Awake (Catta)

The Unknown Academy

Hm... I feel really hungry, but i'm too lazy to wake up. I guess there no helping it, if i get anymore hungry, i'll go pyschotic and as funny as that sounds i'm not really easy to control.

"Let's take this outside, MUTT." Alish hissed and smashed her chair.

"Can you both SHUT UP." I heard Kyonu yell, then it went quiet into a whisper.

"Awww.. Sulking again President...?" Alish gawffed at him.

"wanna mess with me?" Kyonu said, and i heard a chair squeak in protest.

I opened my eyes from instincts and glared at them all. The only one to notice was Abbey, but she didn't say anything to the others and watched curiously.

"Bring it on. That position of yours is on the line and i'm taking it." Alish grinned with excitement.

I coughed and they all forgot everything and stared at me. I didn't really care... at least I can sit here in peace without them debating and having quarrels over a stupid 'president' position, i rather find it ironic.

My eye, one of my eyes were covered and i couldn't see through it, but i glared at them coldly. The silence grew to annoy me, so i broke it with a sentence.

"I'm going back to sleep." i mumbled, before turning over and ignoring them. I was irritated when Pakkun, Alish and Abbey suddenly flung themselves onto my bed, hurting my arm and stomach.

"Hey! you cant ignore us when you finally woke up!" Alish growled annoyed.

"Are you feeling better Catta?" Abbey asked, trying to get to me.

"Catta!! Are you okay? do you need something??" Pakkun asked, desperate.

I twitched, my veins sticking out on my forehead before reaching my limit.


They all sighed and left to get me some food, just as Kyon was about to leave, i called out to him.


He paused momentarily, i could see he was debating on whether he should face me or not. A few seconds later, he decided against it.

"Sorrie, i have to go attend to some student council matters." He interrupted before continuing on out the room, not waiting for my reply.

I sighed.

Why was he being distant...? I couldn't understand.

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Miss_Catta23 #1
._. <[...]
I did not write the chapter...
Miss_Catta23 #2
hahaha i try i try!!<br />
Got a new computer so it wiped out my other chapters lol
up date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miss_Catta23 #4
... I didn't know my co-author put her little input onto the page ^^; <br />
sorrie!! Chapter 8 has started lol
TaylaLetired #5
you havent even done chapter 8, and did you see what tayla put on the story she added chapter 8 and said stuff plzzzzzzz update
Miss_Catta23 #8
Chapter 9 has now been started so please give me some ideas!<br />
Miss_Catta23 #9
haha i'm going i'm going!!<br />
but i don't know what to do!!<br />
Read my latest blog!!
TaylaLetired #10
104 views CATTA!!!~!