
What If?

Starting from this chapter I'm going to right from YoonA's POV~

Enjoy reading! 

Thank you :)))


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"We will be landing in a few minutes," said the stewardess in a cool voice. I looked outside my window, and I saw the familiar skies of Seoul. 

It's been a while, I left months ago, and this was my first time to come home. The sky was absolutely clear blue, and the sun was glaring down the busy streets. It seems like the weather is giving me a lovely homecoming, must be at least sign of good omen, I said to myself. 

When the plane landed, I grabbed my bag and put my sunglasses on. I immediately took my luggages, and wheeled them towards the gate. Then I saw a guy in a suit, holding a card with my name on it. I moved towards him, pulling my luggages behind. When I was by his side, I told him I was the one he was looking for, he bowed, "Good morning miss."

I nodded, and he took my pack from my hand, and I quietly settled in. I searched my bag for my phone, and pressed 3. 

"I'm home mother." I said callously. 

"Oh, did you have a good flight darling?" She asked, trying to sound warm, if I was still my naive self I wouldn't been a little sweeter, but I already know that she was actually faking it. 

"Ne, I'll see you at the party." I said, unaffected by her act. 

"Okay, the dress is already at your apartment." She instructed.

I didn't answer back, and just hung up on her. I sighed, months my have passed, but I still can't stomach in what they did before. There are still my parents, but, deep inside, I still hold a grudge against them. I sighed, and decided to pushed the window wide open. I took my sunglasses off, and breathe in the familiar atmosphere of the place. The tall glass buildings, the temperate environment, and the busy people walking around the street, going to God knows where. All of these I miss. New York may have been closely similar, but being in Seoul just gives me a different feeling. 

When the car pulled at the side of the curb, my train of thought snapped me back to reality. 

"Miss we're already here." The driver said politely. 

I nodded and waited for the car door to be opened. When I went inside the doorman greeted him. I smiled back, he's still the same, I thought, then I scanned the lobby, it's still the same, nothing even changed.

I turned left and went inside the elevator then pressed 8. As I waited for it to reach my floor, I scanned my phone for people who I want to be with during my stay here, my thumb reflexively stopped when I saw the familiar name. How long has it been since I've last heard from you?

When the elevator door opened, I walked towards my door. I looked through my bag, searching for my keys. When the door opened, the room was still unchaged, it still look liked the way it was before I left. I pulled my bags in and settled them on the living room. I searched the house, searching for Mrs. Han, until I realized that she was gone, I guessed mom may have took her back in the mansion. 

I settled my bags inside my room, and changed into my white shorts and brown tank top, then I pulled my pale pink oversized cardigan inside my bag to keep me warm. I went to the kitchen, and was quite surprised when I saw food inside the fridge, I guessed my mother asked someone to keep this place clean and put food in the fridge. I took a teacup from one of the overhead cabinet and made myself some sweet tea. I walked outside the balcony and placed the cup on the coffee table, while I settled myself on the bench. I pulled my knees closer to my chest and crossed my arms, dropping my chin on my arms. 

"I'm home, finally." I said quietly. 

As I quietly submit myself in watching the view from my balcony, my thoughts unconsciously shifted to the person I was thinking on the elevator.. Tae Min. 

How long has it been since I last saw his face? How long has it been since I last heard his voice? How lone has it been since I last felt his warm embrace? His soft kissed? His sweet words? ... Too long I think. Months have passed already and still hurts. Just by thinking of him, my chest automatically becomes heavy and the wetness of my eyes clouds my vision immediately. When vacation started I never even saw him, the new year came without a sight of him. 

I gulped, but what right to I have to be angry at him? I was the one at fault anyways. I was the one who hurted him. I was the one who lied to him, I was the worst.. and it was just right for him to leave me. So I fleed to New York, thinking that maybe I will forget about him, but I was wrong. No matter how I danced for hours, and days, I still thought of him, and it even gets worse when I have so much time in my hand, leaving me with nothing but thoughts of him. Even when I was in New York, there wasn't a day that would pass that I forget to call people hear in Korea, hoping that maybe they have news of him. Sadly, none of them haven't seen him, not even a shadow.

I wanna see him..

I wanna see him so bad...

I miss him so much... 

My tears started to fall again, and this time, I was willing to cry my eyes out. There was no one around, just now I wanted to let my feelings out. 

"Miss YoonA."

Surprised by the voice, I looked up and I saw Mrs. Han. I quickly wiped my face, and rushed towards her. I gave her a big hug, "I've missed you and your cooking." I giggled. 

She rubbed my back, "You're crying again, what happened miss?"

I looked at her, and shook my head, "Nothing's wrong." 

She looked at me unconvinced, but she didn't press for anymore, "You need to get ready miss."

"Ne ne." I nodded, and went to my room, she quietly followed from behind. I opened my closet, and there was a beige garment bag hanging at my door. I opened it, and there came out a beautiful form-fitting dress. 


"Okay, mom still has great taste, I guess her sense of style never changes." I commented, trying to have small talk with her, but she merely smiled and urge to take a bath. 

As I took a quick hot shower, I went to my vanity mirror, and started drying my hair. Mrs. Han, was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at bit uneasy. I asked what's wrong, but she quickly dodge the questin by asking how was New York.

"It was okay. My class was fun, some were okay, the others were a bit boring, but overall it was all great. The city was okay too, especially at night." 

"That's great miss." She said briefly, and started looking uneasy again. She looked like she was preoccupied at something. 

"You know you can tell me whatever is bothering you." I said, while I was combing my hair. 

"Miss.. it's about, the boy.."

"What boy?" I looked at her anxiously. "Tae Min?"

She nodded, and I looked at her immediately. "What about him? Do you have news about him?" I asked, since she was one of the people I call often asking for him. 

"He.. he came that night-"

"When?!" I cut her, not purposely sounding too impolite. 

"It was snowing that night.. and you were asleep. He briefly went inside.. then..-"

"Then what Mrs. Han?" I sat beside her, slightly irritated by her slowness. 

"When I came back.. and he was hovering on the bookshelf, he was holding something.. a letter... I think." She said.

He came here? He came last vacation. He was here that night. That night when I was dreaming of him. He came. Then I quickly rushed to the bookshelf. Dragging my bathrobe, hoping I could find whatever it was he was holding.


I'm going to cut the chapter here.

Thank you for reading :)))

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Chapter 53: You updated!!!!! Woaaah so happy yet so sad D: jebaaal let yoontaem married and hope there's miracle so taemin not die:(
Chapter 52: Update soon pleasee~ I'm waiting every day:( and pleasee make it happy ending:) i don't want taemin die:'
Chapter 1: ....update soon please....
new reader here, I really love your story update soon please pleasee pleasee!!:)
Chapter 52: When are you going to update author-nim? Its almost a year. :O
me too, I'm like waiting for nothing...tell us if you're still going to update...
TaemYoon #8
When will you update?
I'm waiting everyday!
Please please please!
New reader here! :) Please update soon and please dont kill taeminnie :'(