
Bad Boy Turned Good



"Do you guys want drinks? I'm going to the mini mart near the lobby." Jungmi shouted from the door as she scrambled to find her slippers under the pile of shoes, which she found being squashed under Jungkook's signature basketball shoes, a pair of black shoes with two gold and reflective strips criss-crossing each other on the side of the shoe and gold coloured shoelaces.

"Two giant cokes for me!"

"Two gianormous 100 plusses for me!"

"THREE! Three giganticnormous cokes for me!"

Jungmi laughed and shook her head hopelessly as Jimin, Hyuna and Jungkook shouted their orders one by one with their inexistent coined words.

"I'll just by 5! I'm too weak to carry them back!"

"Wait! Buy some instant noodles and chips too!"

"Ok! Ok stop! I won't be able to carry them back if you guys keep adding on! Just 5 giant cokes and some instant noodles and chips, yeah?"

"Yeah-ji!" Jimin shouted excitedly as Jungmi left the room, clutching her wallet and the spare room card. She was walking along the corridor and the mini mart just came into sight. When she started to walk more quickly, she heard some movements behind her but before she could react, she felt someone slam against the back of her head. She fell to the floor clutching onto her throbbing head as someone put their hand on and dragged her into one of the rooms. She was thrown against a concrete wall as she heard the door slam shut.

"ing ."

Sunmi strutted towards Jungmi's curled up figure and kicked her as hard as she could.

"It takes one to know one, Sunmi."

"Shut up."

Jungmi felt a burning sensation on her right cheek where Sunmi's palm landed.

"How dare you steal my boyfriend from me."

She kicked Jungmi's stomach and lifted up her chin with two fingers.

"I can't steal something that's not yours."

Sunmi yelled out in frustration and grabbed a handful of Jungmi's hair.

"When I say he's my boyfriend, he is my boyfriend. And no one, can tell me he's not." Sunmi slammed Jungmi's head on the back of the wall and Jungmi controlled not to let tears fall. She didn't want to fight back as that would only cause more trouble.

I can't look weak in front of these es.










Sunmi kicked Jungmi once more and turned to Jihyo and Mirae, who were standing at the side quietly.

"Jihyo. Go get the other one."

Jungmi heard nothing but silence for awhile and slowly, she uncurled herself. She saw Sunmi and Mirae whispering softly at the side and when they saw Jungmi looking at them curiously, they tilted the heads back and high-pitched laughter filled the room. Soon, Jihyo came back and she pushed Hyuna forward roughly, making her land on the floor on her knees.

"Jungmi! What the hell is going on?"

Mirae stepped forward this time, grabbing a bunch of Hyuna's auburn hair.

"Shut up. Who do you think you are to flirt with my boyfriend?"

She pulled at Hyuna's hair harder, forcing Hyuna to stand up. Just as Hyuna got onto her feet, Mirae slapped her on her left cheek, making her drop to the floor again.


Mirae tried to slap her once again but this time, Hyuna wasn't going to tolerate being trampled on. She smacked Mirae's hand away before it landed on her cheek, and Hyuna stood up strongly.

"Exactly who's the here? Calling a guy who doesn't even care about her, her boyfriend?"

Hyuna shoved Mirae roughly and Mirae slammed against the back of the sofa. As they continued to struggle with each other, Jungmi was too scared to move and abruptly, Jihyo interrupted and said, "I think I dropped something outside."

"So? Go and get it then." Sunmi replied coldly, her eyes still glued to Mirae and Hyuna. As Jihyo left the room, Hyuna slapped Mirae on her cheek and Jungmi flinched at the sound of the impact.

"Don't you dare touch me!" Mirae shrieked and tried to fight back. However, Hyuna grabbed onto both of Mirae's wrists, preventing Mirae from hitting her again. Just as Sunmi was about to interfere with their cat-fight, the door burst open.

"Excuse me, are you doing what I think you are doing?"

Sunmi froze. Her eyes widened as she turned her head in the direction of the deep, familiar voice. Jungkook and Jimin stood there raising an eyebrow at Sunmi and Mirae. Mirae froze too, not daring to show her unfeminine side in front of her boyfriend. Jihyo stood behind them, the corners of her lips slightly uplifted, confusing Jungmi, Sunmi and Mirae.

"Move aside."

Jimin stepped towards Hyuna and pushed Mirae away as gently as he could, for he was not one to hit girls. He put his arm around Hyuna and Hyuna snuggled deeper into his side-hug. Jungmi's eyes widened, watching the couple and didn't realise that Jungkook had one arm around her too, helping her stand up. She bowed her head slightly and leaned towards him for support.

"Jihyo! What the did you do? Are you on our team or theirs?" Sunmi screamed at Jihyo, not caring about her gentle and caring image anymore.

"Shut up Sunmi! I'm not going to listen to your stupid orders anymore! I've been treated like a freaking maid, your freaking maid and I listen to all the orders in the world that you give to me, and what do I get in return? More orders. I'm not your ing slave, Sunmi! Get that right!"

Jihyo stormed out of the room, leaving everyone speechless.

"Stay away from our girls."

Our girls?

Jungmi's eyes widened as her mind finally processed through those two simple, yet complicated words. The four roomates exited together and met Jihyo, who was quietly sobbing outside the room.

"You okay? I'm sorry you had to go through that." Jungmi stepped forward and put her arm around Jihyo, trying to comfort her even though she knew nothing about what was going on.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry you had to deal with them too." Jihyo wiped away her tears and Jungmi helped her to stand up while Hyuna, Jungkook and Jimin watched her with eyes filled with sympathy.

"Can you.. tell me and Jungmi what happened?" Hyuna chose her words carefully, afraid that she might upset Jihyo again.


Jihyo knocked on the door and Jimin answered it.

"What do you want?" Jimin's warmness disappeared and his eyes turned ice cold.

"I need your help."

"For what?"

"Jungmi is in Sunmi's room now getting beat up and now Sunmi told me to get Hyuna. We have to stop Sunmi, she's going crazy in that room."

"Holy . Jungkook! Hyuna! Get out here!"

Jungkook and Hyuna rushed out together and Jimin repeated the story to them.

"I'll pretend to get beaten up by you!" Hyuna volunteered and she walked out of the door, standing beside Jihyo.

"We'll wait outside the door and when you give us the signal, we'll enter."

Jihyo nodded profusely and they jogged towards the room. They found Jungmi's wallet and room card lying on the floor carelessly and Jimin picked it up while Jihyo and Hyuna entered the room.

When she finished the story, Jihyo smiled sadly and the four of them thanked her.

"If you want to, you can hang out with us too. We don't mind at all!" Hyuna added on, trying to cheer Jihyo up.

"Really? Thanks Hyuna, I'll be sure to consider that offer! Also, thank you for giving me the chance to escape from that hellhole."

They exchanged a few more smiles before Jihyo went off to her room. The four of them walked to the mini mart to buy their drinks and snacks before going back to their room. When they entered the room, Jimin went to put the drinks into the fridge and Hyuna stayed in the living room with him. Suddenly, Jungkook grabbed Jungmi's wrist gently and pulled her out to the balcony without saying a single word.

"I'm sorry, again. That is seriously-"

"Jungkook. Stop blaming yourself. You're making me feel bad."

Jungkook flashed that charming smile and took her hands into his.

"Jungmi. I bet I'm the first guy whom you've interacted so much with, no offence at all. That's why I feel the need to protect you, so stop pushing me away, alright? And you do know that even if you try to push me away, I won't budge, right?"

Jungmi blushed a little from the sudden skinship but nodded anyways.


Suddenly, Jungkook placed one hand on the back of her head and pulled her forward gently. Before Jungmi could react, she felt Jungkook's warm lips on her forehead and she felt her face burn up as her eyes rounded.

This is a dream. This is all a dream. Everything is a dream. This isn't real. Jungkook isn't real.

She shut her eyes brightly, trying to trick herself into believing it was a dream. After a few more seconds, Jungkook pulled away, and she slowly opened up her eyes again. Squinting a little, she tried to adjust to the brightness when her eyes landed on Jungkook face. The sunlight shone down on Jungkook's perfect face as he smiled cutely, his eyes twinkling. At that moment, Jungmi felt like she just flew up to heaven and back.

No. Eyes only twinkle like this in animes. No one's face shines under the sunlight like that. They only do in movies. This isn't real. Jungkook. Isn't. Real.

"Come on, let's go in to clean up the bruises and eat some snacks so we can forget about her, alright?"

Jungmi nodded silently, still speechless, as Jungkook interlocked his fingers with her and pulled her up from the seat where she was frozen at. Jungkook led her to their bed and she plopped down on it. He came back with cotton buds, plasters and antiseptic cream. He sat down on the bed beside Jungmi and started applying the cream gingerly onto the areas where Sunmi had slapped and when he was done, he placed a plaster on the right side of her cheek where there was a deeper cut. When he was done with her face, he moved on to the back of her head. When he parted her hair to see the bruise, he winced as the cut was deep. Fortunately, stitches were not needed. He applied some cream there too and moved on to Jungmi's back, where Sunmi had kicked. He applied some cream there and Jungmi felt a little embarrassed as she lay on the bed with her hoodie rolled halfway up her stomach. Howeverm Jungkook didn't seem to show a hint of nervousness, so she tried to hide her embarrassment as much as possible. When the cotton buds ran out, Jungkook used his finger to spread the cream around, causing Jungmi to feel goosebumps near the area where he was touching. After he was done, she rolled down her hoodie quickly and thanked Jungkook.

"Anytime. Tell me if you have muscle aches or need to change the plasters. You look pretty badass with that plaster on your face though." Jungkook replied with a smirk as he went to the bathroom to wash his hands and keep away the antiseptic cream. Jungmi pouted slightly as she touched the plaster softly. Being the good girl she was, she didn't want to look 'gangster' or 'badass', she just wanted to be... good. When she went into the living room, Hyuna was lying on the couch with her head on Jimin's lap as they watched TV together while eating a packet of sea salt potato chips.

"You guys never told me you were together. I actually feel hurt, you know. And the fact that you're eating potato chips without me doesn't make me feel any better."

"Hey, only got together yesterday. But sorry anyway." Jimin chuckled and Hyuna giggled softly while smiling apologetically at Jungmi.

"Sorry doesn't sweeten my tea." Jungmi crossed her arms and pouted unconsciously.

"I bet chips do." Jimin passed the chips over to Jungmi with a knowing smile on his face. Jungmi smiled back, glad that he knew how to cheer her up.

"Bae, you look badass with that plaster on your face." Hyuna sat up to inspect the bruise on Jungmi's face.

"I know right. I just told her that awhile ago." Jungmi sighed desperately as Jungkook plopped down beside her on the sofa. Surprisingly, it wasn't squeezy and everyone had sufficient space.

"Stop saying that. I don't like to be seen as badass or whatever."

"Ooh~ What a good girl~" Jimin sang and they laughed in unison, leaving Jungmi sulking by herself.

"Don’t be angry, we were just kidding." Jungkook put his arm around her and she smiled shyly, keeping her eyes on the TV screen. Then, she slowly leaned in towards Jungkook, hoping he wouldn't notice, even though he obviously did. Smirking to himself, he thought.








~ Author's Note ~



We made it so far ARMYs! Let's persevere on and give BTS the support and encouragement they deserve! BangtanBangtanBangBangTan!! WOOHOOHOHOOHO!!


OkAY! SUNMI HAS STRIKED ASDFGHJKL I stayed up till 11 to finish writing this chapter and I edited it this morning at 7. totally worth it doe. I was so excited to update that I couldn't even fall asleep again even if I wanted to. AND JUNGKOOK. Actually I'm scared of Jungkook myself even though I'm writing this story LOL idek. and i got 2 unsuscribers.

I'm trying very very hard to update as quickly as possible so please bear with me!


As I said in the previous previous i can't remember which chapter it was but I gave a spoiler that Jungkook's playboy thingy will be exposed right? YEAH AND THAT CHAPTER IS THE NEXT WHEEEEEEEEE~~ Why does this whole fanfic seem so negative and so many bad things happen

I might take a longer time to update this time round because this chapter literally exploded out of me (idk how to describe it LOL) so yeah HAHAHAH

Thanks for reading! Please comment and give me more suggestions! And remember to suscribe and upvote! They encourage me so much I can't even explain it with words (:

random GIFs for you HAHAHAH:



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Thank you so much for suscribing/reading/upvoting/commenting/dealing with my fangirling moments I LUB YOU ALL! ((:


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Army_jiaying #1
Chapter 12: It's alright.. I guess i am feeling the same as you too.. I used to be cheerful and carefree.. But seriously after the ups and downs.. I don't even know who i am anymore.. I guess this is some kind of phase in life..? Well i hope it is.. Because if it is not.. Then i don't know what to do with my life anymore.. And i seriously am able to relate to their vocal lines' song 'LOST' ...
Chocoholic_Exo-L #2
Chapter 12: Well thanks for telling us what happens. Usually people just leave us hanging.
Jaelynn01 #3
Chapter 12: Authornim im literally crying right now, that you couldnt finish the story. But at least u gave us th ending
Kimjinchan #4
Chapter 12: THE BESTTTTTTT!!!!!!
Kimjinchan #5
Chapter 12: THE BESTTTTTTT!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Awhh honestly that ending would of been cute. But it's nice that you told us how it would of continued. That was warming. :) But i hope you feel better! :) I've been on a writer's block for my fanfic for a couple of months now, and I need more courage and inspiration to continue it soon, but a lot of stuff has been happening in my life so I haven't really had any time to write chapters yeah I know how you're feeling. :3 I hope you will feel better and continue writing more stories! :D I will definitely read them. (;
jxngin-- #7
Chapter 6: Dat VIXX update tho
mar1na #8
Chapter 12: Erhmmm maybe I am late for this but ..... it's okay Author nim! I really enjoyed your story and I was really happy that you told us your thoughts about the ending.
I hope everything is going smooth in your life now!!
Be strong and Fighting!
Author nim be happy! U got Jams!!!
Pinkpandainspiritexo #9
Chapter 11: Ppaillliiiiiiiiii update soon !!! OMG I'm super duper anticipating it
mintylikeyfood #10
Chapter 11: eep. fighting for your exams -3- update soonnn