Going after Kyonu (Catta's View)

The Unknown Academy

My sight was slowly starting to blur from the loss of blood, but i was determined to continue on to Kyonu.

I was the only one who could save him, i don't care if i die in the process.. i guess it was just how i was raised. I could hear Kyonu's yells of protest and pain getting closer and ran faster to stop him. I stopped at the edge of the forest line breathing heavily and still bleeding horrifically, but it was all for him.

"There you are. You know, it is hard trying to catch up to you when you're sulking..." i laughed cheerfully.

"Just stop. Leave me alone." He groaned in protest, but i ignored it.

My body started to tremble from weakness but i held myself up with a tree, that is when i clenched my teeth together and replied, "No."

His eyes widened as i read out his emotions in my head: Pain, shock, suprise, sadness. He looked away trying not to look at the blood and made no further remarks, so i decided to continue.

"Do you remember... the first time, i met you?" i laughed, "You were right around here actually, you were upset to get close to anyone even though everyone thought you were cool, quiet and popular. However, you were scared... You thought that no one would want to befriend you when they see the demon inside of you... That's when i came along." I smiled.

He glanced at me quickly, but looked away again. I sighed in irritation, so i decided to move over to his side. As i took a single step, i staggered and collapsed onto my knees, but i was determined and confident that i could do this. I stumbled back onto my feet and took another step, then another, then another until i was right beside him.

"Then, what did i say to you?" i asked him. He jumped in suprise from how close my voice was, but didn't reply.

"I'll be by your side. No matter if i get hurt or die..." He flinched at the word 'die', but i continued. "I'll be there."

I smiled, but finally, i was too weak to stand, and fell onto my stomach. Soon after, i felt my sight giving out. The last thing i saw was Kyonu's crying face looking at me, shocked.

Of course, i still was conscious and i was aware of my surroundings, i just couldn't see or feel anything. I could hear doors slam open and people running, but i didn't really mind. I was too bewildered about the darkness surrounding my vision. It was beautiful. It felt... empty, but i was too fascinated. Then, suddenly, a white light came creeping up from the distance and i could see people standing there. What the hell is this? Bugger off! you're ruining my beautiful image!!

It started calling my name: "Catta~aaa? Hurry up, It's yo' mama and i'm hungry!" i heard a voice say.

"Eh? make it yourself, old hag." i hissed in return.

I think it was offended by what i stated it as, and disappeared back into the never-ending distance of the darkness. Never to return, i hope.

As i listened hard into the background, i heard various voices speaking.. Of course i could recognise Mutt and Alish.

"Stupid Jerk.You need to shut up~! Even though i'm not you're Master anymore i can still boss you around!" Alish yelled at him.

"Yeah yeah.. you're too loud. I'm suprised she can still sleep when you're making all that racket." Pakkun muttered.

"Wanna say that again. Mutt?" I heard her hiss.

I ignored it and listened to slow breathing next to me. It must have been Abbey. Since, it's probably late outside.

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Miss_Catta23 #1
._. <[...]
I did not write the chapter...
Miss_Catta23 #2
hahaha i try i try!!<br />
Got a new computer so it wiped out my other chapters lol
up date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miss_Catta23 #4
... I didn't know my co-author put her little input onto the page ^^; <br />
sorrie!! Chapter 8 has started lol
TaylaLetired #5
you havent even done chapter 8, and did you see what tayla put on the story she added chapter 8 and said stuff plzzzzzzz update
Miss_Catta23 #8
Chapter 9 has now been started so please give me some ideas!<br />
Miss_Catta23 #9
haha i'm going i'm going!!<br />
but i don't know what to do!!<br />
Read my latest blog!!
TaylaLetired #10
104 views CATTA!!!~!