Chapter 3

Ms. Complicated meets Mr. Annoying Jerk.


"There, Kyungsoo-ah. Hope it will teach you a lesson. Not all the people can be make of of. See, You just made Song yi mad." Mrs. Byun scolded her nephew when they've been left by Song yi.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Auntie. Song yi is just kind. Maybe she hadn't recovered yet from her flu." Taeyeon explained who seemed klike embarassed of Song yi's behavior.

"You don't have to apologise, Taeyeon. It's just Kyungsoo is really a goofy one that's can hurt someones feelings somtimes. Nara said that she haven't eaten her breakfast and lunch so maybe she got mad after she got run out of food earlier."

"I'm so sorry." Taeyeon continuesly apologise to Mrs. Byun.

"That's okay now, Taeyeon. Don't mind it now."

After she said that she changed the topic and glanced at her nephew.

"So, How long are you going to stay here? I hope you're going to made it to our inauguration of our new building."

"Maybe one month I had been destined here on Seoul, Auntie. Next month is in Gyeonju. They started to build a call center there and we are going to be assigned to set up their network."

"When are you going to stay here longer?"

"I hope so Auntie. I still like the life here in Seoul rather that other places. I'm more used to live here."

"Your work is Fine though. You can go through other places."

"That's right. I can also enjoyed going other places in Korea."

"Wait a minute. Let's go back to Song yi. You, Kyungsoo, Don't include Song yi from your foolish things huh?"

"I have a personal question for you, Taeyeon noona. I hope you don't mind."

"Sure, What is it?"

"Why is you friend so sulky? Is she in menopausal stage?"

Suddenly, Madame Byun laught loudly as she heard his statement.

"I already said to you that don't make fun of her. You begin to do it again."

"Eh.. Auntie, It looks like she doesn't care for guys. I think she can live without a guy beside her. She looked at me in glare, even crush she haven't felt something for me."

Even Taeyeon started to laugh at his words.

"Oh! I supposed you said that my bestfriend haven't had a heart."

"Actually, I had thought that she is a lesbian. It's because, I noticed that she is kind to all the girls. But for me, she's always angry. It seems like you bestfriend's ualioty is complicated."

"Oh no. It's not. She really is a girl." Taeyeon defended.

"I doubt it."



     She heard all he said to Madame Byun and Taeyeon. This Jerk, and He doubt her personality.

      Her blood boil in anger and immidiately rushed to Kyungsoo's direction. She really is mad at this guy. This is not funny anymore.

      All of them are shocked when she emerged and stand in front of Kyungsoo with her face red in anger.

"You really are so bad. Just to make your fault being sealed, you made me an another issue! What Lesbian are you sayin', huh?"

Then she punched his chest. Kyungsoo rubbed his aching chest.

"You don't want to be mentioned as a lesbian. You even quite broke my spare ribs."

"Ohh.. I'm going to laugh at the both of you. Kyungsoo and Song yi. Maybe that will be other thing huh?" Mrs. Byun commented.

"Oh gosh, Madame Byun. Even if he's the only one guy in this world, thanks but no thanks. I will be happy if I will become a nun to stay single."

"You're so arrogant. Even if you are the only one girl in this world then you'll say that I'll be your chosen guy among all men. Thank but no thanks, too. I rather become a old guy without wife."

"That will never happen!"

"Shhh.. Song yi-ah. Behave. Don't you remember that he's still Mrs. Byun's nephew?" Taeyeon suddenly scolded Song yi.

"Ugh.. He is so irritating. Even my uality, he just doubt it. Does he know me?"

"Song yi. Just don't take him seriously. He is just have a voluble tongue. Aigoo.. Make up now."

"Oh, they said let's make up now."

"Shirreo.. I'm not a plastic. What's on me is what I'm doing. I don't want to make up with you for now."

"Ok... That's enough. Kyungsoo stop teasing okay."

Then Kyungsoo stopped but frowned. And he still have guts to frown after he did that to her.

Oh god! please help me get this stupid jerk out of my sight. He really pisses me off.


"You have too much anger on him. Don't hit him. Maybe soon enough he'll going to take revenge on you."

"Just He try to hit me."

"He's so handsome, why are you so mad at him. Why don't you befriend him?"

"Thanks but no thanks. I'm not insane okay? If you just saw what did he make me is so much stress, unnie. You will definitely cry from anger."

"Just take that anger of yours out. Lord doesn't want us to get mad at other people. Just like Jesus said, Love your enemy."

"Aigoo.. Seems like you did not came to this stage. When your that angry at Baekhyun oppa, isn't it me who restrained you from hitting him back then?"

Then Taeyeon laughed loudly.

"You're right. That's why It's my turn to scold you cause I've been realized that what I had done is wrong."

"You know what unnie, I finnaly realized that there's comes the point that the character of a person tests by ther Lord. Even thought I shouldn't be mad at Kyungsoo but I still did it."

"I believed that when we have somthing weakens us, it will test us to overcome our weaknessess until we pushed that up to that level of our weakness."

"You're right. Then, you noticed, There's other area of our life that test us. Now is my temper and anger, next time maybe patience and compassion."

"Correct. Until we changed all of our weaknessess. Ang the important to all persons is that we should have a teachable heart and teachable spirit. Cause, if the Heart is callous and don't want to be straight, there's nothing going to happen. It will get worse that the past."

"That's why I'm going to listen to you. I will get rid of my anger towards Kyungsoo."

"That is the right one."



To not get in trouble, she will be able to ignore the prescence on Kyungsoo even if they will be meeting each other in the same roof of the same house.

When eating time, She will make her way to eat her food immidiately just be not able to see Kyungsoo.

She really don't know why is she that super mad at that guy even if her heart says that it's bad to get mad at someone.

   He really is so ungentleman. So she really can't take his word when he said that she is a Lesbian. If he will know that she really is a fashionable when it comes to dresses and shoes. She really likes them but unfortunately, she can't afford it.

   She succesfully avoided the guy. At least, there's a few days she hasn't been annoyed. And when it comes on Friday night. Baekhyun invited them to go to Coex Mall and she can't hesitate.

   To her dismay, The wide-eyed Jerk is invited too. His Smile reaches to the side of his ears when he saw her. She began to frown. If only she had to tell them she can back-out but she still shy for Baekhyun to tell it. And because of Baekhyun and Mrs. Byun she decided to pacify herself from getting mad at this goofy guy.

"Make someone smile here. All I know is that no one dies."

"Kyungsoo-ah, You're starting again.Song yi will get mad again." Baekhyun scolded Kyungsoo.

Hmmpt.. This Jerk is so irritating. If I can't control my anger is that I'll kick this guy out of this car.

She just ignored his teasing Instead, she just pretended to sleep. While Kyungsoo still annoys her. Suddenly, she got slapped on her thigh.

"Yah! You just sat there and then you begin to sleep?"

"Why do you care huh? and Why did you slap my thigh? Are you harassing me?"

"Me? Harassing you? What part of you can I harass to?"

"You son of a-" She doesn't want to continue her words and just punch him everywhere on him. 

"Taeyeon noona, please help me. Get her out off me." He pleaded.

"Song yi-ah, That's enough. You're so embarassing." Taeyeon scolded her.

Its just like she's been poured a cold water. If she thought about what had she done earlier to Kyungsoo is really an embarassment espacially in front of her bestfriend's boyfriend. She felt that she never respected Baekhyun's prescence. And she humiliated her bestfriend.

She began to stop and crossed he arms while frowning to sit back on her seat.

Her face can't paint by a famous painter from her frowning face cause her poise is just so ugly now. 

If she was allowed to not go together with them just to be free from this stupid guy's teasing.

They immidiately arrived at the Coex Mall. They firs headed to the restaurant that serving the different foreign dishes. She is just silent and pretended that she has no one to talk to.

After they've finished eating to the restaurant, they headed to the bar restaurant. Kyungsoo wanted to have some drink and he invited them all. She and Taeyeon didn't drink alcoholic drinks and they planned that they will drink some juice but she had decided to came along drinking alcohol with the two guys.

"I want soju."

"Song yi-ah, are you insane? You are not drinking. You will get drunk."

"I can handle it."

"What's happening to you? You haven't experience drinking alcohol."

"I just. Want to drink."

"Just let her be Taeyeon-ah. Maybe she just want to enjoy here."

"See. I said it to you earlier. Your besfriend was hiding her manliness in her. She even drink like a guy."

Song yi didn't react on his statement and poured herself a cup of soju with the bottle on her other hand.

"Song yi-ah. Are you sure what you have been doing?" Taeyeon asked for reasurement.

Song yi nodded and gulped down her cup of soju.



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Chapter 9: Omg Kyungsoo is falling for her!!!! XD
HanaKyungSoo #2
Chapter 8: Update :D This story is sooo cute... :"> The feels... xD
Chapter 6: Ooooh i love this! She should be nicer to him xD hahahahahah