No Backing Out

What If?

That day I woke up and my mind was dazed and slow. I tried to squeezed my eyes shut, thinking that it might soothe that tired feeling I had in my eyes. I looked at my window, my curtains drawn, behind that, the sun was already setting. What time did I even get home last night?

I tried sitting up, but the heavy feeling inside my head stop me from doing so. I pressed my temples, then I felt my stomach churning. I put my other hand on my stomach, so this is the consequences of my recklessness, I grunted. When I tried to sit up ever so slowly, my stomach made a point that it was a bad idea. I covered my mouth with my hand, trying to suppressed the evidence from last night from coming out. I hastily ran towards the bathroom. 

After flushing the toilet, I decided to wash my face on the sink. I stared at my reflection. "What even happened last night?" I asked myself as I was wiping my face. I took the towel with me, and sat at the chair facing my bed. 

How did I even got home? I recall the events that happened last night, and all I can remember was a fuzzy memory of me drinking, getting dizzy and maybe passing out. Though, at some point, I do remember the feeling of someone carrying me. I thought hard and long, I can't ask Mrs. Han since she wasn't here last night. Until something clicked inside, I think I already know who.. I told myself. 

I immediately rummaged around my bag, feeling for my phone. I found it and pressed the speed dial. 


"Ne.. um hey!.. um about last night.." I paused, I didn't know how to start. 

"Last night? What about it?" He asked curiously, "Did something happened that I didn't know about?"

"Nothing, where were you last night?" 

"Went out with some friends why?" 

His answer distressed me. Even when we were young, Taecyeon was like Superman in my eyes. He was like the guy with the invisible cape who always comes and save me when I got into trouble. So having him as my only candidate, it came as a shock to me to find out that it wasn't him who took me home. But then who?

"Hello? YoonA you there?" He asked sounding worried. 

"Ne ne. I was thinking of something else. Sorry." I said, reassuring him. 

"Are you okay?" 

"Ne. Um.. I have to go." 

"Okay, call me when you still up for the drinks you promised." 

"Sure.. and Taecyeon, thanks. About Tae Min." 

"Sure." Then he hung up one me. 

I pulled my knees closer to my chest. I plopped my chin on my knees. I thought hard, and I was sure getting obsessed over something so small like this. I didn't know why but I wanted to know. "Only one person knows the answer.." I swiftly jumped off my seat and rushed to the bathroom. 

At half past eight, I went outside my building. I retraced my steps, as I was looking for the soju tent. Since I didn't go that far, I immediately found the tent. At first, I wavered where I stood.

Why was I even so obsessed about this stranger?, I sighed.

I was here anyways, might as well find out who he is, I convinced myself. 

When I walked towards the tent, the ahjumma quickly recognized who I was. I bowed respectively. She excused herself and came to me. I smiled at her. 

"Came for another drink miss?" She teased. 

I shook my head, "I think you already know how alcohol affects me.. anyways forgive me for last night ahjumma." I said, apologizing. 

"Aigoo, don't worry about that. It happens." She smiled gently, "It was a good thing Minnie was around."

"Minnie?" I asked, the name sounding so familiar. 

"Oh, ne, Tae Min. He was this good kid who used to work for me." She explained. 

I froze, even without me asking what was his full name I already felt that she was talking about Tae Min. It was Tae Min. He was the one who carried me home. He was the.. Even without thinking about it further I asked the ahjumma for his home. She gave me directions and after a minute of 'thank you's' and 'goodbyes' I left quickly. 

Thankfully his home wasn't far by. As I was at the lobby, I took a deep breath. He lived on the third floor of the building. The ahjumma even gave me his apartment number. As I slowly took the steps going to his apartment, I tried to think of the things I was going to say to him. This time no more hesitation, fate gave me too many chances already to talk to him, and I wasted all of them. Thinking that this was my last one, I tried to take in more courage and formed my hand into little fist and knocked on his door twice. 

"Coming!" Said his familiar voice. My heart racing like a stallion. This is it YoonA, no more backing out.

He opened the door. "Noona!" He said, with his eyes popping out and his jaw slightly dropping. 

"Hello again." I greeted him with much confidence. 

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Chapter 53: You updated!!!!! Woaaah so happy yet so sad D: jebaaal let yoontaem married and hope there's miracle so taemin not die:(
Chapter 52: Update soon pleasee~ I'm waiting every day:( and pleasee make it happy ending:) i don't want taemin die:'
Chapter 1: ....update soon please....
new reader here, I really love your story update soon please pleasee pleasee!!:)
Chapter 52: When are you going to update author-nim? Its almost a year. :O
me too, I'm like waiting for nothing...tell us if you're still going to update...
TaemYoon #8
When will you update?
I'm waiting everyday!
Please please please!
New reader here! :) Please update soon and please dont kill taeminnie :'(