This Is What Happiness Is

What If?



The heat from the sun woke me up from my slumber. It's glaring light, streaming down from the drawn curtains, blinded me when I opened my eyes. Rubbing my eyes, I checked the time, and it was already half past two in the afternoon. While I was trying to open my eyes, I wondered why Mrs. Han didn't bother to wake me up. I tried to stand up, but something prevented me from getting up. I looked down, and I saw an arm secured on my waist. 

My heart fluttered, when I suddenly remembered what happened last night. Wherein exactly 11 hours and 30 minutes ago, the most heart-warming, and emotional thing happened. Seeing him standing in front of my door in the middle of the night. His presence gave me mixed emotions, but above all, happiness reigned. When he pulled me close, I was unable to comprehend, unable to guess what he was thinking, what was he going to do. But my querries got answered as soon as his lips touched mine. Savoring every moment, pulling me close to make the kiss a little longer, and his soft pillowly lips on mine got me feeling all flustered inside and when he told me gently those three words, the feeling I had was unexplainable. It was like being thrown into an abyss of euphoria. I bit my lip, has I tried to control the giggle that was to escape from my lips. My face suddenly feeling warm as the memory replayed inside my mind. The memory will forever be etched. 

I turned my head to look at him, gazing at his sleeping figure. He was lying on his stomach, and his face was opposite at mine. The blanket we had only covered the lower half of his body, thought underneath it his jeans waistband was peeking through. The light from the window, was beating down on his pale milky skin of his exposed back, making me glow from the brigthness. I glances at his face, his forehead wrinkled and his lips were slightly apart. His tousled hair made him look more mature. How time flies so fast, I still remembered the long hair he had, making him looked more like a girl. 

Tempted from his sight, I lightly kissed his shoulder. "Good morning darling." I whispered. 

"You know rather than kissing me on the shoulder, how 'bout you kiss me here?" He teased in his drowsy voice. My mouth opened, shock that he was awake the whole time I was.. OH GOD! 

I looked at him again, his eyes was still close and his lips was slightly puckered waiting for the kiss he just asked. 

"How long were you even awake?" I asked angrily. 

"About half an hour ago.." He answered. 

Feeling mortified, I punched his shoulder. I tried to wriggled free from his hold, but he was just too strong. The more persistent I was, the more he restrained me. Something clicked inside my head, an idea suddenly coming from my memories. Instead for persisting, I stiffened from his hold, unmoving. It was a move I used to do whenever he teased me, and whenever I do, he knows I'm already serious about letting me go. 

Mentally counting, after 5 seconds, he took his hands off. Hurriedly I stood up, not looking at his face 'cause I know my face was still red because of what happened. 

"Darling, I haven't seen you in months and leaving me now, is just to hard to endure.." He said sadly that I stopped from going closer to the door. "..forgive me for what I did, but please come back to bed with me." He said gently, his voice half-begging. I glanced at him, and his expression looked hurt by the distance I made. Biting my lower lip, I motioned towards the bed. He immediately scooted over, making a space for me. 

He leaned against the headboard, having pillows to support his back. I laid next to him, putting my arm across his waist, while my head laid on his chest. His chin was rested on my head, while his hand was playing with my hair. We didn't speak for a while, and he was humming a sweet sad tune. 

"I'm sorry." I said. 

"It's no problem. Maybe teasing you so early in the morning is not a good idea." He chuckled, and his voice was 10 notches happier than the last encounters we had. Kissing the top of my head, I felt relieved. 

"Technically it's almost three in the afternoon."

"Time is relative darling."

"Tsk. Smart !" I snorted.

He chuckled, "You know you still haven't given me that kiss I was asking." 

I bit his chest, and I heard him winced from the pain. "Or you could just say no you know? Whole lot less painful." 

"HA HA." I said sacastically, but I slightly stood up, raising my body up, leveling my lips with his. Giving him a light peck, I pulled away. But his hands placed at the back of my head, stopped me from doing so. He held my face closer, making me kiss him a little more. Giving in to his request, his soft lips crashed with mine. Giving me a kiss that was more passionate than the last one, making me feel a little dizzy and clouded from all the pleasure. When I pulled away, I was breathing heavily, trying to catch my breath. I looked at his eyes, and he was looking at me intensely. 

"You're so greedy for kissed today." I joked. 

"Only for yours darling," He said lovingly, giving me a slight peck. After that I returned to his chest, and he went back to humming the sad tune from earlier. And I drifted myself off to sleep, as I listened to his sweet humming. For the first time in my life, this was the most peaceful I have felt. 


The commotion from the kitchen was so loud, that I had to woke me up from my dream. I stared at the window, and the sun was already setting. Feeling drowsy, I tried to went back to sleep. But a pair of warm hands cupped my face. 

"Darling.." he whispered. 

"Mmmh?" Already knowing who the person is. 

"Sorry for waking you up from a good dream, but it's best for you to wake up now," he said, slightly nervous. 

Trying to open my eyes, his face, inches from mine, looked amused and nervous. His lips was moving, but I wasn't getting any sense from what he was saying. Instead I was so focused on not trying to wrapped my arms around him, and pull him to bed again. 

"Love? Are you listening?" 

I nodded. 

"Okay, brace yourself, Hurricane Hara is here." He said, giving me a shaky laugh. 

"Bwo?" I said curiously. 

But the sudden slamming of my door, completely shock my system. We both turned to see who it was and there, Hara stood, arms crossed, fuming with anger. 

I gulped, and looked at Tae Min. Help me, I mouthed. 

He chuckled, "Good luck love," then he kissed the tip of my nose. I can't help but feel betrayed as he stood up and walked towards the door. He stopped in front of Hara, patting her head, "Be nice." He said then close the door. 

"YAH IM YOONA!" She growled. 

I gulped, Lord, I hope I get out of this alive. 


Being stuck inside a room with a growling Hara was far by the scariest thing ever. She was bombarding me with accusations that I was a mean unnie, since I didn't even report to her about Tae Min. She kept telling that it was so unfair since she even argued, that she help me get Tae Min's number. "And now here I am, surprised to see lover boy opening the door and cooking in the kitchen, what unnie? Because now you're the field of bliss you've forgotten the peolple around you?!!" She argued. 

For at least two hours, I tried to calm her down, explaining about the drunk state I was nights ago, and that him and me only mended our relationship last night. Also trying to sweet talk through her anger using the purse she badly wants from me, she eventually forgave me and asked me all the details about last night. Even thought I was feeling embarrassed, I know I owed her this much, and probably so that she can forgive me immediately, I told her all about last night. The whole time, she was blushing, and giggling at the right time. "I'm glad you're both okay now." She said. 

I nodded, "Me too." 

After that we went out and walked towards the kitchen, and there, the table was already set, with dishes that the boys both cooked. When they both felt our presence, Tae Min immediately went to my side. "From the sound of Hara's voice earlier, I thought you died already." 

Hara glared at her, and punched him on the chest, "YOU?! How could you to that? Leave us without even a word?!!" 

"Aigoo.." He said, and hugged her, "Can't you just say that you missed me this past few months?" He laughed. "Does violence through your veins?"

"YAH!" Both Hara and me said in chorus. 


We all laughed, Tae Min saluted, "Yes boss, I won't do it again!" Sticking out his tongue. 

"Okay, Hara, stop already, let's eat okay?" Seung Hyun butted in, trying to calm down his girlfriend. 

After that, we settled in out seats enjoying our lively dinner. We exchanged stories about the last few months. Tae Min talked about Busan, while Hara and Seung Hyun talked about school, and I told them stories about New York. In the middle of it all, I felt a little emotional, thinking how happy we all are right now, I hope it stays like this forever. 



Forgive me for the long update. 

And no, nothing "NAUGHTY" happened between Tae Min and YoonA ;))

Hope you enjoyed! :)

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Chapter 53: You updated!!!!! Woaaah so happy yet so sad D: jebaaal let yoontaem married and hope there's miracle so taemin not die:(
Chapter 52: Update soon pleasee~ I'm waiting every day:( and pleasee make it happy ending:) i don't want taemin die:'
Chapter 1: ....update soon please....
new reader here, I really love your story update soon please pleasee pleasee!!:)
Chapter 52: When are you going to update author-nim? Its almost a year. :O
me too, I'm like waiting for nothing...tell us if you're still going to update...
TaemYoon #8
When will you update?
I'm waiting everyday!
Please please please!
New reader here! :) Please update soon and please dont kill taeminnie :'(