An Offer You Just Can't Refuse

The next day Mi Young was working in the kitchen, when Mrs.Kim entered

'girls listen up, we have guests over today, I need you to make sure the house is spotless and the food is perfet, its only a few families, so you wont have to cook for a lot of people'

she looked really exicted, she leaned in closer 'to tell you the truth the girls, im really happy, this morning Mr.Kim discussed marriage with kyuhyun and he agreed to marry the women his dad picked out for him' she exclaimed

Mi Young felt her heart stop, suddenly she was struggling for air, Kyuhyun had agreed to marriage, right after he had tried to kiss her.

Mr.Kim laughed ' he agreed to marry to marry Tiffany Yan'


Which meant they were going to be her all of them, her stepmother, tiffany and Jessica and her stepbrother Daniel, she felt a shiver, this could not be good.


The evening arrived too early, and as expected they had come, along with 2 other familes, as soon as she entered the dinning table, they all turned to face her, she face her stepmothers face stiffen while Jessica and Daniel gazed pass her and acted like they had no idea who she was.

Tiffany, the poor soul looked terrifed, she had always been lovely toward MI Young, she was her only friend who had treated her with kindness, MI Young liked her very much.

She felt sorry for her, she knew she was being forced into this marriage, she had always been in love with MI Young's dad's secutary, but her mother would never allow it, she considered him not her class


‘Yes, well my daughter has always had many admirers but she has been very humble’ Mi Young stepmother carried on rambling on.

Mi Young smiled slightly as she turned around to see Donghae surrounded by the girls, and she turned to see her other stepsister flirting with Siwon, she rolled her eyes, she really did not like her, Jessica was spoiled, stuck up and selfish.

She turned her attention back to the stepmother and Tiffany, she was sat uncomfortably, MI Young knew she had no interest in marrying someone else other her father’s secretary, who even after her father had died stayed with the family, he was always loyal to the family, and Mi Young liked him very much .

‘I mean as soon as Tiffany say Kyuhyun about one year in a ball, she only saw him from afar, but she couldn’t stop talking about how handsome he was, she really wanted to dance with you’ the stepmother now faced Kyuhyun and Mi Young saw Tiffany wince and you flashback to the ball and her eyes meet with Kyuhyun.

‘But your son was busy with some other girl all night’ she turned her attention to Mrs.Kim

‘Yes, I know’ Mrs.Kim replied ‘but my Kyuhyun baby was occupied with that beautiful masked stranger, my son was very smitten with her, won’t you agree dear’ she turned to faced Kyuhyun . Mi Yong felt her cheeks go red.

‘Ahem’ Mr. Kim’s coughed, and before he could speak, Mrs.Kim closed the subject.

Jessica turned to Siwon, ‘What about you? What kind of girls do you go for?’

Siwon smiled and leaned over and put his arms around Mi Yong waist and pulled her towards him, ‘girls like Mi Young are girls I go for’

Mi Young felt herself blush, and Jessica turned and glared at her, Mi Young turned to see Kyuhyun looking at her.

‘Please Siwon, stop’ Mi Young whispered

‘Goodness sakes, Siwon’ Mrs. Kim sighed ‘stop bothering the poor girl’

He smiles and holds on to her tighter,

You turn to see you stepbrother Daniel, giving Siwon a dirty look, Mi Young flashed back to when her tried to kiss her, how her had pushed against the wall, he had snuck in her room at night and had tried to, to….

Mi Young shuddered and moved herself away from Siwon.

‘Joyously, he doesn’t have much taste; she is a servant for goodness sakes’ Jessica exclaimed

‘There, there darling, everybody know servant are easy women;

‘Mrs, there’s no need to be cruel’ Kyuhyun cut in 

‘You don’t even know her?’ Siwon added

‘Of course I do, she used to be a maid for us, and she was always trouble’

Mi Young stopped what she was doing and turned to face her, shocked.

‘she was always a nuisance, she is a gold digger, out of the kindness of my heart, I took her in and how she repay m, by trying to seduce me son for his money’ her stepmother exclaimed

 ‘Beware for your sons’ she continued ‘I treated her like my own daughter, I mean she even stole from me and my daughter, she was always jealous of them’

MI Young stared looking at her in shock, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing, how she dare lie!!

Everyone turned to face MI Young, but she couldn’t say or do anything, she stood there, tears rolling down her eyes.

‘FOR GOODNESS SAKES’, Kyuhyun got up.  Slamming his hands on the table, he got up and grabbed Mi Young’s hand and led her out of the room.

‘Please stop, we have to go back’ Mi Young exclaimed as she tried to get out of his grip.

But he wasn’t listening and he put her in a car

They sat and drove in silence, Mi Young did not dare say anything, he looked so angry.

He finally stops in front of a small cottage, and he pulls over and gets out.

‘Where are we?’ Mi Yong asked, but he didn’t reply, he just got out of the car.

He goes on to Mi Young side and tries to get her out of the car, ‘where is this place? She exclaimed as she tried to get out of his grip.

‘It’s my home’ he replied

‘But I thought…’

‘It’s just somewhere I go when I need to be alone’

‘Why have you brought me here?’ she insisted

But he didn’t say anything and continued to drag her into the house.

‘What the hell are you doing? What do you want from me?’ MI Young was starting to get agitated.

Once they were inside, he closed the door and approached her ‘What’s wrong with you? Why didn’t you stick up for yourself? Why didn’t you say anything?’

Mi Young felt herself get teary; she was so touched, without even asking her, he had believed her. He believed her, a mere maid over people well known in society.

So overwhelmed with his amazingness, Mi Young found herself leaning over and hugging him.

He stood there, frozen at first but slowly he softened up and placed his hands around her waist.

‘Thank you, thank you for believing me’ she was in tears by now.

 She held onto him tighter, she didn’t want to let go, she didn’t want to wake up, she wanted to stay in his arms, she felt so safe, so secure, so loved she paused now she was being ridiculous, he didn’t have feeling for her she was his maid.

She finally let go, she turned to look at his, worry filled his eyes, and they were no longer cold.

‘So they were a family you worked for?’ he asked

Mi Young shook her head.

He stared at her, confused.

‘They are my family’

He raised his eyebrows in curiosity.

‘She is my step mother and they are my step siblings, my dad died a few years ago and since then…I’ve been….. Well this’ she looked down at her clothes.

She turned to see Kyuhyun’s face go red ‘you were a maid in your own home?????’

You nodded ‘its ok, It wasn’t not that bad’ Mi Young exclaimed, but it was, she didn’t dare tell him about her step brother and the way he had tried to, she swallowed holding back her tears.

He grabbed onto her shoulders ‘of course it was not ok, if I would have known I would have helped, I’

MI Young smiled ‘don’t worry, I’m fine now’

She saw his face relax ‘yeah you are, I knew I was right to believe you’

She paused ‘What do I do now? I have nowhere to go? ,I have to find a job, how am I going to get my things? Mi Young started to panic’

‘What are you talking about?’ Kyuhyun exclaimed

‘I cannot go back, not after what my step mother said’

‘But it’s not true’

‘Yes, but who’s going to believe me over them?’

‘Don’t worry, I…’

‘You cannot do anything, she is your future wife, and they will be your family’

‘But.. .’

‘Don’t worry about it, I will find a job in not time’ MI Young tried to smile.

He opened his mouth to argue but stopped and smiled instead.


He looks around the cottage ‘this house is always such a mess, if only someone was around to help’

Mi Young’s eyes widened

‘That sounds like a good idea’, they both turned to see Siwon standing in the doorway.

‘What?’ Mi Young turned to face Kyuhyun confused



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katharine #1
i just read your story please update soon
Kyaaa~~ update again~~ will kyuhyun figure it out at last~~><
SuperPeaceZ #3
Double update? Yeehee! I'm not complaining! Ooooh!
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #4
Omggggggg!!!!!!! Finally you updated!!!! :DDDDD
And well.. update soon! ^-^
SuperPeaceZ #5
Yeah! Nice update! Ohh! Kyuhyun!! <3
OMKYU! At last an update! This story popped into my head a few weeks ago when I was looking through my subs list, and I couldn't get it out of my head! Aigoo~~ I feel like throwing a party now~~~~ PLEASE do not leave us hanging like that again! Update again soon, thank you so much for updating~~ updae soon~~~~^^
SuperPeaceZ #7
Update soon! I love this story!