sobbed as he saw the men beginning to kick the elder.

Then sirens are heard everywhere. "That's the police for sure! Let's go!" the guys ran out of the area, leaving a curled up Taemin and panting Jonghyun who went closer to the former who is staring at him with protruding eyes. "Tae..." he caressed the other's face, who shook at the feeling of warmth.

"Hyung..." he stared at the elder, feeling his eyes getting wetter any second. "Why are you here? And what did they do to you?"

"I w-was kicked o-out of the house. A-and.... T-they t-touched me everywhere, h-hit me, m-moles-" Jonghyun couldn't bear to let him finish, and dragged him into his arms to cry.

"I-I was s-s-o afraid. I didn't k-know you wo-uld come for me.." Taemin tried speaking between sobs and hiccups and held tightly at the other.

"It's okay baby, I'm here now." Jonghyun rubbed the other's back repeatedly to comfort him. "I'm sorry because I suddenly distanced to you. I thought you are strong already, but you're still fragile. I'm so sorry Tae." he felt the other collapsed in his arms. "I'll take you home now."


As Taemin fluttered open his eyes, he found himself in a generally spacious room, only that it's smaller than his own room. "Where am I?" he thought as he sat up and looked around. He saw the wall with pictures of a kid with puppy eyes with two adults, that he supposed are the kid's parents. And at the other wall, he saw selcas of a person similar to the kid, only that he was wearing middle school uniform, although he looks older for a middle schooler.

Then pictures of the said person in two different high school uniforms came to view, which included his school uniform. Then he saw a few of his male classmates gathering around a man with a big grin to his face. "Jonghyun?" Then a picture caught his attention. He stood up as he went closer to the said picture. There is Jonghyun in a tuxedo that he wore in the pageant, smiling brightly and his arm around the shoulder of a girl with heavy make up and a hair that looks like a wig, crossing his arms. "She looks familiar." he scanned the girl's face more, and finally, he recognized her. "That is frigging ME! That is before the pageant!" he covered his mouth in shock as he stared at his girl transformation. "Why the heck is it framed and hanged here!?"

"Oh, you woke up already." Jonghyun suddenly entered the room, a tray of medics and food on hand. "You are staring at us?" he chuckled.

"W-why is it t-there.." Taemin stuttered and flopped on the bed. "I just like it." Jonghyun answered.

"Well don't remove it there okay? I look so pretty."



"...Now, eat first, and I will treat your wounds."

"I can treat myself."

"Let me do it." Jonghyun insisted, and Taemin just shrugged. As he is being treated, he was asked, "What happened?"

"It's nothi-" "Just tell me."

"Aish. Harabuji knew I gave my shares to my cousin so he got mad and kicked me out of the house. Also, I know that he knows I am gay. I am not the straight kid I was until I was 12 years old. And he said that I'm useless anymore. And I was trying to find an apartment but I was thinking too much so I passed down that alley. Then those guys tried having fun with me, then you came and saved me."

"You should have called me-"

"I would be a burden to you again. And I know that you are purposely avoiding me so why will I?" that mde Jonghyun silent.

"I'm leaving." Taemin stood up but he got pulled back by Jonghyun by a back hug.

"Don't leave, please, I am so puzzled about myself. and I need you to make me understand."

"Huh? I don't get y-"

"I'm puzzled with my ual orientation." Jonghyun plainly said, which shocked Taemin and rendered him speechless.

"What did you just say?" Taemin found the words he want to say.

"I... I don't know if Im straight anymore, seems you bended me." Jonghyun leaned closer to Taemin, who just stared at his own reflection in those 2 brown orbs. He can't say anything, as Jonghyun had closed the gap between them.

He just sat there, stunned, but later on, he got drowned to the feeling of Jonghyun nibbling his lower lip, and forced his tongue inside the younger's cavern. The kiss felt so sweet but needy at the same time, that made Taemin give in and kissed back passionately. He felt a knot in his stomach forming, and he s his arms into Jonghyun's neck, begging for more.

After 7 continuous feverish kisses...

"That.. was.. amazing." Jonghyun panted as he stared at Taemin straight into the eyes. "Yeah it is..." Taemin tried catching his breath, and biting his swollen lips. "It wasn't bad afterall." Jonghyun remarked as he pressed their foreheads together, " I don't regret any second of it."

Taemin just sat there on Jonghyun's lap, still having their staring contest. "Are you seriously..."

"Am I your first kiss?" Jonghyun expected Taemin to blush at the question, but he didn't. "So I am not-"

"Actually, you're the first real kiss, the k-kiss I mean is that uhhh you and me the kiss that is deep ummm French kiss you know but.." Taemin paused for a while. "uhhh, the first lip contact isn't you."

"Eh? Then who is it?" Jonghyun asked in anticipation and Taemin shook his head, "Everytime I talk about it, it makes me vomit, seriously."


"Okay fine. Listen to my story first." Taemin breathed in as he thought of where to start, "When I was still straight, when I'm still not a biual... uhhh, when we were still young, Minho and Key used to give each other a ppoppo, you know, the light kiss... and one day, those two offered to give me one, but I shook my head, saying I am a boy and they are boys too, and that I am not interested in those things."

"So technically speaking, those two are gay since childhood?"

"Umm, should I say since birth. Just kidding. Yes. Those two were obviously gay for each other, so I can't understand how come that they became together just now. And..." Taemin paused again, "and well, one of the reason I refused is that, those two were so... ugly back then."

"Huh?" Jonghyun furrowed an eyebrow as he held the male on top of him on the waist. "Umm Jonghyun-ah... those two weren't as  good looking as they are today. Key used to look like a  very fat kitten and just lost baby fats when he was 12, and Minho looked like a frog in the past."

"He still does."


"Minho, he still looks like a frog."

"...just ignore what I said. Then, when I was 8, I was answering my assignment, then Minho and Key barged in to the door of my room. Then Minho showed his test paper with pride, that said 98/100. Then after congratulating him.I asked him what reward did he get, and he told me that Key kissed him. I cringed as I imagined Key pecking Minho in the lips, so I hid my test paper. But then, they saw the test paper in my notebook the next day, while I was sleeping, that says 100/100."

"Woah. You were smart." Jonghyun gapped in awe. "Yeah, were." Taemin snorted. "And you know what Key did to me? He pounced on me on my bed and gave me a morning smooch."

"That is... cute?" Jonghyun commented, but Taemin shook his head. "No! Imagine a fat cat kissing a stickman. How does it look like?"


"Exactly. He kissed me all over my face. If Minho hadn't stopped him, probably, he would have on the spot."

"That is..."

"Dreadful. I never knew my first kiss will come from a diva. But honestly, if Minho is the one who kissed me, there will be no great issue."



"Nevermind." Jonghyun shrugged. "Now that you got your real first kiss, how did it feel?"

Taemin blushed at the question and averted his gaze to the other way, but Jonghyun held his face by the chin and grinned at him , "I know you will like it."

"Anyway," he sat Taemin on the bed now, "should we take a selca?"

"Huh? What's with the sudden suggestion?" Jonghyun smiled as he took his phone out, "Just to commemorate this day, this day I first kissed a man, and I like it." he held up his phone in an angle and flashed a y smirk, and Taemin just pouted at the camera.

"You already mastered aegyos you know." Jonghyun chuckled as he took a look at the picture. "I'm posting it in FB."


Minutes later...

Kwon Yuri, Choi Sulli, Park Luna and 29 others like this.

"Woah, how can one pic get so many likes?' Taemin stared in awe at Jonghyun's phone. "Of course, it is a mix of handsome and pretty."

"I'm not pretty." Taemin looked away, but then he heard Jonghyun's notification ring.

Kwon Yuri commented on your photo.

Kwon Yuri OMG Taemin looks sooo cute *_*

Alligator Yoong I want to look like him. he is so pretty <3

Kwon Jiyong So mushroom head is taking a selca with dino head? Hmmm kekeke, interesting

Kim Jonghyun Jiyong --"

Amber Liu sometimes, Taemin is so cute I want to squish him to death >///< just kidding. You two look so cute

Kim Jonghyun Taemin is here reading your comments btw...

Kwon Jiyong O_O"

Krystal Jung You're dead, Ji.

Choi Seunghyun Can I ask for Taemin-goon's number?

Choi Sulli Taemin looks so adorable. Jjong oppa looks handsome too~

Kim Jonghyun taemin said thanks to all of you, and Seunghyun, NO

Choi Minho Is it just me or what? Taemin's face is flushed at the pic, and his lips look swollen o.o

Lee Onew Ehem. I smell something fishy.

Kim Jonghyun ...you're mistaken, Minho. and Onew, there is no fish here.

Choi Minho Bingo. LoL just tell Taemin 'hi' for me xD :D

"So taking a selca right after kissing isn't a good idea." Jonghyun chuckled as he looked at Taemin who is still blushing at the comments. He suddenly grabbed Jonghyun's phone and typed in 'I'm just pouting'

Choi Minho Oh. Tae, is that you?

Kim Jonghyun I told you he is here

Lee Onew Get a life! make ur own FB Taem!

Kim Jonghyun (taemin is the one typing) NO

Choi Sooyoung *facepalm*



"Umm, I just realized, I only have one room and one bed in the house." Jonghyun said as he lied on his back and pointed at Taemin who just wore his sleeveless shirt.


"Let's sleep now."

"TOGETHER!?" He blinked a few times at the elder who just chuckled. "We aren't doing anything illegal. Just think that we are buddies wanting to have a warm sleep. Besides, it is cold, you don't want to feel cold right?"

Taemin sighed as he laid himself near Jonghyun. "good night." he said, as he turned to the side to sleep comfortably. Then he felt arms wrapped around his waist, and he looked over Jonghyun who is smiling at him. "Can you be my teddy bear for tonight?"

Taemin just gave him a small nod, and let Jonghyun dragged him near to him. "Good night, Tae." he whispered at the other's ear, who shivered at the air blowing near his neck. "G-good night too Jonghyun."



This story is soon to end, 2 chapters to go. Omo TT^TT

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Chapter 13: I love this story so much?
Seoulqueenka #2
Chapter 13: This whole story was just daebak!!!!! I swear Jonghyun brings out my inner hoe and Jongtae brings out my inner fangirl!!!
krodri08 #3
Chapter 14: freaking loved this <3
_Aecha #4
Omggggg what is thissssss
katiemae01 #5
Chapter 14: Love it please update soooooon
Chapter 12: Ugh.....a cliffie
Chapter 11: This is adorable! I love Jongtae's dynamics, I'm sad it's reaching an end tho><
Beavanity #8
Chapter 11: Aww that is soo cute!
Chapter 11: Aw! Adorable
Chapter 10: Aw, a very cute chapter.And I agree with Beavanity! No distance, Taebaby neeeds you Dino!!!!!