The Reason Why...

Looks Can Be Deceiving

When you and boyfriend came in the lunch room, all eyes were on you guys....One reason is that : Why were YOU with the new students and the second reason was Why would the new student hang out with you!?! It wasn't even a dare or anything!?! WHY?!?.......................You and boyfriend got your lunch and were looking for a place to sit. Everybody was hoping boyfriend would leave you and sit with them. Even the boys because they wanted to look cool to have the 6 new kingkas with them and more girls would notice them. But to bad for them, Boyfriend stayed with you...more like following you. You decided to eat outside in the school's garden because you were scared Teen Top would find you. You told boyfriend you wanted to eat alone and not to follow you. But they kept on following you. You kind of got annoyed because of that.

You : Can you stop following me?!?

Minwoo : But we want to...And beside I cant to follow a pretty girl??

Donghyun : YEAH! So no, we wont  stop following you

As you said this you pointed to yourself "Are you guys blind?!? Me? Pretty? Stop Playing around with me! I know you are, so stop it !"

Youngmin  hugged you from behind and said " Look! We're not playing around with you ok? We really like you ,so we will follow you anywhere you go. GOT IT?

You got shock so you stand there like a statue and blushed and said, " YOU GUYS LIKE ME!! ok now I know you guys are playing around and besides are you guys stalkers?? STOP FOLLOWING ME!" Once you finish saying that ,you drop you lunch and got yourself away from Youngmin's hug and ran inside the school's garden to hide there. You were now really afraid that they might be just like Teen Top.

FLASHBACK : (In 8th grade)

You were reading a book because you were early for class. When the teacher came in she told the class that they will have new students. After saying that she wrote their names on the board. There were six names in total. After that, she told them to come in. They were really good looking. They seem nice too. Once they introduced themselves. The teacher told them to sit next to you. 

L.Joe : Hi, nice to meet you. Im Bunghyun but you can call me L.Joe ^^.

C.A.P : I'm Minsoo, but I go with C.A.P because I like hats.

Chunji : I go with Chunji but my real name is Chanhee

Neil : Im Daniel but I go by Neil

Ricky : I'm the adorable maknea Changhyun but call me Ricky. Doesn't Ricky sound more adorable than Changhyun?^^

Chanjo : HEY! Your not the maknea so don't call yourself a maknea when you're not, you old person! By the way I'm Jonghyun but I like to be called Chanjo.

You : I'm ~~~~, nice to meet you to.

From that onward you and Teen Top became Best Friends. They followed you everywhere you go. You got annoyed at first but liked it after a while. Other people got jealous on how nice they were to you. You even got a crush on one of them. But that all changed, after they got more popular. More handsomer and more cooler. They stopped hanging out with you. Saying you were to ugly for them to be around with and that it's an embarrassment to be seen with you. Instead of being your friends they bullied you to look cool. After that, you ate even more food to fill the empty space they left and became a lonelier person that nobody wanted to hang out or be seen with. From that onward you blocked yourself from everybody around you. Not saying a word to them. Even when someone was asking you a question you would avoid them. You didn't want your life to become more miserable then it was already. 


You were now scared and full of tears.

You : I just wanted a normal life, to fit in, to have friends, to be pretty....But why is my life like this?!? Why can't I look like Minyoung.(Minyoung is your bigger sister that goes to a different school.) Why does she look pretty and I don't?!? We're even blood related. 

Now all you wanted to do was die. To be left alone and rot like a rotten apple that has been left there on purpose for all it's life. You were sitting there crying until you felt a hand comforting you. Once you look up, he gave you a warm smile. A smile that makes you want to smile to but you weren't in the mood to do that.

You : Why are you here?

Kwanmin said "Why? I can't be here to comfort you?" he got a little upset and got up but you quickly grab his hand telling him to stay.

You : That's not what i mean..... What i mean is that why are you guys following me and saying I'm pretty and that you like me? I know I'm not pretty and i know you don't like me but why are you guys like this? To make fun of me? Making me look like a fool, thinking you guys actually like me, the fatty?

Kwangmin : It's not like that.....We really like you and  who said you're not pretty? You pretty on the inside and that's what really counts ok? I seen so many pretty girls but they are so mean, all they do is make other people sad and bully them. I don't like girls like that. So don't be so hard on yourself...Just because people calls you fat and ugly, it doesn't mean you have to call yourself fat or ugly too. Cause in my eyes, your the prettiest girl out there.

You started to heat up that you thought you were going to get a nose bleed. Kwangmin turn to face you and gave you a warm smile. You said, " Do you know why I'm like this to you and the rest? Kwangmin just looked at you with a blank face. You thought it was cute and told him your past with Teen Top. Once you were done, you notice he looked angry. He stood up and said, " They did that to you?!? Where are they?!?" You quickly got up and held him back. You said, " Look, it's the past ok? It doesn't matter anymore."You and Kwangmin sat back down. Kwangmin said," It does matter...They don't have the right to do that, to toy with you,and to bully you. Did they even cared on how you felt about this?"You said, " like i said, it's the past. Shouldn't we forget about it?" He said, " How can you be so nice to them when they did that to you?" You said, " They just probably wanted attention and to fit in with other people and not me." You got teary once you said that and Kwangmin noticed it. Trying to change the subject he said, "You know that the others are looking for you right? They really do care about you like the way I do. So don't listen to what the other mean people say. Got it?" He got up and gave you a hand. You took his hand and got up. Soon the others came and gave you a warm smile. They brought their lunch with them.

Minwoo : We found you!! Well Kwangmin did...anyways lets eat!!!!

Hyunseong : We saw you drop your lunch so lets share the food, is that ok ~~~~?

You : sure hyunseong .

You gave him a warm smile and he did to. You and Boyfriend ate your lunch happily but little did you know that Teen Top was spying on you guys the whole time.


C.A.P. : Looks like she befriended them.

Neil : Did she just told our past to the browned hair guy?

L.Joe : I bet she made us sound like jerks....That B*tch...

Chunji : She will get it later..

Ricky : Hyunh, what are we going to do?

C.A.P : Right now all we can do is spy on her and her guy friends

Changjo : Right!



Sorry if the story is boring guys...My head is not thinking right or is it??JK... Anyways sorry if i didnt update on a long time i had to work on another story with my cousin( Junseob94)...You should check it out..Its call "Only In The End..." I have been writing it so yeah....All of Boyfriend is going to have a moment with you...BTW 





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-ily_4ever #1
New subscriber... Wait teen top was forced to leave her alone and boyfriend is on a mission or something and they're lying to her?? I wonder what will happen next! Please update soon can't wait !! :]
All I want for Christmas is Kwangmin~! <br />
Wait Teen Top being force???<br />
many ???? mark pop out from my head...<br />
I want read....<br />
Nikkilovesshinee #3
I want idk ahhaha
I WANT MINWOOO~!! ahha<br />
Update soon~!!
Nikkilovesshinee #5
Her parents told em?:D just guessing. Annd UPDATTEEE!! NEW SUBSCRIBER
Really ? O.O AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!! :DD <br />
So_Mi97 #7
@Harumi_Inspirit no...want me to give you a hint?? They are protecting her...
Okay ~ 1st of all, I'll be there MV is DAEBAK !!!!!!!! :D<br />
2nd, I'm still curious :/ are they trying to bully her too ? :(
So_Mi97 #10

did my readers watched this yet?????AGIOO SO PUNNY!!!;feature=related