At Their Home Pt.2

Looks Can Be Deceiving


Donghyun showed up and welcomed you to their home.

Donghyun: Make yourself feel like home.

Youngmin: Did you came because you miss me ~~~~?

Kwangmin: Of course not....she came to see me because she misses me, don't you ~~~~?

You: Acturally, Jeongmin brought me here...for some reaseon i don't know of.

Youngmin: So you aren't happy to see me?!? T^T

You: I am, its just that....

Before you could finish your sentence, Minwoo jumped in and said...

Minwoo: Your not happy to see me too?!?

Hyunseong: And ME?!?

You: Its not like that...I miss you all, and i'm very gald and happy to see you guys. 

After you said that, out of no where, Jeongmin grabbed your hands and said.

Jeongmin: Come on ~~~~, let me show you around and leave these weird people.

Youngmin: I want to help show ~~~~ around....

Donghyun: Jeongmin, i need to talk to you, Youngmin show ~~~~ around the house.

After hearing great new from Donghyun, Youngmin pulled you away from Jeongmin and the other members to show you around their house.

Jeongmin just stood there with a pouty face.

Jeongmin: But...I want to show her around....Hyunh......

Donghyun gave Jeongmin a death stare that maded Jeongmin looked away because Donghyun's death stare was really intense.

Jeongmin: Araseo...T^T

Donghyun: Come to my room and lets talk.

---------------------------Where You and Youngmin were--------------------

Youngmin: Wanna see my room???

You: Ummm....Sure....

Youngmin: I share it with Kwangmin.

You: I thought it because you guys are brothers,right?

Youngmin: Yeah...

Youngmin opened the door and you saw it. It was staring at you.Yellow and everywhere.On the left was Pikachu and on the right was Winne the Pooh.

Youngmin: Ummm...Are you trying to chatch flies with your mouth??

You notice that your mouth was open and closed it.

You: wow....It's really....

Youngmin: Girly??

You: No!! Its really...

Youngmin: Weird??

You turn to look at him.

You: Can i finish my sentence??

Youngmin: Sorry...


Youngmin: REALLY?!? You don't find it weird that guys collect these kind of things?!?

You: Why would I?? These are adorable..^^

Youngmin: Do you want that Pooh?? I can give it to you...

Youngmin said while pointing to one of his lovers.

You followed to where he was pointing....You saw a gaint pooh doll staring at you. It was next to his other gaint pooh dolls...

You: OH MY GOSH!!!!! ITS HUGE!!!

Youngmin came from behind and gave you a back hug.

Yougnmin: And its all yours IF you give me a kiss...

You: Ummm....No I'm good....Its all good...

Youngmin: Come on, just one kiss on the cheek then 

You: NO!!

Youngmin: WHY NOT?!?

You: I don't even know you that well, and your asking for a kiss on the cheek?!? And beside I'm ugly

Youngmin: Well....if you say so....

You looked away to stare at something else.

Youngmin: You know i'm kiding right?!? Why do you keep on calling yourselve ugly?!?


Youngmin: Well you're not, you got to realize that you're beautiful..OK?? You think you're not beautiful but you are! On the inside and out, you are the most beautiful girl there are in the world.  And if you keep on saying that your ugly then you'll really become ugly....So stop thinking that.

You were touch because that was really nice of him to say that. Nobody would say that to you except for youngmin and the rest of boyfriend. It made you felt happy about yourself. It made you like then more.

Youngmin then kiss you in the cheek.You gave him an over load of cuteness eye smile, that made him smile back.

Youngmin: Are you that happy that i kiss you on the cheek or is it because i just let you have Pooh?


You gave him a hug.

Kwangmin: HYUNH!! Bring ~~~~ down,  we are about to make dinner.

You broke the hug once you heard kwangmin's voice from downstairs.

Youngmin: ARASEO!!! *DARN YOU KWANGMIN!! You just had to ruin the moment!!*

You: Lets go...

Right after you left the room, Youngmin touch his heart. It was beating like crazy, as if he had just ran a 4 mile run.

Youngmin: * Why am I like this? I'm not suppost to act like this....But she is really different from other girls*

You poke your head back in youngmin's room.

You: Aren't you going to help make dinner?

Youngmin: Right....Lets go

Yougnmin walked to the door and lead you to the kitchen.

Youngmin: I'll show you the rest of the house later~~~~.

Youngmin said while entering the kitchen.

Hyunseong: You mean you're not done showing her the house?!? You took like 30 minutes up there!! WHAT DID YOU DO THAT LONG?!?

Minwoo: You better not have done something preverted to her!!

Youngmin: Maybe i did

With that youngmin winked at you on purpose for the others to see.

Jeongmin: YAH!! what did you do!!

Jeongmin said while coming out of Donghyun's room.

Youngmin: Nothing! I was just kidding...Dont take it to seriously hyunh...

Jeongmin turned to you and asked you a question,

Jeongmin: You hungry yet??

You: Yeah..kinda

Kwangmin: Lets see what we have in the frigh....

When kwangmin opened the frigh, there was soy milk, orange juice, and water bottles.

Kwangmin: Ok...we have nothing to eat....

Hyunseong: WE'RE OUT OF PORK??

Kwangmin: You ate it all remember.

Hyunseong: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!WHY!!!!!

Minwoo patted Hyunseong's shoulder 

Minwoo: It's ok hyunh, we can go buy some now...

You: I want to go with...

Donghyun: Lets play rock, paper, scissor to see who will go with ~~~~ to the supermarket

Hyunseong: Can't I just go with her?!?

Youngmin: NO! Let's be fair

Hyunseong: WAEYO?!? 




SORRY SORRY SORRY!!! I KNOW I HAVEN'T BEEN ON LIKE FOREVER!!! BUT I'LL MAKE IT UP TO YOU GUYS!!! You know why??? Because while i was testing and studing like crazy, during my free time i wrote the story in my now i can just type it in and there you go...^^ I was about to upload this chapter when boyfriend came back with DON'T TOUCH MY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WWHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But my internet stop working!!! I had to fix it myself and now i notice that there was a reset button...that time i felt so stupid....ANYWAYS....Jungmin OMG he made me like him more....At first i like Donghyun and then Hyunseong started to chatch my eyes....and now Jungmin captured my heart...^^ AGIOO..... BTW PLZ SUPPORT BOYFRIEND BY WATCHING THEIR MV 90 thousand times a day....LOL JK...^^ did you guys watch the making of the story ver,??? ITS SO CUTE!! HERE IS THE LINK.... PLZ WATCH....PPYONG~~~~~

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-ily_4ever #1
New subscriber... Wait teen top was forced to leave her alone and boyfriend is on a mission or something and they're lying to her?? I wonder what will happen next! Please update soon can't wait !! :]
All I want for Christmas is Kwangmin~! <br />
Wait Teen Top being force???<br />
many ???? mark pop out from my head...<br />
I want read....<br />
Nikkilovesshinee #3
I want idk ahhaha
I WANT MINWOOO~!! ahha<br />
Update soon~!!
Nikkilovesshinee #5
Her parents told em?:D just guessing. Annd UPDATTEEE!! NEW SUBSCRIBER
Really ? O.O AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!! :DD <br />
So_Mi97 #7
@Harumi_Inspirit no...want me to give you a hint?? They are protecting her...
Okay ~ 1st of all, I'll be there MV is DAEBAK !!!!!!!! :D<br />
2nd, I'm still curious :/ are they trying to bully her too ? :(
So_Mi97 #10

did my readers watched this yet?????AGIOO SO PUNNY!!!;feature=related