[Graphics] Color Schemes

SECRET Tutorials


"Art without color would lose much of its purpose." — Andrew Loomis (idk who this guy is but yay colors)

1) color schemes make stuff look better and neater.
2) makes you look less noob (this is a reason for every lesson)
3) if done well, you can control harmony, emphasis, unity, balance with just colors.


Hello, all! Jenday is back with another lesson (finally) and today we're going to talk about color schemes. 

This here is a color wheel: 



I'm assuming you guys all know about the primary and secondary colors but just in case: 


Every other color is tertiary, or intermediate colors.

So the first color scheme I'll talk about is very basic, and commonly used in graphics. It's the analogous color scheme, or simply colors beside the main color on a wheel. Here's what I mean; if you're using blue as your base color, you should use the colors beside it as well. 



If you want to go lighter and use yellow-green as your base, you also use the colors beside it (respectively, yellow and green):



Analogous also appear often in certain themes, like seasons!



Here's another scheme we should know: monochrome. This color scheme only allows for one color, but in different tones. So you can use one color and add black or white to make it look darker or lighter respectively. Here's a monochromatic red and blue scheme:


(Tip: mono means 'one'!)

Similar to the monochromatic scheme is the achromatic scheme, which is essentially black and white values:



The last one is a complementary color scheme. This is basically the use of colors opposite to each other on the wheel. So if we're going back to blue, it's direct opposite would be orange: 


The opposite colors clash each other and create a visually interesting effect, and isn't really common in graphics:


So now that you know, here are some of our posters with varying color schemes; can you point out which one's which?

C0STx4w.jpg fKXGMqS.jpg tumblr_n2lkocQ1u41r2xjzzo1_500.jpg Miracles_zpsc785c6f1.png

(Tip: black is magical and can look good with any color!)

Students! Your first task is to indulge in my teachings and create a small graphic, nothing too fancy, using one of the color shemes above! Send them in through the comments and have fun! :D 

Jenday out~ 



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Chapter 6: OH MY LORD you actually used VIXX and INFINITE instrumentals in the video <3 <3
Chapter 13: Can I send in the homework as well? :3
(I actually blended, but since I usually use renders instead of blending, I guess the task should be reversed for me :P)
applying as student! ^^
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Chapter 5: Hi, I'm a new subscriber here lmao and I'd like to ask for an advice: I just came back from a looong hiatus and got back to rewriting my fic. I have known that my title "Rain" is so overused and I had really wanted to change it. However, I fear somehow that maybe my old subs wouldn't recognize my story or something? I had also, kind of, set the plot basing on the title already. Sooo question, do you think it's advisable to change story titles, especially when they were published long ago and when it's not even completed yet?
aleihs19 #6
I like learning and having fun... I found it both here. XD Thank you for all the useful tips and laughs. Keep up the good work!
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I want to be a student ^w^)/
I wanna become a student! ;D
Chapter 5: I've got a question. What about titles that combine two different languages? No, I don't mean putting Korean in the title.
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Do you have any advice for this?