Star Actress

Bad Boy Turned Good

The next morning, a piercing stream light lit up the whole room and Jungmi opened her eyes, then squinting it again, trying to adjust to the contrasting brightness. She saw Hyuna rampaging throught her luggage with a toothbrush in , before grabbing Jungmi's orange basketball jersey and throwing it straight into Jungmi's face. Jungmi grabbed onto the jersey and pressed it against her own face, taking in the smell from the detergent her mother had used to wash it the day before. She rolled over and heard Hyuna yelling.

"Ya! Lee Jungmi! We're already late! Hurry up! I'm in no mood to get punished today! Gosh, I woke up feeling happy and this just had to happen."

Hyuna continued mumbling and ranting while Jimin tried to wake Jungkook up. When Jungkook finally woke up, Jungmi was still lying face-down on the bed, obviously not having any intention to move. Jungkook tapped her shoulder and she rolled over again. This time, she rolled over the edge of the bed and fell to floor with a loud thud. She groaned softly, still sleeping. Jungkook sighed at her hopeless figure and pulled at her arm.

"Lee Jungmi, wake up, it's already 7.20. And stop being so clumsy."

Jungmi pushed herself up and off the floor lazily with the help of Jungkook and she made her way to the toilet to change and get ready. When she was brushing her teeth, Jungkook knocked on the door and she opened it for him to enter and get ready.

"Hurry hurry, we only have 5 minutes left."

Jungmi nodded, still half-asleep as she gurgled and splashed her face with water. The four of them quickly ran downstairs dressed in their own basketball jerseys as they were told to the day before. They reached the ground floor just before 7.30 and they quickly rushed to the lobby area. Everyone were already there and Jimin and Jungkook went off to talk to their friends. Jungmi chatted awhile with Hyuna before Miss Kim came to the lobby and called for their attention.

"Everyone, now you may go to the restaurant over there for your buffet breakfast. Please do not eat too much as there will be a basketball match later on and do not waste food either." Miss Kim announced as she gestured to the classy restaurant to her left. As the team made their way to the restaurant, Hyuna suddenly pulled at Jungmi's arm.

"Look! I got a picture of you and Jungkook this morning!"

Jungmi's eyes widened as she snatched Hyuna's phone and took a closer look at the picture. In the photo, Jungkook's arm was draped over Jungmi's shoulder as the both of them slept soundly. She tapped the delete button but before she could actually delete the photo, Hyuna screamed hysterically and snatched her phone back.


Hyuna threatened jokingly with giant eyes as she shoved her phone back into her pocket. They continued joking around and laughing but they were too caught up in their chatting to notice that the Plastics were right behind them and Sunmi had seen and heard everything. She sped up and walked beside Jungmi, roughly knocking onto her as she passed. Jungmi stumbled towards Hyuna and Hyuna held onto her to keep her steady. They stared at Sunmi blankly as she turned around and mouthed.

"Watch out."




When they entered the restaurant and settled down at their tables, Jungkook and Jimin were already there. They greeted each other again and chatted for awhile before going to take their food. The meal was eaten in silence as they were still tired and needed to recharge their energy. When they finished their breakfast, they leaned back onto the chair, feeling bloated.

"I think I ate too much." Jungkook mumbled as he rubbed his stomach.

"Me too."

"Me three."

"Me four."

They laughed in unison and a conversation began from there.

After awhile, Miss Kim announced for the team to meet her at the basketball court after the breakfast. Jimin decided to be the earliest group to reach and they left the restaurant immediately.

"Okay. Here’s what we are going to do. There will be 4 matches played altogether. Group 1 versus Group 8, Group 2 versus Group 7 and so on. May I remind you that this is a friendly match so please do not hurt each other. I repeat, do not hurt each other. Understood?"

The team nodded and Jungmi couldn't help but feel afraid. Sunmi's words echoed in her mind and her heartbeat raced. Jungkook seemed to notice and patted her on the shoulder.

"You alright? It’s just a friendly match and she won't dare to hurt you. I'll protect you, remember?"

Jungmi blushed but smiled at his comforting words and soon, the first match began. Needless to say, Jungmi's team scored 4 goals in the first 10 minutes thanks to the two star players in her team. However, Sunmi's team had a strong opponent too and that was Junhong, who stood at a height of 1.84cm. Jungmi stayed alert throughout the whole game and only had one chance to hold the ball, only for less than half a second. She sighed as she bent down, trying to catch her breath from trying to block her opponent.


Jimin threw the ball straight at her and she caught it easily. This was her chance. She dribbled the ball quickly yet carefully nearer to the court but her opponent didn't allow her such an easy goal. Sunmi charged at her and blocked her with both arms stretched out. To Jungmi's disadvantage, Sunmi was at least 5cm taller than her and towered over her as she bent down to dribble the ball. Her right foot was near to the outer line of the court and she started to panic. She turned to her left, trying to find an escape and dashed out of the corner in a flash. Unfortunately, Sunmi didn't let her off and pushed Jungmi's back. Jungmi tripped and lost her balance before falling to the floor with a loud thud. She winced the side of her thigh scraped against the rough, concrete floor. Miss Kim blew the whistle which hung around her neck and all the players in the court ran towards Jungmi, even Sunmi.

"Oh my gosh Jungmi! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do it, I swear!"

Sunmi was obviously putting up an act but Jungmi played along and shook her head, just to avoid trouble.

"Sunmi, what did I tell you?" Miss Kim reprimanded Sunmi and asked Jungkook to help plaster the wound. Jungkook grabbed a first aid box from the side and attended to Jungmi's wound.

"It’s only the second day and you already got injured thrice."

Jungmi sighed heavily and watched as Jungkook wrapped the netting carefully around her thigh. The abrasion was pretty bad and Jungmi winced at the sight of it.

"There. It's done. I'm sorry I didn't protect you like I said I would but I promise you, she won't hurt you again, alright?"

"You don't have to protect me, Jungkook. She probably was just to immersed in the game and pushed me accidentally. And thanks."

Jungmi knew Sunmi didn't push her accidentally, but she didn’t want Jungkook blaming himself for every single thing that happened to her.

"Whatever, she's just a star actress and I'm still going to protect you." Jungkook replied, his inner sass showing up. Jungmi laughed and he smiled, supporting her as they two teams returned to the benches.







~ Author's Note ~


It's 11pm now and I'm really tired and I'm the only one in my house awake now /sigh/ :(

but I enjoyed writing this chapter, idk why, maybe because I like basketball too xD











Also, I'm going to work on the next chapter as quickly as I can  because I wanna show you guys how well I can describe fights

Sooooo.. yeahh, you guys can expect the next chapter by friday..? Because it's the school holidayssss too so I'm going to literally fly through the entire chapter

and ppali ppali finish writing it ((:





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Thank you so much for suscribing/reading/upvoting/commenting/dealing with my fangirling moments I LUB YOU ALL! ((:


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Army_jiaying #1
Chapter 12: It's alright.. I guess i am feeling the same as you too.. I used to be cheerful and carefree.. But seriously after the ups and downs.. I don't even know who i am anymore.. I guess this is some kind of phase in life..? Well i hope it is.. Because if it is not.. Then i don't know what to do with my life anymore.. And i seriously am able to relate to their vocal lines' song 'LOST' ...
Chocoholic_Exo-L #2
Chapter 12: Well thanks for telling us what happens. Usually people just leave us hanging.
Jaelynn01 #3
Chapter 12: Authornim im literally crying right now, that you couldnt finish the story. But at least u gave us th ending
Kimjinchan #4
Chapter 12: THE BESTTTTTTT!!!!!!
Kimjinchan #5
Chapter 12: THE BESTTTTTTT!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Awhh honestly that ending would of been cute. But it's nice that you told us how it would of continued. That was warming. :) But i hope you feel better! :) I've been on a writer's block for my fanfic for a couple of months now, and I need more courage and inspiration to continue it soon, but a lot of stuff has been happening in my life so I haven't really had any time to write chapters yeah I know how you're feeling. :3 I hope you will feel better and continue writing more stories! :D I will definitely read them. (;
jxngin-- #7
Chapter 6: Dat VIXX update tho
mar1na #8
Chapter 12: Erhmmm maybe I am late for this but ..... it's okay Author nim! I really enjoyed your story and I was really happy that you told us your thoughts about the ending.
I hope everything is going smooth in your life now!!
Be strong and Fighting!
Author nim be happy! U got Jams!!!
Pinkpandainspiritexo #9
Chapter 11: Ppaillliiiiiiiiii update soon !!! OMG I'm super duper anticipating it
mintylikeyfood #10
Chapter 11: eep. fighting for your exams -3- update soonnn