Stella de Natale

10Sc2 2014

Afiqah Hanapi always shied away from confrontation, but with Cavell getting bullied like that and probably the “Superhero Factor”, her best friend Uyun told her about. She had to say something!

            She found her powers on Monday, before Adnin Hakeem, before Gayatri Naidu and even before Haqeem Hidayat. She knew all of them have powers before the rest of the class, there is a lot you know when you can’t be seen by everybody and is a nosy person yourself.

            Little did she know she was officially the first person to get her powers, but back to the situation at hand.

            “Give it to me, babe! Just freaking give it to me, you know how much I sacrificed for you and how much I loved you!” screamed Chris like a madman, running towards Afiqah. Afiqah immediately turned invisible and sidestepped causing Chris to fall on top of the grass.

            “What’s going on here?” said a familiar voice.

            Afiqah looked up and saw Emily Khew, Cavell’s girlfriend who also came running out of the auditorium.

            “Oh, you got your girlfriend helping you out now?” shouted Chris, with crazy in his eyes, he ran towards Cavell, who was lying against the wall with an invisible voice next to him, apologizing.

            Afiqah immediately pushed Cavell aside and Chris again slammed against the wall.

            Emily had enough, she discovered just now in the auditorium that she had Superhuman Strength and was sure she could beat this weak mad person.She grabbed Chris and threw him back into the grass with one hand and said “Don’t bother these guys again or I’ll really show you Superhuman Strength!”


            “Why were you ever with that guy anyways?” Cavell asked Afiqah the obvious question and then the second one “And why didn’t you tell anyone about discovering Invisibility?”

            “You don’t understand how self conscious I feel everyday and Chris was the only one who didn’t make me feel that way,” said Afiqah, nervously as the school nurse checked Cavell to see for any injuries.

            “Fiqah, you never should push yourself down like that, he could have seriously hurt you…” advised Cavell.

            “Christopher Brookes is going to be sent to another school after a case like this,” interrupted the principal who walked in “If he ever tries to bother you again, don’t be afraid to ask help from any of the faculty members okay?”

            Afiqah, Emily and Cavell all nodded, but they knew this was far from over, Chris is coming back, but could they be so lucky like the first time?


            “I can’t wait for Valentine’s Day, it’s going to be next Friday!” said Asyeeqah Zulkepli to Gayatri.

            “You are lucky, you are so pretty and nice you could probably find a boyfriend in a second, even a girlfriend if you wanted” replied Gayatri.

            “Oh you,” said Asyeeqah.

            Cavell walked past them, annoyed, not at Asyeeqah’s enthusiasm, but by his awful morning, he woke up late and got to school late and even worse, he didn’t do his homework. Miss Sooyoung, the Physics teacher, is going to kill him, she hates tardy work.

            He didn’t talk to anyone at all that day or didn’t intend to, but Emily started to talk to him about the cool things she could do with Enhanced Strength and guessing who else is going to get their powers. All Cavell could reply was “I don’t care”, that’s what he thought in his mind but when it came out from his mouth was “Es ist mir egal”.

            Cavell immediately covered his mouth, did he just say German?

            “Que ha pasado? (What just happened?)” Cavell basically screamed.

            “Woah, when can you speak Spanish” said Joshua Belayan.

            “Chto proiskhodit? (What is going on?)” said Cavell in Russian.

            Omnilinguism, Miss Yuri was right, I do have it.

            “Nous devons trouver Mile Yuri (We need to find Miss Yuri)” said Cavell in French.

            Everybody just looked confused, Cavell quickly wrote on a piece of paper what he said and found out he not only could write in English, but Thai, Sanskrit, Jawi and many more.

Cavell swore in 3 languages, this power is more amazing than he thought it would be.


            The next day, Cavell’s power, with the help and experience of Miss Yuri got controlled, he can now control what languages he wanted to speak and when to speak it. Haqeem seemed even more fascinated with the power than Cavell himself, and kept asking him how many languages can be speak and how fluent was the accent and if Old English and Modern English has a difference and more.

            Fahmi Izzudin found his powers on that Wednesday; the opposite of Syafiq’s Hot Manipulation is Cold Manipulation, the ability to lower temperature on anything he focuses on.

            Adnin was so honoured that Fahmi told him first and it was nice to see how cute Fahmi was when he tried out his powers, the sparkle in his eyes every time he succeeded in his task.

            Keep it together Hakeem, thought Adnin, he may be hot but he is still your best friend.


            On Thursday though, that was a new situation, nobody discovered their powers, everybody just think they may have just kept it private and that’s fine, everybody might not have a power they’re comfortable with.

            Joshua was the last person to thought there was going to be drama until he met Stella de Natale. He knew there was a Spanish exchange student in another class, but he didn’t know how attractive she was.

            Stella had perfect Jennifer Lopez brown hair, deep Megan Fox eyes, symmetrical Miranda Kerr nose and Angelina Jolie’s luscious lips. Stella de Natale was easily one the most attractive girls in school and he was the first one to get her.

            He even screamed dibs to everybody in 10Sc2, because he couldn’t even trust some of the girls not to chase after her. All he needed was a plan, after a few days of stalking, he found out that she uses her free periods to go to the Grand Stand and this Thursday, he was going to surprise her there waiting for her with a guitar.


            It wasn’t Cavell’s fault, Miss Yuri said to meditate to control your powers easier, it was easy for Gayatri being in Hinduism and all, but for Cavell, he really had to focus and the only time he had when he wasn’t gossiping or backstabbing “friends” in foreign languages was during free period, where he goes to the Grand Stand to meditate.

            The Grand Stand is literally the sports field with bleachers. The bleachers were the most popular place to hang out, but during free period, it was silent bliss.

            So hum, so hum, as Cavell thought in his mind whilst breathing in and out.

            “Hola, what you doing?” said Stella, in broken English, breaking the little concentration Cavell had going on.

            “Tratando de hacer algo que soy incapez de (Trying to do something I’m in capable of)” said Cavell in Spanish “Mi nombre es Cavell por cierto (My name is Cavell by the way)”

            Stella gasped with relief, finally someone who could speak her mother tongue, instead of criticizing her broken English, it’s not her fault, English was her third language, after French. But wait a minute, there is no way someone who is not completely Spanish could speak it with such fluent accent and familiarity.

            “ Vous etes de la classe avec les superpuissances? (You are from the class with the superpowers?)” said Stella in French, testing Cavell’s ability.

            “Oui” said Cavell, with a smirk.

            “Dios mio, acabo de encontrar mi primer amigo super potencia (Oh my God, I just found my first superpowered friend)” exclaimed Stella.

            They both went on to talk about the rest class’s powers and about languages and all the disputes and interesting accents foreigners say and completely unaware of a demotivated Joshua who was standing on the other side of the bleachers looking at his crush and his friend speaking in between French and Spanish holding a guitar, looking like a complete idiot.


            On the other side of the Earth in Holland, Azhan Airwan was eating breakfast at a café with his parents, as he was sipping his espresso, he shuddered, his mother asked him what is wrong. He had no idea.

            Everyone had no idea, they had no idea that on that Thursday, Azhan Airwan a student in 10Sc2, but was abroad had the ability to sense and manipulate people’s emotions.

Empathy, if you will.




            On Friday, Redhuan Ramlee, the class’s only Student Council member, discovered his, Mind Reading. He loved it, almost as much as Haqeem loved superpowers.

            Redhuan is sadly socially awkward, so with Mind Reading, he could know what is going on without even having to talk to people and them looking at him like he is crazy because of his unique matter of speech.

            It was insane how much drama there was in one class, a man obsessed with another man, a woman stalking another woman, a guy with a Spanish , another guy that is in a love triangle and a girl who can’t seem to find any love.

            But luckily, Redhuan was good with secrets, because he had one himself, he was in love with one of the girls in class, Rhusna Fadziea.


            Rhusna herself had no idea, she was called as a loner in class, but she was fine with it, grades are more important than friends or leisure or even love life. With everyone falling in love and distracted by superpowers, she was sure that she could for the first time get number one position in class.

            And that was all she was focusing on and she had one friend, Redhuan and he seems nice…


            On Monday, Linna Farhana found out that she could carry objects with her mind, Telekinesis, mostly she was just carrying her girlfriend, Farah, and their bags around.

            On Tuesday, Safwanah Daud, realized that she could stop time and slow it down or fasten the rate. Which is why for 10Sc2, some school days seemed to “fly by” quickly.

            On Wednesday, Farah Mohammed, Linaa’s girlfriend, deducted that she could increase the length of her body and is as flexible as an Olympic Gymnast.

            On Thursday, Zoe Hon discovered she could control people’s minds, push a though of whatever she wants into a person’s mind and they would just think the thought they made up.

            While Zoe was busy trying out her power, all Safwanah thought was her wish on a “wishing Byul” came true, now someone could “Magically” make Byul gay!


            Coming up next, Valentine’s Day! Love will run free, but will it become a stampede of hurt?

Note: All languages in Omnilinguism are translated from Google Translate, blame them for the mistakes.

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