An Offer You Just Can't Refuse

Mi young stood in shock as he walked away, he didn’t know who she was.

She sighed; she didn’t know whether she was happy or angry.

‘I see you met master Kyuhyun’ a maid stood next to her

Mi Young couldn’t trust herself to speak, she just nodded.

‘I see he was being friendly’  

Mi young turned to her; she called his icy cold stare, friendly. He had not once looked at her face and he didn’t seem to even want to help her, it was as if it was his duty.

‘You call that friendly?’

‘At least he spoke to you’ she continued ‘he barely speaks to us, he’s arrogant and cold, I have worked her for about 2 years and not once haven’t I seen him laugh, hell I haven’t even seen him smile.

Mi Young flashed back to his warm eyes and his wicked smile, the same smile that made her weak on her knees.

She had then decided it was best he didn’t remember her, and she thought it best not to tell him too, she was after all a maid in his house.

If he had really wanted her, he would have found her in the past year.


The next morning over breakfast, Mi Young had been asked to see Mr. Kim in his office, she hadn’t seen him yet but the other maids had told her that he was strict but also kind, so she wasn’t that worried.

And she decided by the time she left the office that she had liked him, he had told her the rules around the house and how she had been expected her to behave and that was it. He wasn’t patronizing or mean, strict but he was just like Kyuhyun, a gentleman.

As she was about to make her way to the kitchen, she bumps into Kyuhyun, she stands awkwardly.

‘Can you make me a cup of tea, I will be upstairs in my office, just bring it to me’ and yet again he had barley looked at her face and walked up.

She sighed, the quicker she done it the better.

She had put the tea on a tray; the servant had informed her that he had like biscuits with it.

She stood outside room for at least a few minutes before finally knocking

‘Come in’

She took a deep breath and walked in, as expected his office was huge and tidy.

‘Place it on the table’ He didn’t even look up at her.

She moved slowly and placing the tea on the desk at the same time he moved his hands, slightly brushing it against her arm.

Just that contact had made Mi Young startled, she had remembered the time that he held her hands in his large hands and kissed her.

Mi Young watched in horror as she poured the tea all over her hand and his trousers.

He practically jumped

‘IM SOOOO SORRRY’ Mi Young squealed, trying to wipe the stain with her apron, her hands we red and were hurting her, but she was to focused on Kyuhyun to care.

‘You stupid, worthless person, what the hell do you think you’re doing?!?’

Mi Young looked up into his eyes; they were no longer warm and smiling, but cold, ice cold.

‘I’m so sorry’ she mumbled

‘Sorry’ he uttered ‘do you understand what you did? I should have you fired, you-’

‘Please, don’t say anything’ Mi Young cut in ‘I’ll have someone sent you a new cup’

She grabbed the plate and turned to leave.

Just as she was leaving, she spotted and noticed a mask placed on the shelf, the same one, he was wearing at the ball.

She gasped and dropped the tray she was holding.

She heard Kyuhyun sigh, and she grabbed onto the tray and ran out of the room.

Once out she placed her head on the door, was it possible that he thought of her? What else would be the reason he kept it.

But her mind was distracted by the noise down stairs; she ran downstairs, her curiosity getting the better of her.

And there she saw a crowd around the door; all the servants had gathered outside, she looked outside the window to see flashing of camera’s and people screaming.

‘I can’t believe he’s back’ one of the maids squealed

‘I know, isn’t Siwon as handsome as ever’ the other sighed

Mi Young found a smile emerging on her face, a year ago when she had met him; he had been funny and very handsome.

She passed them and went into the kitchen.






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katharine #1
i just read your story please update soon
Kyaaa~~ update again~~ will kyuhyun figure it out at last~~><
SuperPeaceZ #3
Double update? Yeehee! I'm not complaining! Ooooh!
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #4
Omggggggg!!!!!!! Finally you updated!!!! :DDDDD
And well.. update soon! ^-^
SuperPeaceZ #5
Yeah! Nice update! Ohh! Kyuhyun!! <3
OMKYU! At last an update! This story popped into my head a few weeks ago when I was looking through my subs list, and I couldn't get it out of my head! Aigoo~~ I feel like throwing a party now~~~~ PLEASE do not leave us hanging like that again! Update again soon, thank you so much for updating~~ updae soon~~~~^^
SuperPeaceZ #7
Update soon! I love this story!