The Council

The Unknown Academy

When i woke with shock, disbelief and fright, i looked around curiously and hastily to see if it was a nightmare or not. I calmed down when i noticed it was only my room.

What was that dream...? is it trying to tell or warm me about something?? whatever it was, i'm glad it was over.

As i closed my eyes ad sighed, i heard something flicker and my eyes flew open.

My room disappeared and changed into a school classroom where four sets of coloured eyes stared. Green eyes, Red eyes, Topaz eyes, and Sapphire eyes all stared. I gulped silently when the lights all flickered on and stared at me.

"Welcome to MY school. I am the Master of this Society and also the Student President. My name is Kyon and i shall introduce the team:

The Dark shady Female with the long cloak is Alish. She is the Vice President and also, The Female Councillor.

The Silent yet Tall Male, with the deep tan and Green eyes is Pakkun. He is My personal Errand boy and also the Treasurer.

Ans last, but not at all the least, The short, pale skinned brunette is Catta. She is the Student Council Secretary and my beloved." He said, without hesitation, He then raised his eyebrows and asked, "and who might you be?"

I stuttered, but managed to get the words out of my mouth, "M-my n-name is A-Abbey.. I-i'm n-no one special.."

I felt like a total idiot and to make matters worse, The secretary Catta, was laughing at me behind my back. Kyon looked at her amused and continued, "Ah, i see. Well, i would like to propose that i would like to have you in the Council, as the experimental dummy."

Pakkun stared at him with shock and protest, but was silenced when Alish hissed at him.

I sighed, but didn't want to object, i was too afaid that i would be killed by them. Especially as they don't seem to be human.

"i will accept that offer." I replied with confidence that i suddenly had.

"GREAT! Alish, Catta. Please give Abbey the tour of the school." Kyon cheered with happiness, before he murmured somethng too low for my ears, however the other three smiled, in agreement.

Catta gracefully skipped to my side, while Alish dragged me out the door. For some reasn it felt as if Alish didn't like me.

"Don't worry about Alish, shes just moody that the votes were against her being president." Catta said.

"Stay out of everyone's mind you stupid cat!" Alish hissed loudly. Catta must have hit a sore spot.

"Like you wouldn't agree." She grinned at me, cheerfully. I have to be careful about her.. she seems... Sadistic...

Alish eyed Catta, coldly, but continued on. I feel like i missed out on a conversation, because neither of them continued to talk.

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Miss_Catta23 #1
._. <[...]
I did not write the chapter...
Miss_Catta23 #2
hahaha i try i try!!<br />
Got a new computer so it wiped out my other chapters lol
up date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miss_Catta23 #4
... I didn't know my co-author put her little input onto the page ^^; <br />
sorrie!! Chapter 8 has started lol
TaylaLetired #5
you havent even done chapter 8, and did you see what tayla put on the story she added chapter 8 and said stuff plzzzzzzz update
Miss_Catta23 #8
Chapter 9 has now been started so please give me some ideas!<br />
Miss_Catta23 #9
haha i'm going i'm going!!<br />
but i don't know what to do!!<br />
Read my latest blog!!
TaylaLetired #10
104 views CATTA!!!~!