Chapter Nine

Where Did You Come From?
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Is it because of the caffeine?
Am I just really into you?

Jungkook could have strangled his hyung.

He had left his phone unattended for one second while he went to the bathroom, and returned to find Jimin pressing send on a text asking her out. Had he been eavesdropping? Probably. Regardless, Jungkook was mortified; he shoved him onto his bed and rescued the phone before sending another text to play it off. I swear, nothing is safe in that dorm.

Though it was an awkwardly arranged meeting, he couldn't say he wasn't a bit excited (and the tiniest bit thankful for his hyung's forward actions). The thought of spending some time with the lilac haired girl made him grin without realising. She was cute and seemed nice, and he was interested in how she even came to be in the trainee world in the first place.

A buzz from his pocket distracted him from his thoughts, and he pulled out his phone to check the message.

From: Jiminie-hyung
Have fun on your date ;)

The maknae rolled his eyes and instantly deleted the message, returning the device to his pocket as he felt his cheeks burn. It wasn't a date. Who could date after only a few days of knowing each other? No, he had helped her out and was proud of her for standing up for herself - the proudness of a sunbae, or an older brother, maybe. 

As he noticed someone approaching him, a smile quickly spread across his face and he adjusted his cap, glancing over in their direction - only to pause as two blushing girls shoved each other forwad shyly with a copy of Bangtan's album in their hands.

"U-Um! Sorry, w-we don't mean to intrude, b-but, you're Jungkookie-yah, r-right?"

He blinked in bewilderment that someone had noticed him. He hadn't gone to huge lengths to disguise himself, since he had really only debuted a few months ago; but he had thought the cap pulled down to shade his face and the thick framed glasses would probably deter anyone who did just in case. He realised he probably looked a bit blank and quickly cleared his throat, replacing his expression with a shy smile. "A-ah, yes, I am."

"Omo, you are even cuter in person! I can't believe you are younger than me!" One of them said with a tiny teasing frown, and Jungkook flushed in embarrassment. He still wasn't used to being complimented so openly.

"Thank you..."

"Um, pretty please, could you sign these for us? And then we'll go, we promise! Just, we're really really big fans...!" The other girl held up her album with a sheepish smile, her cheeks pink, and her friend followed suit, brandishing a sharpie.

With that, Jungkook was reminded of why he was actually waiting there in the street. He honestly didn't know what the fairy-ssi would think if she saw this, and so he hoped to God she didn't arrive anytime soon as he politely accepted the pen and signed their albums. His fans blushed happily and giggled their thank yous and goodbyes, continuously bowing as they stumbled away and squealed over his signature.

It's a weird feeling, he thought to himself, reaching up to his cap again absent mindedly. Being recognised on the street by people who would otherwise have not given him a second glance. He supposed that fame came with its own beauty upgrade, and suddenly because he was now a singer, his attractiveness had increased tenfold.

Aish, what am I thinking about?

Glancing at his phone, it was now past the time he had arranged to meet her, and he bit his lip nervously. Was she just gonna blow him off? Or was she running late?

Or... had she seen his fans approach and decided to just leave?

He frowned to himself and quickly opened up a new text to ask if she was almost there, pressing send before he could stop himself and sighing loudly. But not two seconds later, a loud beeping noise came from behind the corner of the café that shocked him back to his sense, and he turned his head towards it suspiciously, edging forward.

"... Aeri-ssi?" He questioned cautiously, worried incase it was actually someone else entirely, but he was answered with a shuffle - and suddenly, the face of the lilac haired girl peered timidly around the corner, her eyes guilty as she chewed her lip.

Well, he thought. This is awkward.

"Um, hi," he greeted her simply, reaching up to scratch the back of his head nervously. "Ah, did you see that before?"

She just nodded with a meek smile as she stepped from around the corner fully, crossing her arms behind her back and avoiding his gaze. Seeing him with his fans, signing their albums, had only reminded her that this boy was now a celebrity. What am I even doing here? I should have just politely declined, no matter how much I didn't want to...

With a glance around, Jungkook gestured to the café they were standing in front of, and he held open the door for her to enter first. "Shall we?" Chewing the inside of , Aeri deliberated for a second, before eventually nodding as he followed her in. She was here now, nothing would change it.

"What do you want? My treat for doing well today," he spoke up, as her face flushed. Diverting her eyes, she pointed at the menu, and Jungkook nodded cutely, holding up his wallet. "Go get us a seat, I'll take care of this."

Aeri quickly found a small booth at the back of the shop and slid into it, taking breaths to calm her nerves. Though she knew it was only hanging out as friends, as sunbae and hoobae, she couldn't stop herself from being tense - especially when the only other customers in the shop seemed to be couples. And he shouldn't be seen with me.

From his position by the cash register, Jungkook could see her side profile at the other side of the shop, watching amused as she glanced around like a lost child, tucking stray hair behind her ear. She really was adorable; so gentle and, excuse the expression, soft s

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[140908] I'm incredibly sorry about updates T-T college leaves no time ot finish writing uhuhuh, I may sacrifice some sleep this week~


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Chapter 16: Tbh, I don't really read boyxgirl fics since I'm a fan, but I got curious and here I am waiting for the next chap! Can't wait to see what comes next :)
Killerkhaos #2
Chapter 16: hope you plan to continue your story. Its really good!
Kryptonite_6190 #3
Chapter 15: One of my favorite stories on here!❤️I loooooove iiiit!~
Kryptonite_6190 #4
Chapter 12: I absolutely LOVE this story!!!!❤️ I hope you update soon!
Chapter 12: I hear you about the writer's block! I've been having the same problem myself...but don't worry, you are incapable of writing a bad chapter ^.^ honeyy 화이팅!
Chapter 5: I fell in love with this story at the first chapter. You're a very good writer...your writing style flows nicely and is easy to read. I'm looking forward to the next update and the rest of the story. Keep up the amazing job you're doing! :)