Chapter Five

Where Did You Come From?
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Where did you come from?
Will you tell me your name?

It had been a week, but the lilac hair and soft brown eyes were recogniseable anywhere. She had tied her hair up into a high ponytail, strands falling out to frame her face, and this time he could clearly see the extent of her piercings - as well as her right ear, an industrial bar ran across the top of her opposite ear with three lobe piercings and a single helix. She was dressed a lot more comfortably too - baby blue Nikes and a baggy white t-shirt with black leggings. But Jungkook couldn't take his eyes off hers.

Aeri was frozen in her spot. 'Exo - Baby Don't Cry' continued to play quietly on her iPod as she and the black haired teenager stared at each other. The first thing she noticed were his eyes - so dark and curious and surprised, locked onto her own - and then his lips, soft and pink and parted slightly with his shocked expression. He had been there the other day, among the group that stumbled upon her sleeping. And as fate would have it, here he was, stumbling upon her yet again.

"I... Uh..."

She hadn't expected his voice to be so smooth. Stepping backwards slightly, she reached behind her to grab her iPod.

"Um, I guess I got the wrong room. I'm sorry for walking in on you... this is becoming a regular thing, huh?" He asked nervously, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish chuckle. As he smiled, she couldn't help but notice his perfect teeth, perfect eye smile, perfect face in general. Who is this kid?

She quickly stopped her music and opened up the note pad, typing a sentence and holding it up so he could read. Her cheeks were turning pink in embarrassment and she looked away, pressing her lips together as she awkwardly rocked on her heels. You heard me sing?

Guiltily, he dropped his arm back to his side and looked away as well. "Ah, yeah... I did... But, noona," he glanced her way with a light blush as she looked back up at him, "you have a really pretty voice."

Her eyes widened in surprised and began to open and close like a fish, face quickly heating up as she fumbled with her phone. Thank you, but I'm probably not your noona ^^;

Jungkook couldn't help but smile. Her typing and her expressions completely didn't match - if she spoke, he was sure she'd be stuttering and whispering and stumbling over her sentences she was that flustered. But on the screen, they were neat and uniform, reading calmly and far too formally. He briefly wondered why she didn't speak if she could sing - her voice wasn't out of order, so what reason could there be? Would it be rude to ask?

"Are you sure? I'm only a '97 liner."

Me too


November :)

"Oh." He blinked in wonder, looking at her. "I'm 2 months older than you."

She gave him a small smile and looked down shyly, reaching up to rub her neck. He watched her move, following her touch, before he remembered something and reached into his pocket.

"Oh, you dropped this, er, last time," he said, holding the pencil out for her. It was pale pink, mechanical, with tiny engraved characters on it. Aeri. "I brought it with me incase I bumped into you again. I guess luck is on my side," he grinned childishly, and Aeri bit her lip as she took it. "It has a name on the side... Aeri... is that your name?"

Her fingertips brushed his and she jumped, pulling back with a jolt and hugging the pencil to her chest. Awkwardly, she slowly raised her eyes to meet his confused ones, before turning red again and nodding.

"Aeri-ssi... It's a pretty name," he continued quietly, this time shyly as he looked at her from under his lashes. She could feel her heart speed up in her chest as he said her name in his smooth voice, and s

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[140908] I'm incredibly sorry about updates T-T college leaves no time ot finish writing uhuhuh, I may sacrifice some sleep this week~


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Chapter 16: Tbh, I don't really read boyxgirl fics since I'm a fan, but I got curious and here I am waiting for the next chap! Can't wait to see what comes next :)
Killerkhaos #2
Chapter 16: hope you plan to continue your story. Its really good!
Kryptonite_6190 #3
Chapter 15: One of my favorite stories on here!❤️I loooooove iiiit!~
Kryptonite_6190 #4
Chapter 12: I absolutely LOVE this story!!!!❤️ I hope you update soon!
Chapter 12: I hear you about the writer's block! I've been having the same problem myself...but don't worry, you are incapable of writing a bad chapter ^.^ honeyy 화이팅!
Chapter 5: I fell in love with this story at the first chapter. You're a very good writer...your writing style flows nicely and is easy to read. I'm looking forward to the next update and the rest of the story. Keep up the amazing job you're doing! :)