Love + Powers = ???

10Sc2 2014

After the whole fire accident, 10Sc2 were lead to the auditorium where the principal was waiting for them. The auditorium was actually a multi-purpose hall, used for sports, exams and assemblies, but it seems they were the only class called.

            The principal along with the mathematics teacher Miss Taeyeon and the Malay Language teacher Miss Yuri, 10Sc2 sat on the floor waiting for the reason why we are called, while Miss Jessica walks next to Miss Taeyeon.

“Welcome 10Sc2, you must have realized that something odd is happening isn’t it?” said the principal.

They all nodded politely, odd? Odd doesn’t begin to explain why they have powers that extend human abilities. The fastest human footspeed is 12.42 miles per hour, not the speed of sound which Adam is close to and no human being can write in thin air without even moving a hand.

“This is normal, well for BD High it is,” said Miss Taeyeon “Every twenty years, we have a special class that seems to obtain superhuman abilities, when I was young and studying here, me and Miss Jessica and Miss Yuri all had powers too, but sadly, the powers go away as soon as you graduate, even if you repeat, they will still be gone,”

There was a sad groan as a reply from 10Sc2, their O levels were next year and 60% of the class still hasn’t gotten super powers and now they were talking about losing them.

“But it’s okay, you guys are lucky enough to get them anyways,” said Miss Jessica” the interesting thing is that all the powers seems to repeat itself and there is always 22 people in our class, well for your class it’s 21, with Azhan Airwan at Holland and all, but today we are here to say…”

“That it is perfectly normal to get them, we are going to announce it to the whole school on Monday at the general assembly, so you won’t have to use your powers in secrecy,”  said the principal “ I need to get going but these three teachers here will teach you about your powers, they all had the experience,”

“Alright, who can speak 88 languages without breaking a sweat?” asked Miss Yuri, no one answered.

“I can speak 5, English, Chinese, Malay, Cantonese and Hokkien,” said Cavell. It was true, growing up in a Hokkien talking family, with Cantonese speaking relatives from Hong Kong and studying Chinese in his old school, Cavell probably knows the most languages, fluently.

“Then you probably get my old power, Omnilinguism, before I got it I could speak fluent English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese and Spanish, but after I have it, I could speak almost all the languages in the world and it help a lot with my Malay Language exam,” Miss Yuri gave a wink.

The whole class was shocked, even though Miss Yuri was Korean, her Malay is even better than some of the Malays in the school.

“After I lost my powers, I realized I had a passion for Malay, so I improved it and studied it until I got a PhD,” explained Miss Yuri.

“Now with great power comes great responsibility, I used to have invisibility and would sneak into classes so I was never late,” said Miss Jessica “But now I knew that was not the makings of a good student, now, we are going to talk about…”

Haqeem didn’t pay attention, he was still shocked that he could lose his powers forever, he was so happy with his intangibility that he never opened his bag zipper from that day on and always found an excuse to use it, through those 7 days, he felt like his power was a part of him, everyday watching superheroes fighting bad guys to the movie “The X-men” and “Man of Steel”.

“But enough about safety and the making of a good student,” said Miss Taeyeon, giving a smirk to Miss Jessica “It’s time to teach you how to control your powers without killing someone or yourselves, I used to can teleport and almost found myself teleporting into a wall a few times”

The people who had already discovered their powers stayed back and were taught by Miss Taeyeon and Miss Yuri about their powers and those who didn’t have to go back and learn English finish their essays.


Adnin Hakeem really wanted to scream out that he already found his powers, but that would give out his secret, so instead he laid low for 8 days, he felt like a freak, which human being on Earth can biologically change your body?, he found out he could shape shift last Tuesday.

He hasn’t told anyone yet, but that came naturally to him, he himself haven’t told anyone that he had a secret obsession with Fahmi Izzudin, the hottest guy in class  in Adnin’s eyes.

It was kind of disgusting really; he already knew he was gay but not attracted to his best friend in the whole wide world. They have been together through thick and thin and now he couldn’t even stand looking at him without blushing.

It wasn’t that Adnin couldn’t tell his friends, LGBT is the new normal in BD High; they even have a lesbian couple in their class, Linaa Farhana and Farah Mohammad. But if Adnin told anybody, it would be so obvious it’s his best friend, sometimes he just want to scream “I love you!” and kiss Fahmi, but he knows that will hurt him even more because of the rejection and then that weird looks Fahmi gets when he is freaked out and he would stop talking to Adnin and their whole friendship is over.

It is better to ignore the feelings and stay friends than having their friendship on the line. Isn’t it?


Adnin is not the only one who has love issues, on the way to the English class; Safwanah Daud was busy trying to see if her crush is walking out of class. She was busy stalking this girl, who she had given the nickname “Byul” which meant star in Korean.

The only person she had talked about this stalking issue to is Zoe Hon her best friend and partner in crime in trying to get close to Byul, even the few minutes of talking to Byul, Safwanah could smile the whole day,

 But sadly, Safwanah knew Byul was straight and it hurts her heart everyday but with Zoe there to console her, life is better. Zoe was already dating some guy named Kimberly who studies at some other school. Safwanah always daydreams that her love with Byul would be like Zoe and Kimberly’s or Farah and Linaa’s relationship.

Maybe in the future, someone could magically make Byul gay…


Haqeem got excited; he was going to show off that he had been practicing with his powers every minute of school time.

The same could be said for Gayatri, the last time she was with Haqeem, she bombarded him with questions, because her herself couldn’t except that she could fly. She felt like a freak and finding there was another one got her excited. After that she told everyone she could fly, it was amazing how a little support and recognition from a friend can boost your confidence, which is why she was with the super-powered people getting a lesson.

“I’m sorry about last time,” she whispered to Haqeem.

“No problem, I would’ve done the same if you had powers first,” replied Haqeem.

He would, he would have probably asked more questions than the number of words he ever said in his quiet life.

“Alright, let’s get started,” said Miss Yuri.

The next few hours were instructions and safety and the price of powers comes with envy and hatred and a lot of stuff. They even mentioned why the fire rescue was so immediate and organized with the superpowers, the students also seemed to adopt a mindset, that whenever there is trouble, they themselves have to help. It’s phrased the “Superhero Factor”, and through years of research, that this mindset will be there before the power is discovered and will still be there even after graduation, making 10Sc2 the real li8fe Justice League of Superheroes, with or without powers.

 Haqeem Hidayat never in his quiet life ever listened more closely to anything.


The following Monday, was the announcement the 10Sc2 stood in front of the entire school and the powers were explained and not to be feared and said this was a 20 years ritual.

Some powers were shown and the whole school expectantly was happy shouting envy cries when Adam ran laps around the auditorium in minutes, shouts of jealousy when Uyun teleported, woos of amazement as Dinesh created arches of electricity and many more .

While the whole school was busy, Cavell realized something was weird when Afiqah Hanapi, one of the nicest girls in class was motioned by a mad senior student to go outside. Cavell immediately followed her out for no apparent reason, just that he wanted to protect her.

“What the heck? You have superpowers and you didn’t tell me!?” shouted the senior.

“Chris, I don’t have mine yet and I didn’t want to show that I’m a freak,” replied Afiqah, almost in tears, as Chris kept pulling at her elbow; not letting go.

“Hey, what is going on here!?,” Cavell shouted, with the authority and anger he never realized he had.

“Get lost, my girlfriend here is just showing me her powers so, she can give it to me, isn’t it right, honey?” said Chris, pulling Afiqah towards him and hugging her putting his disgusting lips on her cheek.

Cavell swore under his breath and with the “Superhero Factor” he didn’t even knew he had, he punched Chris, right to his face.

Chris recoiled and slammed Cavell against a wall with Afiqah screaming.

“Do you really think you can beat me? You are weak, the only power you will have is probably Invisibility, so you can hide your sorry face,” shouted Chris and spitting saliva on Cavell’s face.

“Well he can’t have it, because I already have it,” said Afiqah’s voice but to no Afiqah; she suddenly appeared out of thin air, phasing out of transparency.

Afiqah Hanapi had Invisibility the whole time!


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eeyahjoker #2
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