Crying Out My Heart

One Minute, One Day
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               As to what I’ve learnt, love is something that you cannot exactly tell what the definition is. Yes you can find it in the dictionary, internet, books and whatsoever but still, you cannot exactly tell the meaning of love. You will only know about it once you already felt it yourself. That’s what they have said.

               I am disappointed in myself because I can’t understand my own feelings. This is the very first time that I felt this way. It was really unexplainable. It feels like a mixture of all the feelings that you could say. I don’t know. I think I’ll go crazy now.

 My friends were telling me that I am acting weird over these past few days. Even Daehyun told me that. He told me that he started noticing my oddness ever since the library thingy. He tried to ignore my eeriness but it bothers him terribly. I don’t know why it bothers him that much but maybe, he was just really concern. Oh that guy! What a really good friend he is.

               People say that love forgives, that love is not selfish, that love is ready to give everything even if pain is the exchange just to make the one you love happy and that love will conquer everything to prove itself. But why do I feel the other way? I mean, when I saw him at the diner where Daehyun last brought me, I felt jealous. Yes I’m jealous! As much as I want to deny it, I can’t help it but this was what I felt.

               I never expect him to be there with that girl. Of all places, why there? Now I’m starting to regret that day when I introduced him to her. Ever since that, his quality time with me decreases, a lot. We became distant from each other. Can I just return the time and change what had happened? I feel like I want him just for myself. I feel like I can’t just give him to her in exchange of his happiness. I really don’t understand myself! What’s going on with me?

               That time, Daehyun saw him there too. I didn’t tell him at first because I wanted to ignore the fact that his presence was also there. But Daehyun noticed it himself. After that, anxiousness decorated his face as he turned to me. He asked me if I was okay, if I just wanted to eat at the other diner but, I refused. Yes it’s pretty awkward for me but I just can’t let my ego go down that easily.

               I felt hurt when he didn’t even noticed my presence or at least even her. Neither of them notice me when in fact, I both noticed them. Are they really that in love with each other that it felt like there was no one else in this world but just the two of them? Wow! This is unbelievable! Psh! How I wish I just fell for another guy!

               “Hey Sandy!” someone suddenly came breaking my deep thoughts. I looked back and

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yanabyun #1
Chapter 12: thank you for updating, love this!
Chapter 3: thanks for the update <3