Emotions and Minseok, The Awesome

Lunch Break Love Story
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Baek: Ughhh so much drama....drama... drama... *plays dramatic music*

Author-nim: Ehem...

Baek: Okay okay... once upon a time... *plays fairytale music*

Author-nim: BYUN BAEKHYUN!

Baek: Fine. No fun.



"Are you guys seriously fighting?" Baekhyun asked Sookyung who was blankly staring into air. Baekhyun had followed Sookyung out of the cafeteria after that Minji came squealing into the cafeteria. Sookyung was sitting in the middle of the large field when Baekhyun shot her that question. "You guys never fight. Like never."

"What made you think that we are in a fight?" Sookyung eyed the diva next to her. 

Hey, wait... I'm no diva. No . I'm just F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!

"Well, you didn't come to school with Kyungsoo this morning. You didn't sit with Kyungsoo in the cafeteria. You just barged out when that of a person came in. Does it have to do with that ? Is she the reason to your fight with Kyungsoo?" Baekhyun fired her with questions. What could have happened to make those two lovey dovey idiots fight? He wondered.

"We didn't fight. I'm the one ignoring him."

"Well, it doesn't seem like it to me."

"What do you mean?"

"If you are the one doing all the ignoring, why isn't Kyungsoo trying to talk to you? He must have done something to act like that too." Sookyung brows furrowed in confusion.

"What happened?" Baekhyun asked. Sookyung sighed and her fingers played with the grass. It took a few minutes before Sookyung started talking. 

"I don't know, Baek. I really don't. She suddenly come barging into the cafe, squealing at Kyungsoo and even calling him Kyungie oppa... I don't even call him that." 

"And are you angry?"

"Yes. I don't know why. Is she his girlfriend? Why didn't he tell me he had a girlfriend in the first place. I feel so hurt that he did not tell me. I'm his best friend." 

"Are you sure that she is his girlfriend?" Baekhyun was trying very hard not to smile at his friend's obliviousness. "I don't know but he did not push her away when she hugged him. You saw it. Kyungsoo doesn't just simply let people hug him. She must be special to him." Sookyung's face was plastered with sadness but Baekhyun was working so hard to keep his smile hidden. 

"I'm sure he has a reason to why he let her hug him, Sookyung-ah." Baekhyun patted Sookyung's shoulder. He was very aware that Kyungsoo must have a very good reason to let someone he doesn't like hug him like that. Sookyung just misunderstood him and chose to ignore him, thinking that she was hurt by him keeping his 'girlfriend' a secret then the fact that she was jealous. He was going to make sure he finds that reason why.


In the cafeteria...

Minji was still clinging onto Kyungsoo. Minseok had joined them at their table and befriended everyone minutes after Sookyung and Baekhyun left.. Minseok could see that Kyungsoo was uncomfortable with Minji beside him and his eyes was looking for Sookyung, He bit his lower lip to hid a smile. These kids are so cute. MInseok thought. 

Minseok was older than everyone by one year, making him the eldest among them. He explained to them that he was forced to

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just discontinued my other fic. Feel like crap now


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Chapter 9: Update soon!!!
Chapter 8: too many sweetness. kyaaaaa ><
doey9693 #3
Chapter 6: waiting for next chap author - nim
i got a lot of interest to read the story because of narrator;s notes!
Soona993 #5
Chapter 6: yeay update! :D been waiting for so long
Soona993 #6
Chapter 5: Owwwww please update soon :D
DokyungsooMyHusband #7
Chapter 5: Haha The best fanfic! Jjang! Please update soon!!
Soona993 #8
Chapter 4: aaa please update soon, i love your story <333
Chapter 4: OMG UPDATEE SOON:)))))
Chapter 3: puahahhaaa. why so cute byun baekhyun-shii :D