Sheer of Hope

What If?

As I sat there in silence, thinking of how in the world can I ever find Tae Min, Seung Hyun explained to Hara about Tae Min's sickness. I was listening to him too, but Hara was the only was reacting to his stories. 

"Leukemia. It''s what he has. That's why he easily gets tired and such. He has low oxygen supply and his immune system is damaged. He had his first attack in middle school. He didn't come for months, instead he was being home-schooled inside the hospital and even when got discharged. He days were already numbered, and I admired how he just take on life like he was like any other normal kid. He didn't want to tell anyone, since he didn't want to be pitied. He kept saying that he was ready, but I know deep inside him, something was missing. That's when he saw YoonA, and the rest is history." He explained. 

But unlike me, Hara didn't even seem to break a tear, thought her expression looked so sad, she kept her emotions in check. Looking so calm and sound upon hearing the matter, "So how can we even find him?" 

Seung Hyun scratched his head, looking annoyed, "I already said I don't know. He never tells his whereabouts. The only thing he ever speaks of are his problems, his frequent visit to the hospital-"

"Visit to the hospital?" I asked. Something clicked inside my head. The information he had given was somewhat fairly useful 

He nodded, "Last week, he called, telling me his recent visit to the hospital because of some test." 

I nodded, and immediately fished out my phone. I pressed some digits, and waited for that person to answer. Every ring made me agitated, then he picked up on the fifth ring. 

"Hello? YoonA?"

"Ne, are you free tomorrow?"

"Ne ne, why?"

"Okay, I'll stop by your office tomorrow."


"Ne, see you." I said, hanging up. 

"Who did you speak to?" Hara asked. 

"Tacyeon." In that moment I felt a feeling of hope, wavering inside me. 


The next day, I woke up so late, that I immediately just took a quick shower skipping lunch and hurriedly went to Taecyeon's office. I used one of the many cars that we own, which I took last night. It wasn't smart to be drive around by our family's driver, since I know my mother would just meddle with my private businesses. When I went inside the building, I fervently gave a silent prayer that Taecyeon should still be in. Thankfully the receptionist gave my prayers a good answer. 

Taecyeon's office was on the topmost floor, so it gave me a lot of time to at least formulate any speech that might sound okay for the favor I was about to ask. But having the thought of asking this big favor to him would be very awkward. When I left New York, I didn't just turn my back on my parents, Taecyeon was also hurted. And to hear from me just now, after a months of silence, and asking me a favor about Tae Min would just be a big slap on his face. 

When the elevator door opened, I turned left and was greeted by his secretary. I smiled back at her and she told me just to go in. I knocked on his door twice, and when I the knob, I saw him talking over the phone, his back facing me. I waited there, standing for a few seconds, before he eventually noticed me. He looked surprise and hung up the phone. 

"Take a sit YoonA." 

I settled on the big white couch across his desk, while he sat beside me. A few moments later his secretary came in holding a tray with two cups of coffee. 

"You should haven't done that. It seemed important." I said, sounding apologetic. 

He shook his head. "It's one of my old friends, he's asking me out later tonight."

"Let me guess, you said no?" 

"I can't anyways, I have to work later tonight. I've been given so much work lately that I haven't even given some time to play." He pouted childishly. I laughed, this was the Taecyeon I grew up with. The baby-faced hottie that swoon girls over with just one smile. Believe it or not, I had a crush on him before, but my feelings disappeared, not knowing how or why. Even if we were already arranged to get married, my feelings for him just remained nothing but for a sibling. 

"You're a third generation chaebol anyways, what do you expect? Of course this is part of the training, since someday you're going to inherit this company." I said, patting his shoulder, "Hwaiting! And next time when you're free, we'll go play ne?" 

"Really? It's a date then" He winked, "Anyways, what made you come here today?" 

"Oh that.." I said rigidly. I played with my phone, starting to feel nervous. I don't know how to start. 

"You looked uneasy, why? Judging from your voice yesterday it seemed very important? What is is anyways?" He asked, and took a drink from the coffee in front of us. 

"It's actually a favor." I started.

"Name it, I'll do it." He said enthusiastically. 

"Help me.."

"Help you what?" 

"Find Tae Min." I said, and I heard his sudden intake of breath. I didn't want to continue, but a little voice in my head said I needed to explain more, hoping that maybe if he'll hear me out, he'll help me eventually. "I know I'm thicked-face and I look like a woman with no shame nor dignity.. but please Taecyeon help me." I said, begging. 

He didn't answer. He placed the cup on the table and dropped his gaze, looking at the ground. We sat there for I don't know how long, in silence. I waited for him, hoped for his answer to say yes, but when my heart already felt like I was rejected I decided to leave.

"It seems like it's a no then? I'll just leave. Sorry for disturbing you." I was about to stand up but he pulled me down, closer to his side. He cupped my face with his hands and looked at me. He eyes full of fire. "Why?" He said in between his teeth, "Why are you still searching for him? Are you seriously that in love with him?! DO YOU REALLY LOVE HIM THAT MUCH THAT YOU WERE WILLING TO THROW EVERYTHING?!!! YOU'RE A FOOL YOONA!!!" He yelled at me. 

I started to cry, tears falling on my cheeks. My whole body was shaking because I was a bit hurt by what he said. But I held his hands. "Yes, I am a fool. I love him Taecyeon.. I'm willing to do anything just.. just for me to have him again." I said with my voice trembling. 

He let go of my face, then stood up, went towards the big glass wall. 

"Taecyeon, please.. help me with this." I begged, ready to bend on my knees. "This is probably the last time I'm ever going to see him.. he's dying Taecyeon."

He still didn't answer. 

"I'll marry you. If you help me with this I'll marry you." I said, using the only card I had in my pocket. 

"Are you sure with that?" He asked. 

I nodded. 

"Leave then, I'll call you when I get some update." He said, going to his desk, looking at his paperworks. 

I bowed. "Thank you Taecyeon." 

I left his office, feeling a more hopeful than ever before. 

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Chapter 53: You updated!!!!! Woaaah so happy yet so sad D: jebaaal let yoontaem married and hope there's miracle so taemin not die:(
Chapter 52: Update soon pleasee~ I'm waiting every day:( and pleasee make it happy ending:) i don't want taemin die:'
Chapter 1: ....update soon please....
new reader here, I really love your story update soon please pleasee pleasee!!:)
Chapter 52: When are you going to update author-nim? Its almost a year. :O
me too, I'm like waiting for nothing...tell us if you're still going to update...
TaemYoon #8
When will you update?
I'm waiting everyday!
Please please please!
New reader here! :) Please update soon and please dont kill taeminnie :'(