Stand by Me

What If?


Her head rested on my shoulder. Her warm hand, intertwined with mine. Her eyes were closed and her face looked peaceful. I looked outside, and the clouds covered the whole horizon. I felt a little excited with the whole experience, it was my first airplane ride, and I had to do it with YoonA.

Summer vacation was a breeze. Most often I spent my days with YoonA, though sometimes, Seung Hyun came over to our house, or Hara would text me to hang out with her in Hongdae. But what really made my summer vacation real special was, having spent my last week with YoonA, alone. For our last week of freedom, we both decided to go to a famous resort to at least end our vacation memorably. When she proposed the plan, I was hesistating at first, because I know my parents are hard to convinced, but seeing how she begged for me to come, telling that after that week, she'd be going for the tour, that was a given as a prize for her. Of course after that was pointed out, I was determined to go. I literally begged, on bended kness, for my parents to allow me to go. My appa hurriedly said yes when I told them, but my umma was the one who was hard to convince, but in the end after a lot of "please" and promises, and telling her I'd call everyday after we land and before coming home, she eventually said yes. 

The resort we were going to is a famous one. It is owned by one of the acquintances of Yoona's father. She said that a lot of celebrities had already been there. But I wasn't much interested in that, what I was happiest the most was, spending a lot of time with YoonA.

When the plane was about to land, I decided to wake her up. When I was about to, she stirred. I kissed her forehead and told her, "We're here noona." She gently opened her eyes, and looked at me. She smiled at me softly.

"Had a great sleep?" 

"Ne, your shoulder's the most comfotable." She said sweetly.

I blushed a little, but I looked down to hide it. "I'm glad then." 

When the plane landed, and we immediately took our bags. After passing on security, we went outside. There was a guy standing beside a car, holding a card with YoonA's name on it.

"I think someone came to pick us up." I told her, while pointing at the guy.

We talked towards him and told him that we were the ones he was looking for. He greeted us, and opened the car door for us. We got in and he started driving. During the ride, I asked YoonA if she had difficulties asking permission from her parents. She kept saying no, but her face didn't look alright at all. So instead of pressing for answers, I just stopped asking her. I was still worried for us, 'cause of her mother and Hara. But for a while, I tried blocking that since we were on vacation, and I didn't want to ruin this rare chance. 

When we got there, it immediately registered on my mind why it was famous. The resort was Bali-themed. The buildings were all eastern looking with all their roofs made out of straws. The ornaments clearly looked very traditional. A smiling bellboy came to us, and took two of our luggages. "Welcome. I'm Changmin, and I will lead you to your casa." We greeted back, and followed him. He took us to one of the small houses found on the farther left. He took the key out, and opened the door. He took our lugagges in and we followed him inside. 

"Thank you for coming to our resort, I hope you'll have a great stay here." He said with all smiles. We smiled back and YoonA gave him a tip. When he left, I took YoonA's hand, and eagerly explored the house. Apparently, the casa had, two bedrooms, a small pool, a jacuzzi, and a small kitchen and dining area. We planned to look around the resort, so she took her pack and went upstair's bedroom, while I took the one that was near the pool. I put my pack on my bed, and immediately changed into my khaki shorts, my loose white shirt, my black slippers and my straw hat. After fixing myself, I went to the stairs, and waited for YoonA. I heard her door opened, so I looked up. She was wearing a white printed dress, her strappy wedge and her boaters hat. 


"Ready to have some fun?" She asked excitedly.

I nooded, and took her arm. I opened the door and went walking towards the resort. Throughout our walk, we discovered the resort having two big pools, a garden and pond at the back, and their cottages were on water, with roofs also made our of straws and small bridges which connects the cottages. We had a lot of fun walking around. After hours of walking, we eventually sat on the benches found on their garden. The garden was very green, like it was supposed to be a part of the wilderness and not expectedly found on the resort. It was very refereshing to look at.


I placed her hand on mine. "Having fun?" I asked. 

She nodded. "This feels very nice. Out here, just being with you, no curfews, no going home." She smiled back at me. "I'm just glad I'm here wth you." 

"Me too noona." I said. I held her hand tighter. 


It felt really nice, just like what she had, out here, we're free. No curfews, no going home, no one here knows about us, about our age, about our status. It was really nice being here with her. I kinda wish we could stay here a little longer. She was reading one of the pamphlets the receptionist gave us.

"It says here, there's going to be a band later, which will play during dinner, do you wanna go?" 

"Of course." I said.

"Okay." She grinned.

"Then we should go back to rest a little, and have time to changed."

She agreed, and we went back, with my hand still holding hers. This was special for me too, since we never had the freedom to hold hands when we go out. When we got back, I kissed her cheek and told her, "Sweet dreams." She took my hand, and placed it on her face. Then she kissed my palm and said the same thing. I felt my heart race. It was always like that, when things become unexpectedly turn sweet I felt my heart speed up and my face start to flushed. When I got into my room, I quickly set my alarm and tried getting some sleep. It was sweet and short, as I want to describe it, since I ended up seeing YoonA in my dreams. 

When my alarm sounded, I immediately turned it off, and looked at the clock. I still had two hours before going to dinner. So I took the opportunity to have a long bath. I meticulously scrubbed every part of my body, I even let the shampoo sit in for a while on my hair. And I must say that was the longest bath I'd ever done in my entire 17 years of existence. I immediately went to my pack, and took out my blow dryer. After that, I rummaged into my bag, and quite completely glad that umma advised me to take clothes that may be at use when we go to formal occasions. It may not be close to a suit, but I had my light blue shirt, my cream blazer, matched with my jeans and my shoes. I looked at the mirror and felt contented. I looked at the time, and I had 15 minutes left to spare. So I waited for YoonA downstairs. After a while she came down, she was wearing a white lace dress and heels, her hair flowed on her front.

"Do I look okay?" She asked anxiously.

"Always." I said, assuring her, she always had look beautiful, and never had I set my eyes away from her. 

I held out my hand, and she took it. We walked to the restaurant found inside the main building. It was very modern compared to their theme. We took our seats near the band. They were playing some soft tunes. Then the waiter came, handing out the menu. I looked at it, and I honestly didn't know what they were supposed to be, I was looking at them, not understanding a thing about it. When YoonA asked what I wanted, I didn't answer. I was too nervous, to even tell her about that. "He'll just have what I ordered." She said, looking at me. The waiter nodded and left us. 

"Sorry." I said.

"I know, it's weird. The restaurant specialized in Italian cuisines, and the food are something you haven't encountered yet. Don't worry I ordered pasta for us." She said beaming.

I smiled back. She was understanding as always. She never got embarrassed when she's out with me, frankly I was even more freaked out when she said she wanted to date me. Every time we go out, I always worry about what other people thought about us, but she remained unmoved by all the whispers and stairs. She was definitely my strong YoonA. 

When the waiter came with our orders, I started eating. It was surprisingly good. For a weird-named Italian cuisind, it looked unbelievably normal. I also took one of the garlic breads. 

"This is definitely good." I said to her. 

She nodded, "I'm glad you liked it." During the dinner, the I asked her about the tour she's going to have, and places she'll visit. She answered all of them eagerly and conscised. She looked pretty excited, but in between I felt a little sad, since, I couldn't see her for a month. But I didn't have the guts to tell, thinking that she may be sad for hearing these things. God! I was starting to be a martyr. I also told her about my parents comments about her. She worried at first, but I assured her they had no bad comments about her. 

Then the vocalist asked for my name, I stood up. "What's happening?" YoonA asked nervously.

"I kinda prepared something for you." I winked at her, and went to the stage. The band already knows what to do, so when the music started playing, I tried to remember where to start. When it was my cue to sing, I held on the mic tigther, "Stand by me, nal parabwajwo..." I started singing one of those love songs I here, but it was actually a pretty sweet song. It was about a guy, telling his lover to stay with him forever. He was promising that he'll lover her forever, that he'll always make her smile. During the whole song, the crowd were smiling, and clapping there hands together with the beat. But in my eyes, I only look at YoonA, like them, she was also clapping her hands, but she was smiling happily and tears even started to flow from her eyes. She wiped her eyes, everytime she started to tear up. I was glad though, I was keeping one of my promises, making her cry tears of happiness. When the song ended, I bowed while the crowd clapped loudly. I gave YoonA a white rose that the band gave me. 


"Did you like it?" I asked keenly.

She nodded, though she was still sniffing, she was giving me one of her biggest smile. My heart was about to explode from all of these. 

When it was about to grow darker, the band played some softer tunes. A lot of couples were also going to the dance floor having their slow dances. I looked at YoonA and gave her my hand, "Care to have a dance my princess?" I asked.

She took my hand, and nodded. "Of course my darling prince." She giggled. 

My hands were placed on her waist while hers she clinged on my neck. Were weren't exactly dancing but just dancing in squares hardly moving from our place. 

"Thank you." She said. "This vacation was the best one yet, and it was all because of you."

"And thank you, for everything.. and.. I meant everything I sang. I will always be here for you, always my darling YoonA." I said, and gently placed my lips on hers softly. We hugged each other tighter. Our feelings reaching each others heart. 

My love for her, knows no boundaries, I didn't know when, how, or why I fell deeply for her, but in the end I'm still happy about what I have for her. Now all I want is her, all I want is my YoonA. Always and forever. 


The song that Tae Min sang, is one of SHINee's tunes. It is Stand By Me (, which they made for BOYS OVER FLOWERS OST :))


Sorry for the long update, but I hope you'd enjoy reading it. 

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Chapter 53: You updated!!!!! Woaaah so happy yet so sad D: jebaaal let yoontaem married and hope there's miracle so taemin not die:(
Chapter 52: Update soon pleasee~ I'm waiting every day:( and pleasee make it happy ending:) i don't want taemin die:'
Chapter 1: ....update soon please....
new reader here, I really love your story update soon please pleasee pleasee!!:)
Chapter 52: When are you going to update author-nim? Its almost a year. :O
me too, I'm like waiting for nothing...tell us if you're still going to update...
TaemYoon #8
When will you update?
I'm waiting everyday!
Please please please!
New reader here! :) Please update soon and please dont kill taeminnie :'(