My World Crumbled

What If?

The next day, I woke up, and it was already 10 in the morning. I looked at my phone, and there was a message from YoonA. I opened it and read: 

Good morning darling. I just landed.

Hmm.. as soon as I got out of the plane, all I wanted was to go home into your arms.

I miss you darling.

I'll see you soon. I love you.

I smiled at her message, I even felt flustered. I punched her digits and waited for her to answer. After five rings, and she still haven't picked up, I was directed to her voicemail. 

Good morning noona. I figured you'd still be in bed, but then I pushed my luck. 


You're message was sweet darling.. I miss you too.

I can't wait to see you.

I love you.

My day started by helping out my mom in the kitchen. When I entered, she was already prepping the things she's be needing. She was already finished chopping the peppers when she saw me entered.

"Good morning mom." I said. She smiled back, and went to fetched me breakfast. When she came back, she was holding a plate of eggs and toast and a glass of milk. "Thanks umma." I said, and devoured the food she's given. After eating, I cleaned the dishes, and went over to the kitchen and helped her. She gave me the things I needed to do, first of the list was to do the grocery shopping. After getting the shopping list, I bid her goodbye and went to the bus stop. 

Shopping wasn't really a problem for me. When I was small, my mom would always, want me to tag along with her, everytime she goes shopping. So by this time, I would already know, what things to buy, where to find it, and how to choose the better kind. 

After shopping, I went home, and found my mom already serving lunch. I dropped the groceries, and went to the table. My appa and noona were already eating their food. I sat down and joined them. After eating, I did the dishes, and my mom continued cooking the food. When the set the plates aside, I went back helping my mom. 

At about half past four, we finished cooking. My mom told me to go and washed up and changed, while she packed. 


I hurriedly took a bath and changed into the uniform my mom gave me. We hopped in the truck and drove away. We didn't speak much along the way. I think we were just both too tired, because of what we did the whole day, and were trying to conserved whatever energy we have left for later. As we were getting near to the said destination, I watched out from my window. Then I suddenly realized that we were already in a subdivision, full of huge houses. In every corner you'd see a 3-4 storey house, that occupies about hectares of land. I was awed. 

Then the truck stop. I looked up, and saw a huge house. Even from afar, I know it was already amazing, it was one of those houses, that my sister completely drool over for. It was moder-looking house with two storeys. It was mostly covered with glass. Then the gates opened, and I saw a wide garden, a driveway and the path lit up. 

We entered the house through the back door, and I even caught a glimpsed of their pool. As we were setting up, I asked my mom about the event.

"They're house is amazing." I said excitedly. "Who's throwing this party anyways?"

"Your sister's boss. It's their firm's 75th anniversary." 

"OMO! So that's why they asked you. What's their boss' name?"

"It was.. Mr. Im.. I don't know. I forgot." Then she looked at me sternly. "Don't talk to me. I'm your boss today, and you're being paid."

I chuckled. "Ne umma."

After taking out all the plates and glasses, someone called us out. 

"Tae Min, you go out to the table, I need to stay here and supervised the kitchen." I nodded, and left her. 

The garden, was of course like every part of the house, amazing. The garden was lit up by lanterns, and so was the pool. They were some high tables scattered in every corner. As the clock strike 7, guests started to arrived. The women were all glitz and glam, in their sparkly gowns, faux fur and jewels, while the men were in their crisp suit, gold/silver watches, and their arms hooked on their ladies. 

I even got a glimpsed of my noona. She was in a simple salmon-colored cocktail dress. Her hair was up, and she only had a pearl choker on. She saw me smiled, and mouthed "Fighting" with all the hand movement. I chuckled. 

In a while, a man, followed by two other women, was holding a mic, and went into the center. I think the guests have all arrived since he was already starting.

"Esteemed guests, fellow collegues, friends, ladies and gentlemen. Good evening. Tonight, we celebrate, the firm's 75th anniversary. It's been 75 years, and 3 generations had past since the firm was established. Of course, you already know the history behind that, so no more gibberish. Please, enjoy some food and drinks and thank you for coming." 

The people clapped and hovered towards them to shake his hand. As I was serving the guests, I looked at the man, and he was oddly familiar. I looked at the women beside her. And I was surprised. It was YoonA. Beside her was her mother, then something clicked inside me.. the man was her father. 

"Good evening Tae Min." I looked at the side, and it was Hara. 

I didn't answer.

"I think I'm in for a good show." She smirked, and took a glass of wine. 

When I searched for YoonA's face again, surprisingly she was already looking at me. I smiled at her, but she didn't look too happy. She tilted her head, telling me to meet her somewhere. When she walked, I followed her. She halted near the kitchen. 

I touched her arm, but she pulled it back. I was hurt.

"What are you doing here?" She said irritated.

"I told you, I had to work for my mom." I explained. "What's wrong did I do something wrong?" I said worried, putting my palm on her cheeks. "Sorry." 

"Leave Tae Min." She said, angry. She pulled my hand away from her face.

"Why are you acting like this?" I said angry by the way she was acting. "Am I embarrassing you?" 

"Embarrassment?" She said a bit confused. Then she looked at me, with a cold stare. "You are. So leave. NOW." She said, then she left me there.

I honestly wanted to cry right there and then. I didn't know that that's how she thought of me. For a while I thought maybe I did something wrong unconsciously, that's why she said that. I composed myself a bit, and told myself that I'll apologize to her tomorrow. When I went back, she was in the middle, with Taecyeon holding the small of her back.

"...and I'm also happy to announced the engagement of my daughter, YoonA, to her boyfriend, Ok Taecyeon." Her father said cheerfully. Taecyeon placed his lips on her forehead. 


I froze.. my whole world crumbled. 

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Chapter 53: You updated!!!!! Woaaah so happy yet so sad D: jebaaal let yoontaem married and hope there's miracle so taemin not die:(
Chapter 52: Update soon pleasee~ I'm waiting every day:( and pleasee make it happy ending:) i don't want taemin die:'
Chapter 1: ....update soon please....
new reader here, I really love your story update soon please pleasee pleasee!!:)
Chapter 52: When are you going to update author-nim? Its almost a year. :O
me too, I'm like waiting for nothing...tell us if you're still going to update...
TaemYoon #8
When will you update?
I'm waiting everyday!
Please please please!
New reader here! :) Please update soon and please dont kill taeminnie :'(