An Offer You Just Can't Refuse


Later in the evening, the whole family had gathered to have dinner, she had yet to be introduced to both Donghae and Siwon, but ironically they had both seen her before, but would probably not remember her.

 She sighed and assumed the worse as she carried the food to the table, Kyuhyun was sat at the far end of the table; Mi Young refrained from looking his direction.

‘What do we have here?’

She looked up to see Donghae smiling at her

‘Our new maid’ His mum answered ‘leave the girl alone, Donghae.

He threw his hand in the air and gave an innocent face.

She turned to see Siwon staring at her, after about a minute, he smiles.

‘Nice to meet you again’

Mi Young stared at him in horror, was it possible he remembered her?

‘You must be mistaken’ she finally managed

He shook his head

‘I always remember faces even if it’s only half of their face, especially pretty one like yours’

‘How do you know her?’ Donghae turned to face Siwon

Siwon turned to face her, he could obviously seen the panic in her face, he turned to Kyuhyun then back to her

‘Nothing’ he finally exclaimed

Mi Young sighed, she was glad he hadn’t said who she was.

‘Probably just another one his women’ Kyuhyun muttered

‘There’s no need to be crude’ Siwon exclaimed, offended by Kyuhyun comment ‘ I mean I can’t you don’t reme-‘

‘It ok’ Mi young forced a smile ‘have a good meal’ she bowed and left.

The next morning, the whole family except for Siwon were having breakfast.

Mrs. Kim turned to Mi Young

‘Would you be a dear and get Siwon to come downstairs, it’s rare that we all eat together, he’s always been a heavy sleeper’ she smiled

Mi Young nodded and did as told.

He was obviously still asleep, she noticed once she walked in, he lay under the cover in a ball, looking even she had to admit cute and very handsome.

By not Mi Young is standing over his head, she does have the heart to wake him up. Maybe if she opened the lights he would wake up, she nodded that was a good idea.

Just as she turned to leave, he grabs onto her hand

‘It’s you, isn’t it?’ he murmured

MI Young paused ‘I don’t know what you mean sir?’

‘Even though, it was a while ago and I only talked to you for a while, I still remember’

‘I think you are mistaken sir’ she swallowed loudly

‘I wonder why Kyuhyun doesn’t remember you, I mean even though you were wearing a mask, you still spent most of the night with him.

Mi Young stiffened

‘I knew it was you’ he smiled


‘There’s no point in denying it, it’s ok because for whatever reason u don’t want Kyuhyun to know, and I respect that, so don’t worry’

 She opened the door and turned around ‘Thank you’ she exclaimed before closing the door.


It Siwon could recongize her, then how come Kyuhyun doesn’t. Mi Young couldn’t help wondering to herself, she thought she would be grateful but instead she found that she was very disappointed,

She was by now talking out loud to her self

‘I mean you’d think he’d remember me, WE EVEN KISSED FOR GOODNESS SAKES’

‘I knew you were one of his women’

Mi Young turned to see Kyuhyun standing in the corridor.

She paused and turned to him, she was angry at him, he was so crude and mean and and....

‘So what?’ she exclaimed

He paused, surprised by her reply

‘I’d rather be his women anyway’ she spat

‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

‘It means that I’d rather be in love with a heartthrob who obviously doesn’t take women seriously than be with someone like you, your nothing but a crude, selfish--’

She paused, and her eyes widened, she had spoken too much, she covered with her hand.

He had now crossed his hand and was staring at her, his eyes ice cold.

‘Please, don’t let me stop you, carry on’

‘I’m sooo sorry, I shouldn’t have said that’

She had completely forgotten her place, she was his maid for goodness sakes.

And with that she ran off. 

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katharine #1
i just read your story please update soon
Kyaaa~~ update again~~ will kyuhyun figure it out at last~~><
SuperPeaceZ #3
Double update? Yeehee! I'm not complaining! Ooooh!
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #4
Omggggggg!!!!!!! Finally you updated!!!! :DDDDD
And well.. update soon! ^-^
SuperPeaceZ #5
Yeah! Nice update! Ohh! Kyuhyun!! <3
OMKYU! At last an update! This story popped into my head a few weeks ago when I was looking through my subs list, and I couldn't get it out of my head! Aigoo~~ I feel like throwing a party now~~~~ PLEASE do not leave us hanging like that again! Update again soon, thank you so much for updating~~ updae soon~~~~^^
SuperPeaceZ #7
Update soon! I love this story!