An Offer You Just Can't Refuse


Mi Young had avoided Kyuhyun for the whole day, and when night came she ran off to her room before she had the chance to see him again.

She was sleeping, when she heard a sound from outside, she opened her eyes, she could hear stone being thrown at the window, she turned he head to see her roommate, another maid run across to the window, she opened it.

‘Shhh, we have got a new maid, she might hear you’ she paused ‘I’m coming straight down’ she smiled.

Curiosity got the best of MI Young and he ran to the window to see a handsome young man

‘Oh, you scared me’ the maid squealed once she turned around and saw her

Mi Young smiled and looked back at the man waiting below.

‘Who’s that?’ she smiled

‘Oh, please miss, don’t tell anyone’

‘Who is he?’ she repeated

‘He’s the next door neighbour’s driver Minho’

Mi Young paused ‘and..’

‘He’s been my boyfriend for about two years, but please Mi Young, please don’t tell, we aren’t allowed to be in a relationship’

Mi Young placed her hands on her shoulders ‘don’t worry, just go’

She smiled and ran off

Mi Young turned and put on her robe, she wasn’t sleepy, and she might as well get herself something to drink.

She made her way downstairs slowly; she didn’t want to wake up anybody in the house.

But once she entered the kitchen, she realised she wasn’t the only one awake, Kyuhyun was also awake.

He was sat at the counter.

‘oh my, you scared me’ Mi Young paused ‘I’m sorry’ and she turns to leave.

‘Since you are here, can you make me a cup of coffee’ He exclaimed

She turned to face him and frowned ’Now...?’

She turned to look at the clock; it was 2 in the morning.

‘Yes now, is there problem?’

‘No sir’ Mi Young mumbled

‘You make yourself a cup too and join me’ he paused ‘if you want I mean’ he added

Mi Young turned to face him surprised, ‘It would be my pleasure’ she knew it was a bad idea and she should not have agreed to stay but she had anyway.

‘Why are you up so late anyway?’ he asked, once she finished and sat down

‘I’ Mi Young paused ‘I couldn’t get much sleep, what about you?’

‘I was finishing up a few documents’

‘You were working till now?’She raised her eyebrows

He chuckled ‘Of course, I mean since my father is getting old and both Siwon and Donghae refused to work, it’s only me ‘

‘It must be tiring’

‘You would think it does but I like me job’ He paused

‘Wish I could say the same about mine’ Mi Young whispered to herself

‘Why?’ he asked sarcastically ‘ you don’t like your job’

‘Don’t patronize me ‘she narrowed her eyes ‘Of course not, but being a maid is all I have ever known’

‘Then what did you want to become?’

Mi Young opened but sighed ‘Nothing’

‘No, please tell me’

‘It’s really nothing’

‘Please’ he turned to face her

She sighed ‘Ok, but don’t laugh’

He raised his hands and chuckled ‘I won’t’

‘I always wanted to be a businesswoman’

He paused for a second and burst into laughter.

‘Yah, I told you not to laugh’ Mi Young pushed him lightly.

He turned to face her; he had stopped laughing ‘Did you just push me?’

‘OH, I...I...’ Mi Young started to lean backwards and she lost her balance, but before she could do anything, he had pulled her toward him by her waist.

She turned to see that her face was inches from his.

‘You’re very intriguing women, you know that?’ he whispered

She shook her head frantically

‘And I think I’m going to kiss you?’

And for God’s sakes she was going to let him, she knew she was going to regret it. After all she would have to go back to reality, she wasn’t at the ball anymore and he didn’t love her.

He pulled Mi Young closer but before she could do anything, she could her creak and her eyes opened and she released herself

‘I’m sorry, I have to go’

 She got up and rushed upstairs, leaving Kyuhyun speechless.

Mi Young closed the door and put her hand on her chest, she knew she was blushing and out of breath,  she couldn’t believe what was about to happen, she touched her lips, and she felt tears spring from her eyes, she knew it was impossible for him to love her but she could help feeling something for him.


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katharine #1
i just read your story please update soon
Kyaaa~~ update again~~ will kyuhyun figure it out at last~~><
SuperPeaceZ #3
Double update? Yeehee! I'm not complaining! Ooooh!
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #4
Omggggggg!!!!!!! Finally you updated!!!! :DDDDD
And well.. update soon! ^-^
SuperPeaceZ #5
Yeah! Nice update! Ohh! Kyuhyun!! <3
OMKYU! At last an update! This story popped into my head a few weeks ago when I was looking through my subs list, and I couldn't get it out of my head! Aigoo~~ I feel like throwing a party now~~~~ PLEASE do not leave us hanging like that again! Update again soon, thank you so much for updating~~ updae soon~~~~^^
SuperPeaceZ #7
Update soon! I love this story!