Chapter 2

Ms. Complicated meets Mr. Annoying Jerk.


    After she had taken her lunch, she decided to get some fresh air outside. The weather outside is so nice so she made her way outside for a change. She needs to fight from her sickness so she don't have to be burnen to Mrs. Byun.


     She was about to sit on the swing when someone preempted her and sat on the swing.

"I'm the first here." The wide-eyed Jerk, Kyungsoo said.

     Her blood boil in anger. Still not contented, He by stretching his legs on the other swing across him so she can't sit on it.

"I'm the one who is the first here, not you."

     After all, she wanted to praise this Jerk. He's handsome, has a kissable lips and Macho (?). {hahahah peace Kyungsoo stans}. But still, he acts like a Jerk.

    She inhaled deeply. She doesn't want to deal with this Annoying creature.

"You can't stop me from sitting here cause I was the one who saw this place first. You are just the unmannered guy so that you came here to sit first."

    And she sat there not caring the guy moved his legs forcely at the other side of the swing she had seated.

"Who has an Athlete's foot here? So stinky. Smells like a rotten fruit."After she had said that, Curious Kyungsoo let his legs down immidiately.

"Yah! My feet doesn't smell, okay?"

    Instead of making a response, she just rolled her eyes at him. She just wish that this guy will leave out of her sight but he is still didn't move an inch.

    When she glanced at his direction, she noticed that he's staring at her.

   Ugh.. I really wish I can stab this Jerk's eyes. He's so annoying. 

   She don't want to be affected. She said to herself that 'The annoyed one is the loser.' She leaned her back on the backrest and started to move the swing.

 "Maybe you want to talk to me that's why you are here, right? Why? Do you want to apologise for punching me?" He again.

    She decided not to respond. Instead, she moved the swing more force. Even if there's something in her that pushes her to glance at the guy who has a pleasant personality and handsome but he still the jerk she'd known when he came in to his auntie's house.

  "What's your name again?"

  I already said my name earlier. And I have no plans to say it again. Hmp!

She still didn't respond and pretended that she can't see him.

"Are you mute?"

  This guy is so annoying! Does he collected all the annoying things that made by god accidentally?

"Yah! Speak something!"

 She finally loses her temper and respond to him.

"Do you have anything else to do? Mian.. okay? I'm not here to talk to you. I'm here to rest."

"Same here. But Why are you so sulky?"

   She bit her lips in annoyance to prevent herself from yelling at him.

   I'll nearly going to explode. Please restrain me from punching this guy again. After eating my food, he wants me to die in anger. What kind of creature is this?

   Then she push the swing in more force than before.

"Yah! Don't you get dizzy?"

"Ani. I'm used to the dizzy-making rides."

"Well then, I'm not. Stop this so I can leave."

"Good." She sarcastically said.

She controlled the swing to make it stop.

"What the. I don't know what you are. Are you a boy or a girl? You're so Brave."

Irritated, He got out from the swing and decided to leave her.

"Yah! I'm a girl!" she rebuked roughly.

He stopped from walking.

"I don't believe you!" He yelled without taking a glance at her.


"Aishh.. This thick-faced jerk. And what does he think I am? A lesbian?"

    She gritted her teeth while muttering those words. Good thing, Kyungsoo is nowhere to be found now. Atleast, she can rest after the annoying event earlier.

    Everytime she thought about the delicious food earlier that ate by Kyungsoo, she frowned.

 If that glutton guy didn't appear from that house, I will definitely enjoyed my lunch time.

     She leaned her back on the swing and she felt her eyes getting heavy. Later on, she felt the sleepiness and laid on the seat.



    He came back at the swing assuming that the witch were not there already. Unfortunately, he saw her laying there and sleeping soundly. Then he noticed that she's shivering and groaning.

"Yah! What's happening to you?" He nudged her.

     But she didn't even move. She still shivering and groaning there. He placed his palm on her forehead felling her temperature.

    Woah! She's Burning!

     He didn't waste any time and piggybacked her and went straight to the house. He asked for help from the maids.

"Omo! She's burning!" Nara exclaimed.

"She really has a fever. Then she took a bath and walked around. Maybe she got relapse from her flu."

"Make her drink some tea mixed with calamansi. And that, her flu will go away."

     The maids nodded and bowed. They headed to the kitchen to prepared for Song yi's drink and medicine.

"Yah! Drink this while it's hot so that your flu will go away." He said to Song yi.


    Even if she felt weak, she still wants to kick Kyungsoo's . He is so ungentleman, rude and unmannered. The only one thing that comnplements him is that. He's handsome. Period.

     Even if she felt so weak, she get the tea from Kyungsoo's hand.

"Please leave me alone. Your making my head hurt."

"Mwo? After what I had done to make you feel better, you still have the guts to say that to me? I don't understand you. Even a thank you, I can't hear it from you now."

"You think as if you're a kind person. Have you apologise to me earlier when you ate my lunch earlier huh?"

"That's the past. It already melted on my intestines. Until now, you still can't forget about that?"

"I really can't forget what have you done. So please, get out of here!"

"Ya' know what? Listen to me. Those people who always collecting and sow hatred towards someone, those are the one who always get sick. That's true. SO if I were you, I'm going to sleep and forget what had happened. And tomorrow, your sickness will go away."

     She wrinkled her forehead. The Wide-eyed Jerk has a point. But she didn't exposed herself from agreeing this butthead, Instead she just rolled her eyes at him again.

"Fine. I'm going to leave. It looks like I'm going to be stabbed by your sharp glare." 

When he got out, She sighed and decided to lay on her bed to rest.



"Yah! what happened to you? You still not feeling well?" Taeyeon asked after she came home from her work.

Song yi got up and sat on her bed.

"I just becoming better but when that annoying cousin of Baekhyun oppa came here, I got worst."

"Who? The one in the living room? Kyungsoo?"

"Exactly! Tch.. He even ate my food, Unnie."


"I was on the bathroom that time. And then suddenly, Ugh.. I want to stab his big eyes."

"You're so funny. You're so hot headed on him. Maybe, he was the one for you-"

"Oh! please... I disagree with that. So much Turn-off."

    And she continues to conclude her experiences when Kyungsoo came inside the house.

"Yah! Don't be like that. Maybe that's why you didn't get well from your sickness because you have something that angers you. That's bad for your health if you sow your anger."

She sighed. Earlier, That was the same message that Kyungsoo said to her before he got out from her room.

Their conversation stopped when Baekhyun came in to her room.

"How are you?"

"I'm okay now."

    But at this moment, Baekhyun isn't alone. Kyungsoo is behind him. Her smile changed into a frown and she looked away quickly.

"Do you and my goofy cousin already met, Song yi?"

"Slightly," She still didn't look at their direction. She doesn't want to see Kyungsoo's face. She will be very upset if she continues to look at his face.

"Your friend is so sulky, Taeyeon noona. From the first day I came here in this house, I haven't seen her smile or even laugh for once."

    She forced to look at Kyungsoo but in a glare form.

"After what have you'd done, You want me to smile?"

    Instead of being embarassed, he started to laugh at it.

"Hyung, You remembered what I had said to you earlier, I didn't know that there's someone in this house." He happily said to Baekhyun.

"You're a babo. You didn't even asked. So that's why Mom told them to cook for another set of food." Baekhyun said then glanced at Song yi. "Don't get mad, Song yi-ah, Galbi and Kimchi Fried rice is the food again today."

"It's not about that, oppa. What your cousin done is wrong. It is full of unrespect." 

"Just be patient, Song yi-ah. Just ignore his goofiness, okay?"

She felt embarassed in front of Baekhyun. She took a deep breath from beginning to get mad at Kyungsoo.

Later on, They all called by Nara for the Dinner.



"Maybe within a month, the new orphanage I had set to build will be finished. It is more bigger and I made a Three storey so that there will be more accomodation." Mrs.Byun happily told them.

   They're all eyes at her listening. They had a big impact in this news. She had dreamed of it with Taeyeon when they were kids until now they finally made it to the fullest.

   There is something she wanted to thank for Baekhyun. Even if it is the only cause from making her attention with Taeyeon didn't reach to 100%. The orphanage is the big Breakthrough in their lives.

   Not realizing, She glanced at the person across her. All eyes at Mrs. Byun. But when she glanced at Kyungsoo, she widened her eyes.

   He is staring at her.

      To her annoyance, She stick her tongue out at him.

Mrs. Byun saw her and laughed. She became embarassed and looked down.

"Oh! I think there is a war in our house today."

"Auntie, I already want a ceasefire but Song yi doesn't want." He pouted cutely.

"Oh! Shut up! You think all things you do is a joke? What if that person doesn't want to ride on your joke?"

     After she said that, she became hysterical and stood up to leave the dining room. She left there without permission.



I know I know... I updated late.. Sorry guys.. maybe problems...

I'll make it up to you. I promise.. 


I finally moved on from Baek-Yeon dating issue. And I already accepted their relationship. I just realized that I'm just a fan. And I should accept them and be happy at them.


BaekYeon SHIPPERS pa rin ako...


hahahaha Late update.. ^ ^





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Chapter 9: Omg Kyungsoo is falling for her!!!! XD
HanaKyungSoo #2
Chapter 8: Update :D This story is sooo cute... :"> The feels... xD
Chapter 6: Ooooh i love this! She should be nicer to him xD hahahahahah