The End

Robotronic Turns Into A Loverholic

"Umma?" Jonghyun stared, mouth-gapped and he forgot Taemin who he is carrying bridal style for a while.

"Didn't you say you are still in Ameri-"

"I'm kidding, you know, I want to surprise you," his umma chuckled. Jonghyun placed Taemin on the couch first and gave his mom a big hug. "I missed you so much." he said between sobs. "Your father missed you too. You know what, before he had a heart attack, he told me how much he is proud of you. You strived to be the one you are today. We are so proud of you." her mother said, stopping her cries when she talked about her dead husband.

"Son, let me ask you. Will we have your father cremated or-"

"Don't have him cremated, I want to see him for the last time." Jonghyun sighed.

"Okay, later will be the first and last wake for yeobo." his mother then shifted her attention to the unconscious fellow, "Who is he?"

"Lee Taemin, my classmate and friend."

"Lee Taemin? I think I heard that name on TV already..."

"Ahh. he was the ex-heir of the biggest chocolate company in Seoul." Jonghyun explained as they both sat on the other available couch.

"Ex-heir?" "Hmmm yeah, he was... disowned. So he is now living with me."

"What a good friend you are." his mother smiled, "what happened to him?"

"He fainted at PE class today, after running 10 laps nonstop. He has anemia so..." Jonghyu shrugged his shoulders, then he heard shifting sounds.

"Mmmmm... Jjongie.." Taemin rubbed his eyes, and Jonghyun ran to him. "Tae, you okay now?" Jonghyun asked, and Taemin nodded, "I should be the one asking you that. Did your father's body came here now"

"Yes, it came." Jonghyun's mother answered, and Taemin just stared at her. "Who is sh-"

"My mother." Jonghyun answered, and Taemin's eyes grew wide. He quickly stood up and bowed at the elder woman. "Hi ahjumma, my name is Lee Taemin and--"

"You are close to Jonghyun I see," she smiled, "Jjong-ah, how can you have a friend that's so polite? He's so cute! I love him now!" then he grabbed Taemin into a very tight hug. Jonghyun stared at them, shocked, because on how Taemin introduced himself politely, and how his mother dealed with it.


"Cry it out hyung." Taemin had his hands encircled tighter to Jonghyun, and rubbed his back in circles.

"Aigoo, I don't know my son will cry like this in his father's wake." Jonghyun's mother sighed and went to the visitors for a while.

"T-t-t-t-Ta-emin.." "Don't talk, just cry. It's okay with me." Taemin said as he hugged him tighter.

"Annyeong haseyo." Students in uniform greeted his mother.

"Oh, are you Jonghyun's classmates?" Jonghyun's mother asked, and they nodded, and they are also with Key and Minho. "I am Jonghyun's mother. Come in." They bowed at the elder. "Jonghyun's there." he pointed at the chair,, where Jonghyun is now leaning his head on Taemin's shoulder.

"eeekk OMG OMG." some girls squealed. Some male students snickered at the sight, especially Jonghyun's friends, noticing the unfamiliar closeness between the two.

"JongTae FTW." Onew whispered at Yuri's ear who grinned.

"Ummmm, you can now go there.' Jonghyun's mother then fixed her gaze at the two. "It seems that I don't know something."

They went on Jonghyun's front, who almost jumped in surprise, as well as Taemin.

"How did you..."

"Taemin, you know." Onew smiled. and Jonghyun looked at Taemin who is beside him. "I think it isn't wrong for our classmates + Key and Minho to go here and comfort their beloved friend." Taemin showed a little smile at the elder, whose heart thumped in happiness.

"I know you guys won't fail me." Jonghyun flashed a grin of appreciation, then he began crying again like a lost puppy.

"Hyung, just cry it out. We are now here for you." Minho embraced the other, who sobbed on Minho's chest in sadness.

Key suddenly grabbed Taemin into a hug too. "What are you..."

"I know how it hurts, of course. Even if you won't show it, you are hurt. It hurts seeing Jonghyun this desperate, plus the pain of remembering your own father." Key caressed Taemin's hair as he said those words. "You really know me, umma?" Taemin still managed to chuckle even in these times.


The next day...

"Condolences again, oppa." his girl classmates waved their hands goodbye to Jonghyun after the funeral. "We should also go now Jjong. Our deepest condolences for you. Stay strong neh?" Onew made a fighting sign which made Jonghyun smile, and Onew and the whole class (except Taemin of course) walked away.

"Tae, Jjong, did you already eat?" Key asked as they sat down on the chairs.

"You 4 should all eat now." Jonghyun's mother placed a tray of food on their table, and Minho commented, "Now, I know where Jonghyun's hospitality came from."

"Ayyy, thank you Minho." she smiled, "anyway, where is Taemin?" that is when they just realized the said person is not anywhere.

"He probably went to the rest room." Jonghyun said, but they heard noises from the kitchen: rushing water, silver flatware, clanking plates...

"Aish, I told him to rest and eat!" Jonghyun's mother rushed into the kitchen to see Taemin washing the dishes.


"Taemin, didn't I tell you to just sit and relax?" she said as she got the sponge from Taemin's hand. "It's okay ahjumma, I know that you're tired in serving visitors." Taemin smiled as he rinse the spoons with soap suds.

"You are really a good kid, I don't mind my son being with you." silence filled the room, only the rushing water from the faucet is heard.

"Um, stop joking ahjumma." Taemin forced a laugh, which Mrs. Kim noticed, "Jonghyun told me some things about you last night, and I honestly think my son is in love with you."


"Well, in less than 24 hours, I saw how my son grew up. Since we left him to work in another country since he was 17. he became independent of his choices in life. Also in love. He used to ignore any teasing and pairing that he gets into, whether it is a girl or a boy. But now, I can see that the way he looks at you, especially when you were sleeping last night at his lap. It seems he was staring at the most beautiful masterpiece on the face of earth. I also now knew, that my son is biual, or rather, gay."

"Uhhh it isn't like that it is just--"

"Stop denying,"  Mrs. Kim chuckled, "also, for the way you held Jonghyun, seems you don't want to lose him. Tell me the truth, are you together?"

"No, honestly." Taemin muttered as he turned off the faucet.

"Goodness Shisus that is impossible!" Mrs. Kim shook her head, "why!?"

"Because, I don't know what he feels. I just know what I feel." Taemin hung his head low, and Mrs. Kim patted his back. "I am telling you, my son loves you. Whether you will be together or not, it is okay to me. But of course, the first one is more favorable to me. I want to see 2 people loving each other being happy."

"Thanks, ahjumma." Taemin said as he got hugged by the elder.


"Are you really leaving me again?" Jonghyun pouted as he held Mrs. Kim's baggage in the airport

"Yeah I guess so. Your relatives are waiting for me in the States, and besides, I will come back here when I can. You are living with Taemin too, so why will I worry?" Mrs. Kim joked, and Taemin just laughed. "But you just stayed here for less than a month, and besides, our graduation will be in the next 3 weeks, and who will go upstage for Jonghyun?"

"It's okay dearie," he patted Taemin's head, "I would love to stay, but I need to go back there to fixed any work affairs. aigoo, my flight will be leaving in 10 minutes, I need to go."

Mrs. Kim gave each of them a hug and a kiss on the cheek, then she turned to Taemin and whispered, "Remember what I told you. He is already yours, don't let him slip from your hands. Confess." then she bid her goodbye to the two and dragged her baggage and one bag.

"What did she say to you?" Jonghyun asked, but Taemin just gave him a playful shrug, "I don't know."


"Who woould have thought that Seungri will be the one who will go upstage to accompany us in receiving our diplomas?" Taemin grinned while looking through the facebook pictures as he sat on Jonghyun's lap who is combing the younger's hair.

"Well I guess that is what current businessmen are doing." Jonghyun smiled, "I never thought he was the one cousin to whom you gave your shares."

"As I told you, I have trust in Seungri. And as for grandpa, he couldn't do anything about it, the board had voted for him. CEO Lee Seungri... And who would want a CEO that's a robot like me?"

Jonghyun turned to Taemin, "Tae, you aren't a robot. You were, but well, you changed, A LOT. I couldn't even distinguish you from the fierce and emotionless Taemin I met on the first day, to the one I am holding today." he s his arms into Taemin's waist, who looked at him, face flushed.

"Jonghyun, tell me what, what are we?" Jonghyun froze at the question, as he doesn't know what to answer. "Are we friends, or--"

"I hoenstly don't know to, I had never given a thought of that before. I just know I am happy when I am with you, and I don't want to lose you," Taemin felt the grip on his waist is getting tighter, "I think I have fallen for you." Taemin looked at Jonghyun, a small smile curling from his lips.

"Lee Taemin, could you be my boyfriend?" Taemin doesn't have to think twice, as Jonghyun leaned closer to Taemin and caught him into a sweet, passionate kiss. Taemin was surprised (A/N: when did he even didn't get surprised everytime Jonghyun kisses him? xD), but then he hung his arms around Jonghyun's neck, pulling him down deeper to savour the sweetness from Jonghyun's mouth. Their tongues battled for dominance, and they parted after a few minutes, gasping for air.

"I guess I have to say yes." Taemin smiled as they pressed their foreheads together. "I love you, Taemin."

"I love you too Jonghyun hyung. How I longed to have someone holding me like this." they just stared at each other as if their eyes are the only thing in the world.


Epilogue (5 years after):


"Kibum-ah! there are customers already!" Mrs. Choi yelled at the other who is in the kitchen. "Just a minute umma!"

"I guess our bake shop had a big increase in customers, thanks to Key." Mr. Choi smiled at his wife, who smiled back, "Yeah. He isn't the bratty and bossy Kim I knew who once made our son suffer, but well, I am happy for what they are today." Mrs. Choi chuckled.

"I'm here!" Key grinned as he went out of the kitchen, wearing a pink, lacy apron.

"One chocolate cake please." a customer who is probably buying in Minho's family bakeshop for the first time said in a low tone.

"Okay." as Mrs. Choi packed the order, Key danced to T-ara's Bo Peep, and the customer looked at him weirdly at first, but then, she noticed the people behind her smiling widely while watching Key dance.

"Ummmm... thanks." the customer mumbled as she got the cake awkwardly and stared back at Key, who winked at her with a sly grin, which somewhat made the girl smile widely and her face heating up all of a sudden.

"Umma! Appa! Bummie!" Minho came out from the door all of a sudden, a wide smile on his face. "Omo is he Choi Minho the athlete?!" the girls squealed, and they completely lost their minds when he pecked Key on the cheeks, calling him 'yeobo'.

" fangirls all around." the girl facepalmed as she tried getting out of the shop, but then she heard Key call out to her, "Come again beautiful lady!" that made her smile again.

"Yeobo, you look happy." Key said as he got Minho's things. "I do, you know what, I was chosen to be the representative of South Korea, for teh high jump competition, in Olympics." Mrs. Choi, Mr. Choi, and Key fell silent for a while, then..

"OH MY FREAKING GOSH MINHO CONGRATULATIONS!" they shouted in unison and Key hugged his lover very tight, not minding of the sweaty body of Minho, "you finally reached yoru dream. I'm so proud of you."

"I know I will, because all of you are here by my side. Thanks, you are all my inspiration, especially you." Minho said between laughs, then he suggested, "Why don't we go to the brats' house and surprise them?"

"I miss those two dorks as well, but I will be having an overtime." Key said, and Mrs Choi chuckled, "No it's okay, you danced here for 3 years already, and you never had an undertime, now, I may let you."

"Thanks umma!" Key hugged her and they all smiled.


"Hyung, I feel bored." Taemin nuzzled into Jonghyun's neck, but Jonghyun shook his head, "Later Taeby, I'm still doing some work here." Jonghyun continued typing on the laptop, and Taemin pouted. "Aigoo, sometimes, I don't understand why you take architecture seriously."

"Of course, it is our bread and butter. While you teach kids and teens how to dance in dance studios, I also need to earn money though my work."

"But oppa, Taeby is bored. You have been ignoring me for the rest of the week. It is already weekend for God's sake." Jonghyun felt heat rushing down south at the given name. "Okay fine, oppa will have fun with you now." Jonghyun closed down his laptop and put it on the side table, as he was ready to give the younger a sweet and passionate kiss...


ding dong.


Taemin let out a whine as Jonghyun stood up from their bed. "Aish." Jonghyun murmured, "Just stay here."

As Jonghyun trudged out of the room, he coudn't help but hide the irritability in his voice as he headed through the front door.  As he opened the door, he was surprised to see those 2 people he hadn't often seen.

"Minho, Key!" He gave them a big bear hug and the two chuckled, "how are you 2?" Minho asked.

In an exact moment, Taemin went out of the room. "Jjongie, what the sh*t is taking you so lo-" he stopped on his tracks and grinned widely as he saw the two, "YOU GUYS!" he skipped happily and hugged them oh so tight, especially Key. "Key umma, Taeby missed you a lot."

"You're still calling Key your umma." the two other males chuckled at the sight on how cozy Taemin is feeling in Key's embrace.


After explaining their visit, Key and Taemin headed at the kitchen to prepare food while Minho and Jonghyun chatted in the living room.

"Why do you look sad, Tae?" Key looked over Taemin who is slicing the cake equally. "I miss Jonghyun. He had been always working."

"Maybe you're just being immature again." Key joked, but Taemin just heaved a big sigh. "No, it isn't like that. You know the feeling when you go home, or he goes home, to find the other already sleeping or resting? Or when he is awake, he is working on his laptop. I can't understand how on earth he is working on one model of a house for 2 years already! We already had been together for 5 years, Do you think hyung is becoming tired of me?"

Key chuckled on how whiny his bestfriend is, even he is already 23. "No of course. Jjong hyung is working so he can provide you all you need and live a nice life. As you work as a dance instructor, he's an architect, which is a tougher job than moving your body in steps all day."

"You're a dancer at the bakeshop too, you know how hard is dancing."

"Yes, but that isn't my point. And as you said, you had been together and living under one roof for 5 years, so that means your love for each other is strong. And I know that Jjong hyung loves you so much, even more than his own self."

"You think so?"

"Of course. Minho is an athlete of our country, so he's always out of the house. And I'm an entertainer at their family bakeshop. We often bicker, but we know that we can't live without each other. That's love." Key smiled warmly at the other whose lips curled up into a smal; smile also.

At the living room...

Minho began, "Hmm, about Key and I, I'm an athelete and he's an entertainer, so we are always both tired as we're using our body to work."

"Hey, using your hands and mind in working is also hard."

"Hyung, Taemin and you are surely a match. You two are both opinionated," Minho chuckled, "to continue, when one arrives at the house, one is resting and we don't disturb each other in due respect."

"Unlike Taem-"

"I'm not finish yet," Minho retorted, "then, at weekends, we go out at Friday nights, do whatever the hell we want, and stay at a hotel until Sunday morning."


"Yeah. In short, we still have time for get-togethers. That is our difference."

The elder got silent for a while. "I'm such a failure. As you know, Taemin is a submissive, so we don't really fight, as he agrees on almost everything I say. But last week, I saw how mad he is."

"Eh? What happened?"

"Aigoo Minho-yah, I tried mending out falling bond, so I said we sould have a vacation. But then, right at the minute I zipped my suitcase shut, my boss called me, saying he needs me. Taeby just gave me a light shrug when I tried explaining him the situation, and shoved me out of the room and locked himself. Later on, I can hear him screaming in rage."

"That's.. Awful." is all that Minho can say. "You said so. Because I'm worried, I had an undertime that day, and when I got home, I saw him sleeping already with tear stains on his cheeks. The next day, when I bought him 2 boxes of banana milk supply for a month and the latest designer clothes, he talked with me again."

"...Taemin never changed. He is still addicted to banana milk, thanks to you."

"My pleasure. And well, he is back in his nagging and whining for me to have fun times with him."

"If it isn't too much to ask, can I ask you when was the last time you had uhh... love making sessi--"

"6 months?"

"6 MONTHS!? 6 MONTHS!? HYUNG ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" Minho looked in disbelief at the elder, "hey, women have needs too!"

"Tae is a man, remember..."

"...uh, I almost forgot. Right."

"What should I do?" Jonghyun asked in desperation.

"You told me that your surprise to him is already done, right?"


"Take him there this night. I'm sure he would like to see the place." Key and Taemin suddenly went out of the kitchen, the former holding steak and teh latter holding the cake.

"What a delicious treat." Jonghyun referred to the food, but he is looking at Taemin instead.



"Where are we going Jjong?" Taemin is held by the former as he is blindfolded. "Just 10 steps more baby, and you will know."

"1, 2." Taemin then felt a peck on his cheek. "Jonghyun!" he giggled.

"3, 4." he felt arms snaking their way to his waist. "Tae, seems you are getting thinner. Aren't you eating?"

"How can I have the appetite to eat many if I am always eating alone?" Jonghyun felt a slight pang in his heart at the statement, but just led Taemin into walking.

"5, 6." Jonghyun hugged Taemin from behind, that caused the younger to giggle more. "Did you do something bad? You are being so sweet today."

"Aniyo, I just missed holding my baby like this."

"7, 8." Taemin just listened to the 'I love yous', "i miss yous' and sweet words sounding into his ears.

"9, and 10." Jonghyun untied the knot of the blindfold covering Taemin's eyes, and as it unveiled those eyes, Taemin covered his mouth in shock.

"Hyung, this is the house you had been designing in your laptop for 2 years." he stared back at the 2-story house that looked so beautiful, with many flowers and plants around it, adding to it's beauty.

"I guess that I should design a house near my work and yours so we can go to each other's workplaces, and of course, I want to recreate memories with you at that place." Jonghyun stared back at those eyes that are becoming watery. "Will you not say something about it?"

"It's... beautiful, especially when you are the one who designed it." Taemin then locked the other in a tight embrace, "sorry for misunderstanding and being a stubborn person. I love it Jjong."

Jonghyun smiled at him, then he knelt down and looked at Taemin dreamily, drawng out a small box from his pocket, "Marry me, Taebaby."

Taemin looked surprised, but answered with hesitance in his voice. "Huh? What about your career? What about you? You can't build a family with me. You can't-"

"I already decided, since 5 years ago, that I want to spend my whole life with you. Let's adopt kids and have a goof life then, but it would be better if male pregnancy is possible," Jonghyun said tongue on cheek, as he couldn't hide his happiness, "I love you so much, Taemin. With you, I wouldn't be complete. I don't want to lose you anymore."

Taemin's tears flew freely from his cheeks as he knelt down on the other's level, and held Jonghyun's hand, and the ring in the box tightly. "Thanks for giving me a reason to continue living in this world. You really changed me from a robot to a person deeply in love and believing in humanity again. I love you too. Yes Kim Jonghyun, I will marry you. Let's recreate sweet memories in this house together forever."

Jonghyun smiled at the words, and he didn't hide his tears of happiness too. "I love you so much Lee Taemin." then leaned in to place a kiss on his soon-to-be-wife (husband, whatever)'s lips.



A/N:  Hi guys! thanks for staying with me until the end of the fic. Hoo it is finished now, and I dont know if I wil cry in happiness or sadness Y.Y Here are some gifs for you in gratitude:

Even MC Kang Hodong can't resist baby Taemin xD

Looks like a father hugging his son. xDDDD


Naughty Jjong :P

WHAT IS THIS!?!?!?! XDDDD See where Jonghyun is looking at?

Jonghyun is like: I want something more than a massage.

and Taemin is like: hyung, what are you honestly thinking?


Of course our second couple: MinKey.


And my bias of course...

Conclusion: Kim Jonghyun is a y beast.


Bye guys. ;)


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Chapter 13: I love this story so much?
Seoulqueenka #2
Chapter 13: This whole story was just daebak!!!!! I swear Jonghyun brings out my inner hoe and Jongtae brings out my inner fangirl!!!
krodri08 #3
Chapter 14: freaking loved this <3
_Aecha #4
Omggggg what is thissssss
katiemae01 #5
Chapter 14: Love it please update soooooon
Chapter 12: Ugh.....a cliffie
Chapter 11: This is adorable! I love Jongtae's dynamics, I'm sad it's reaching an end tho><
Beavanity #8
Chapter 11: Aww that is soo cute!
Chapter 11: Aw! Adorable
Chapter 10: Aw, a very cute chapter.And I agree with Beavanity! No distance, Taebaby neeeds you Dino!!!!!