Prank 2: The 'Golden' Maknae is forever golden

School of Bangtan PRANKSTERS

The sun sets into a blood orange wallpaper as evening approached. The dance studio resounded with beats from various songs till the instructor claps his hands and breaks it off. Addressing what each member needs to work on, the instructor exits and the leader takes over.

tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpg[Rap Monster leans back and forth, not being able to keep his feet fixated on the floor.] "That's it for today... but... that's not it for tonight!!!!"

The boys start cheering and applauding at the leader's 'motivating' words.

tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpg[Rap Monster paces back and forth with hands behind his back.] "Soliders, this is our only night out and we better make it a good one. SUGGESTIONS?"

tumblr_inline_n55d7tPxTG1s8lgjg.jpg[V salutes and goes into attention.] "SIR!"

tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpg[Rap Monster stops in front of V.] "SPEAK SOLDIER!"

tumblr_inline_n55d7tPxTG1s8lgjg.jpg"NARAEBONG TILL SUNRISE!"

The other boys lean forward and look in the direction where V stood upright. The expressions plastered on their face were just...

tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpg[Rap Monster jumps up and slaps V's head down.] "DENIED!!! NEXT!"

tumblr_inline_n55d70n0pO1s8lgjg.jpg[Jimin salutes and goes into attention.] "SIR! I SUGGEST YO-"

Before Jimin could finish, the boys started pelting Jimin with shoes.

tumblr_inline_n55d7bQFuu1s8lgjg.jpg[Jungkook salutes and goes into attention.] "SIR! HOW BOUT!" [Jungkook lowers his head and tone.] "we just go to sleep."

tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpg[Rap Monster thinks for a bit as he his non-existent beard.] "ALRIGHT BOYS HIT THE SHOWERS!!!" 

The boys sped off into the showers as they strip on the way to the private stalls. Everything was proceeding normally till... the snickering between a couple of the members hinted a little surprise for one of their targets for the day.

tumblr_inline_n55d7bQFuu1s8lgjg.jpg"Haruman~♪" [Jungkook massages his scalp thoroughly as the suds from the shampoo slips down his body. He reaches out for his bottle of conditioner but fails to find it since opening his eyes proved difficult. Finally feeling a bottle that matched the shape of his conditioner, Jungkook pumps out a sufficient amount and begins applying.]

"kekekekekeke~" the snickering of the other members drifted further away from the facilities, leaving Jungkook all by himself.

... Half an hour later...

tumblr_inline_n55d7bQFuu1s8lgjg.jpg"REALLY?!?!?!??!?!??!?!??!" [Jungkook slams the door wipe opened that left a resounding smack throughout the dorm.]

The other boys bursts out laughing and slapping their thighs as the maknae stood there with a murderous expression.

tumblr_inline_n55d7oRQk71s8lgjg.jpg"HEY LOOK IT'S THE GOLDEN MAKNAE PUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" [Suga raises his right hand and points while his left arm held his stomach.]

tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpg"HAHAHAHAHA I NEVER IMAGINED THE NICKNAME 'RUBBED OFF' ON HIM THAT WELL!!!" [Rap Monster places his left hand on Suga's shoulder for balance as his laugh increases in volume.]

tumblr_inline_n55d6n10M91s8lgjg.jpg"DON'T YOU MEAN RUBBED ON!" [J-Hope joins in the teasing and begins tearing up.]

Jungkook grinds his teeth as he stomps toward the sofa and plomps down in the middle with his arms crossed. Jungkook only had gold-colored shorts on to match his gold backpack and sandals. From his hair to his toes... his entire body was covered in the rich colour of 'Gold'.

tumblr_inline_n55d7bQFuu1s8lgjg.jpg"YOU KNOW I HAD TO TAKE THE BUS BACK HERE SINCE SOMEONE TOOK MY WALLET AND PHONE!!! EVEN THE BUS DRIVER WAS LIKE... You sure you're on the right bus? Because the bank ain't closed yet if you wanna make a deposit." [Jungkook pouts and glares at J-Hope and Jimin who sat beside him.]

tumblr_inline_n55d7oRQk71s8lgjg.jpg[Suga finally calms himself.] "Kookie~ we recorded something for you." [Suga turns on the TV and...]

tumblr_inline_n55d7bQFuu1s8lgjg.jpg"WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?!?!" 

On TV... a female reporter who was making a report on the car crash incident from last night, stood from a distance that showcased golden Jungkook in his shorts walking around in the background.


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the last installation has finally arrived... I know its sad when another series ends! but that's when newer ideas take over!


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Chapter 6: OTPs and Hopey ♡ the members were probably behind him as he writes ;~;
TaemiChan #2
Chapter 5: The power of pink~~~
I wonder if i should change my favourite color to pink.....
Btw, where's jimin????
Chapter 5: what a nice tea party \o/
and why is grandpa yoongi hitting baby kookie? ;~;
Chapter 4: Were Suga's clothes on the muffin or-?
Chapter 3: ...Taehyung... -facepalms- what the eff did you think was happening? ;~;