Abbey Here!

The Unknown Academy

Tonight, i felt as if something i was unaware of will occured right before my eyes? It's not like i'm a supernatural detector, actually i don't believe in that type of stuff. People think i'm weird for it, but unlike them, i actually pay attention to reality and not some half-crazed myths that are useless and a pathetic excuse for people's wild exaggeration of imagination.

As finshed getting my dinner from the convenience store, i stumbled home in a unenthusiastic way. The full moon stayed high in the sky and looked as if it turned blood red. As i looked at it's beauty, a glisten and a tinkling of a bell caught my attention. A black cat crossed past me and gave me the most cheesiest grin.

"Nice night Meow," it said

"what the hell?? did i pass out and go to hell?!" i yelled in suprise.

"That's not nice, meow." it hissed at me.

I stood my ground in shock and the cat jumped gracefully on the wall. Then, it's silky black body strutted further down the wall and took a crouching position about to stalk a black crow.

"You know its bad luck to cross a black cat's path on the full moon right? Meow" It said, focused on the crow.

"Well, i don't believe in the supernatural. Surely right now is just a dream" i poked my tounge.

"That's what you think " it grinned with a quick sadistic look, then it pounced at the dark bird. They crow just barely made it away in time, but the black cat cursed under its breaht, before turning it's attention back to me.

I ignored it's hypnotizing glare and continued my way home, trying to forget about my crazed dream.


Then, for some strange reason, my body started to get shaky and my head felt dizzy. it was like the cat's glare looked right through me and it made me lose control of my legs. I fell forward only to see the cat land in front of me and started to transform.


What just happened to me? and what the hell was that thing? Why do i feel like everything is about to be answered... i felt as if my life wasn't reality at all, but whatever the feeling was, i felt safe and secure wherever i was taken to, Somehow, i thought i was going to die


. . . . . .

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Miss_Catta23 #1
._. <[...]
I did not write the chapter...
Miss_Catta23 #2
hahaha i try i try!!<br />
Got a new computer so it wiped out my other chapters lol
up date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miss_Catta23 #4
... I didn't know my co-author put her little input onto the page ^^; <br />
sorrie!! Chapter 8 has started lol
TaylaLetired #5
you havent even done chapter 8, and did you see what tayla put on the story she added chapter 8 and said stuff plzzzzzzz update
Miss_Catta23 #8
Chapter 9 has now been started so please give me some ideas!<br />
Miss_Catta23 #9
haha i'm going i'm going!!<br />
but i don't know what to do!!<br />
Read my latest blog!!
TaylaLetired #10
104 views CATTA!!!~!