Pain and Worries

The Unknown Academy

Catta, started walking towards the out-of-control Kyon. I held my breath. i know i haven't been here for that long, but i know it would be an impossible task that will lead to someone dying... and that someone would end up being Catta.

Kyon growled with warning, but she continued to walk towards him, but this time, she talked:

"Kyon... i know you can hear me. It's me... your beloved Catta. If you love me, please stop and change back... i believe in you." She begged and pleaded.

He just stared at her with deep breaths and growled a little louder. She was so close to him, she put her hand out to reach out to him. In that same second, he reacted and swiped at her arm. She screamed out in pain, but continued to reach him, only her arm was shaking and bleeding.

How can she continue to do this? How can she sacrifice herself to help him?

"Stop! you're gonna get killed if you keep--" My mouth was covered by Alish who was just as upset as me, but she told me,

"The reason shes doing this is out of love.. Did you know, as popular and hot as he was, he was alone. One day, when he sat in the fields, Catta went over to him and talked to him. Even though he was happy to have someone talk to him, he tried to stop her from getting hurt," She frowned" at same day, in class he accidently snapped and changed into this. Everyone was scared and ran away. and the person he snapped at was a boy who tripped over his chair. Catta, was the only one who stayed behind. She was the one who calmed him down, even at the cost of risking her life. From then on, he slowly started letting people into his life, all thanks to her. She's like his painkiller in a way," She chuckled," That's why you have to let her do this."

i looked at her and frowned. All because she loved him? They must be so much in love if she would risk her life for him. I'm pretty sure he would do the same...

As i watched, he sliced at her again and again until she got her arms arond him. Then the most horrific thing happened. He sliced her face, cutting her eye and it bled heavily. As he saw her blood, he changed back to human and looked at her in utmost pain. He realised what he did and she smiled.

"Are you okay Kyon?" she asked sweetly. He cringed as she said his name, but didn't say anything. She let him go to cover her eye, but he jumped off the edge of the building and disappeared into the forest.

She smiled sadly, and Alish let go of me, to go help her, "Catta. We should treat your wounds. if not, you could get worse."

"Nah. I'm good. Go help Pakkun, he's more hurt than me... i'm going after him... He probably feels really bad for what he did." She said, you could clearly see she was upset.

Alish nodded, and grabbed me. "Let's go." she said, pulling me through the door. I took one last glance at Catta, to see her with tears in her eye snd blood from the other.

they were both hurt, but only they could help eachother now..


Right now, Pakkun needs help.....

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Miss_Catta23 #1
._. <[...]
I did not write the chapter...
Miss_Catta23 #2
hahaha i try i try!!<br />
Got a new computer so it wiped out my other chapters lol
up date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miss_Catta23 #4
... I didn't know my co-author put her little input onto the page ^^; <br />
sorrie!! Chapter 8 has started lol
TaylaLetired #5
you havent even done chapter 8, and did you see what tayla put on the story she added chapter 8 and said stuff plzzzzzzz update
Miss_Catta23 #8
Chapter 9 has now been started so please give me some ideas!<br />
Miss_Catta23 #9
haha i'm going i'm going!!<br />
but i don't know what to do!!<br />
Read my latest blog!!
TaylaLetired #10
104 views CATTA!!!~!