Christmas Plans

Looks Can Be Deceiving

After a while you came out of the restroom with clean clothes on. You were really tired but Minwoo kept on annoying you about how much he wanted to play with you  and not only that, Donghyun was bugging you to stay focus on practicing in playing the guitar. It was now 2 in the morning and they're still not tired but you on the other hand, were about to die, sleepiness was taking over you. Your eyes were slowly falling. 
"~~~~! Are you listening!?!" Donghyun yelled at you.
Your eyes were wide a wake now and you were on high alert. 
" yes sir!" you reply loudly.
Minwoo started to laugh, he said, " Aigoo keopta." 
"then what chord I'm I playing." Donghyun asked you, he then play a chord. 
"umm...." was all you could say.
"busted!" Minwoo said.
You pouted at Minwoo and he pinched your cheeks.
"It hurts! stop it!" you whine to Minwoo.
"YAH I said what  chord is this!" Donghyun yelled at you.
" it's the G CHORD!!" you yelled your answer.
" WRONG!" Donghyun yelled back.
-knock knock
The door opened and standing there was the twins.
"umm.. Can you lower your voice Donghyun?" Youngmin asked Donghyun in a sleepy tone.
" we can't sleep with you yelling at poor ~~~~." Kwangmin added.
"Araseo my bad.." Donghyun said while turning to look at you. 
Your head was resting on Minwoo's shoulder.
"shhh...You guys she's very tired." Minwoo whispered.
" what are we going to do when Christmas comes?" Youngmin said changing the subject.
" yeah it's only one month away." Kwangmin added.
" should we asked ~~~~ to come over? I want her to come over." Jeongmin said out of nowhere.
That gave the twins a jump because he just appear behind them. 
"OMG HYUNG you scared me!!" Both of the twin said.
"QUIET!" Minwoo whispered to loudly.
You eyes started to open.
"Oh, why are you all standing outside the door?" you asked Youngmin, Kwangmin, and Jeongmin while rubbing your eyes.
"Aww so cute" Jeongmin said. 
"Aigoo my heart actually hurt because it's been beating like that the whole day." Kwangmin said.
"mine too!" Youngmin agreed with Kwangmin.
" you guys are twins right and not one person?" Hyunseong said appearing behind Jeongmin.
"Aigoo ya you scared me." Jeongmin said while clutching his chest.
"can you all leave? ~~~~  needs to sleep." Minwoo said.
"It's fine Minwoo-shi, they....they.....can...." you said with your eyes closed then you passed out.
Minwoo gave the others death stares.
"Araseo...we're leaving!" Youngmin said while pushing Kwangmin out the door.
"we're leaving too..." Jeongmin said while putting his arm around Hyunseong's shoulder, walked out with him, and closed the door.
" hyung so how are we going to sleep." Minwoo asked Donghyun.
"we'll sleep on the floor and let ~~~~ sleep on the bed." Donghyun said. 
"can you make a bed on the floor, and I'll lay ~~~~  on the bed." Minwoo said.
"oh Araseo." Donghyun said.
-That night was peaceful until Minwoo and Donghyun heard you snore.
Minwoo started to giggle by himself endlessly because you were snoring to loudly. 
* Aigoo-ah keopta.*Donghyun thought with his eyes close.
----One Month Later-----
Its Christmas Eve...
"~~~~-ah" Someone called you.
You turned around and saw Kwangmin running toward you while waving one hand.
" Oh! Kwangmin-shi good morning." You said in a happy tone.
" Good Morning. Did something good happen, because you seen so cheerful?" Kwangmin asked you.
"Will of course I'm happy because tomorrow is Christmas!" You told Kwangmin.
" I brought so many present for you all!" you added.
" wah.. Really?" Youngmin asked appearing behind Kwangmin.
" scared me." you said putting a hand on your chest.
" oh I'm sorry." Youngmin said, " I didn't know I scared you that much."
"Aigoo-ah it's ok." you said looking at a sad Youngmin.
"Aigoo-ah what?" Jeongmin asked coming near you guys.
"it's nothing." you said," oh! Minwoo, Donghyun, and Hyunseong is heading our way."
"the bell is almost going to ring so let's go." Donghyun told everyone there.
"you guys go first, I'll need to get something from my locker." you told them.
"ok then, let's go." Donghyun said while pushing everyone toward the classroom.
When they all left to class someone said," Wow you even have your very own bodyguard, how cool is this." 
You turned around and saw L.Joe looking at you.
You eyes were wide and you started you back alway.
"What you're scared? Scared that you don't have your special little bodyguards around to protect you?" L.Joe said as if it was a bad thing.
You didn't say anything.
"speechless?" L.Joe said with a smirk.
" get away from her you bum!!" Someone yelled from behide.
You turn around and saw that it was Minwoo.
Minwoo ran toward you and protectedly stand in front of you.
"what do you want?" Minwoo asked L.Joe.
"Chill out dude I was just having a nice conversation with her." L.Joe said in a calm tone and wink at you then he left.
"URG!! I HATE THAT GUY!!" Minwoo yelled out causing other students to look at him.
"calm down Minwoo." You said while getting your things from your locker.
"wait how did you know to come here?" You asked Minwoo.
" oh... Because you were taking such a long time in your locker, Youngmin got nervous and told me to check if you were ok and thank goodness I did, or else that bum would have hurt you." Minwoo said.
"well thank you Minwoo for coming here." you thanked Minwoo.
-the bell rang
"oh! Lets go to class or we'll get in trouble!" you link arms with Minwoo and ran.
Minwoo smiled and ran with you to class.
You guys went to class on time.
"OMO look at that sl*t linking arms with my hubby." Hana said.
"what did you say?!?" Donghyun asked loudly whille standing up.
"and what?!? my hubby?!?" Minwoo asked loudly, " I never said that I was your hubby! I don't even like you!!!"
"YAH!! You two shut up or get out of my classroom!!" the teacher came in and yelled at Minwoo and Donghyun.
"but she started it!" Minwoo whined at the teacher while pointing at Hana. 
"I don't care who started it so you better sit down and pay attention." The teacher said.
"Minwoo-ah." you whispered at Minwoo and pulled him down on his seat.
" calm down." you looked at him.
You mouthed Donghyun to sit down too.
" don't worry ~~~~ if you get in this mess I'll back you up." Youngmin whispered to you.
" Oh! ~~~~ do you want to come and spent the rest of today and tomorrow with us!?!" Kwangmin whispered to you with excitement.
"sure since I don't have anything to do." you said.

Jeongmin over heard your conversation.

"so that's a yes!" Jeongmin said while standing up with a fist pump.

" wow Jeongmin you're really focus in today's lesson, are you that excised about answering my question?" the teacher asked.
Minwoo and you started to giggle since you sat next to Minwoo.
"oh...I was just happy that tomorrow is going to be Christmas..." Jeongmin reply with a red face.
"I know that it's going to be Christmas tomorrow but STAY FOCUS in the lesson!" the teacher said a little annoyed that no one was focusing in the lesson.
"YES MA'AM!!" Jeongmin saluted to the teacher causing the other students to laugh at his cuteness.
"it's lunch time!!" Donghyun yelled,ran toward you, and grab your hands then he lead you outside toward the lunch room.
"WAIT FOR ME!!"Hyunseong yelled and ran out to catch up with you guys.
"YOU MEAN US!!" Jeongmin yelled.
"Let's go hyung." Minwoo said while pushing everyone out to the lunch room.
From a far someone was watching you.
"URG...look at that, they're everywhere." Neil said.
"are they going to stick to her like glue." Ricky added.
"I have been following them hyung, and they go everywhere with her." Chunji said to C.A.P.
"it's like they're protecting her from someone." Chanjo added.
"maybe it's us." C.A.P smirked.
"Let's follow her and her "friends" hyung" L.Joe said, " because I heard that they're inviting her to their house the rest of today and all of tomorrow"
"sure." C.A.P said.
*this is going to be interesting* L.Joe thought with a smirk.
"I'm hungry so let's go to lunch." Ricky whined.
Teen Top left to the lunch room and when they then came in all eyes on them.
"Its TEEN TOP!!"One girl said.
"they got handsomer!!" another said.
"Come sit with me oppa!" the other yelled.
They didn't pay attention to any of their fan girls, because all they cared was why were those guys with you. They were actually jealous of Boyfriend. They kinda miss you, how you would laugh at their cute mistakes. But why are they not with you anymore you asked because they were force to. 
----where you and Boyfriend were
"OMO they're here." Jeongmin said.
You looked up and saw Teen Top entered the lunch room.
"Dont pay attention to them ~~~~." Kwangmin said while feeding you a spoonful of food.
"~~~~ let's go to the garden and eat its better there." Youngmin said.
"oh! Hyung they're leaving." Ricky said while getting his lunch.
"Hurry up and get your lunch, lets see what her little "friends" are up to." C.A.P said.
Meanwhile you and Boyfriend reached the school's garden.
"hey ~~~~ do you want to come over our house and stay there? You can also spend the night there so you can open your presents on Christmas morning." Jeongmin said.
"sure I would like that ^^." You answered in a happy tone.
"does that mean we have to clean up the mess we left this morning?" Kwangmin asked Youngmin quietly but you heard him.
"CLEAN UP!?! I thought you guys were good at keeping your dorm clean?" You said.
"well lets say there were some technical difficulties." Minwoo said.
"hyung what are we going to get ~~~~  for Christmas?" Minwoo asked Donghyun.
"Let's go out and buy her a present." Donghyun said.
"Good idea." Kwangmin said.
"Then what are we waiting for?" Hyunseong asked and was the first to head toward the door.
"not coming?" Youngmin asked Jeongmin.
"nah I have a headache." Jeongmin lied.
* What should I buy her? It's better if I buy online than outside right? But then I wasted all my money on my Christmas what should I do?* Jeongmin thought.
After a hour or two of thinking the rest of Boyfriend member came back home with gifts and wrapping paper in your hands. 
"LET THE GIFT WRAPPING BEGIN!!!" Minwoo yelled out all hyper.
"LET'S DO IT!!" Donghyun yelled out agreeing with Minwoo.
It took Boyfriend the whole night just to wrap their presents for you.When they were done they were so tried that they fell asleep. Well everybody but Jeongmin, he was in his room still thinking of what to buy you.
"maybe I should sing her a song or...we should sing her a song?!?" Jeongmin said out loud.
Jeongmin stayed up all night to search for a song to sing for until he found the prefect one. He than fell asleep knowing that you will like his present the most.
Morning arrived and Jeongmin was the first to woke up, he then ran downstairs to wake everybody up. 
" YAH!!! WAKE UP!!". Jeongmin yelled
Everyone shot up looking tired.
"" Donghyun said while yawning.
"we should sing ~~~~ a song!!" Jeongmin said with excitement.
"why?? We have her presents though." Youngmin asked while rubbing his eyes.
"wait don't tell me you didn't buy ~~~~ a present? So you want us to sing her a song as your present??" Hyunseong asked.
"well..."Jeongmin while rubbing the back of his neck with a guilty look.
"wah...this is daebak..."Youngmin said sarcastically.
"do you want to do it or not!?!" Jeongmin asked a little annoyed.
"yeah let's do it! It should be fun, right?" Donghyun said. 
"but what song?" Hyunseong asked.
" I decided to sing All I Want For Christmas Is You by Marriah Carrey." Jeongmin answered.
"ok call!!" Dinghyun said.
"OMO we're going to be late if we don't leave now!!" Kwangmin said while looking at the clock.
"what about this mess." Minwoo said innocently.
"we'll deal with this later." Donghyun said while running to his room to change to his school clothes.
Everyone was ready to go but Youngmin, he was in his uniform and was ready to go but he fell back into dreamland.
"Agioo-ya hyung let's go!!" Kwangmin said while pulling Youngmin up the bed.
"Araseo..." Youngmin said in a sleepy tone.
With that they left for school leaving the mess behind.

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-ily_4ever #1
New subscriber... Wait teen top was forced to leave her alone and boyfriend is on a mission or something and they're lying to her?? I wonder what will happen next! Please update soon can't wait !! :]
All I want for Christmas is Kwangmin~! <br />
Wait Teen Top being force???<br />
many ???? mark pop out from my head...<br />
I want read....<br />
Nikkilovesshinee #3
I want idk ahhaha
I WANT MINWOOO~!! ahha<br />
Update soon~!!
Nikkilovesshinee #5
Her parents told em?:D just guessing. Annd UPDATTEEE!! NEW SUBSCRIBER
Really ? O.O AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!! :DD <br />
So_Mi97 #7
@Harumi_Inspirit no...want me to give you a hint?? They are protecting her...
Okay ~ 1st of all, I'll be there MV is DAEBAK !!!!!!!! :D<br />
2nd, I'm still curious :/ are they trying to bully her too ? :(
So_Mi97 #10

did my readers watched this yet?????AGIOO SO PUNNY!!!;feature=related