Prank 6: Forever your hope!

School of Bangtan PRANKSTERS

tumblr_inline_n55d6n10M91s8lgjg.jpg"Taehyung~ wanna go out and play soccer?" 

tumblr_inline_n55d7tPxTG1s8lgjg.jpg"Hey Kookie~ look at this one!" V flashes the magazine at Jungkook who laughs back in response

tumblr_inline_n55d7bQFuu1s8lgjg.jpg"I WOULD SO TOTALLY WEAR THAT HAHAHAHA!" Jungkook laughs heartily to the point where he was going to cry.

J-Hope quickly frowns and walks away from the two younger boys

tumblr_inline_n55d76wwxf1s8lgjg.jpg"Hey Namjoon, what do you think of this shirt?" Jin came running out of the bedroom with a pink shirt read, 'Too Hawt Too Pink.' lined in white

tumblr_inline_n55d6n10M91s8lgjg.jpgJ-Hope smiles and bounces back to his normal cheery self. "THAT SHIRT LOOKS AWESOME!!!" 


tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpg"hmm... maybe try something a bit... more sophisticated?" Rap Monster eyes the shirt in disagreement.

tumblr_inline_n55d76wwxf1s8lgjg.jpg"Okay~" Jin runs back into the room, brushing past J-Hope.

J-Hope looks at Jin and back at Rap Monster, the attitude from the other members triggered something... something rather... disturbing. He didn't know how to describe it but he just didn't like it. J-Hope quickly retreats into the corner of the room where he found the dark spot on the floor to be his only means of comfort. He could see the members grouped up together and having fun by themselves. The members were so close but yet so far from his reach. 

tumblr_inline_n55d70n0pO1s8lgjg.jpg"HYUNG!!! HYUNG!!!!" Jimin enters the room with his tablet and frantically looks for...

J-Hope looks up and was about to lend a hand to the distressed Jimin... but...

tumblr_inline_n55d70n0pO1s8lgjg.jpg"YOONGI-HYUNG!!!" Jimin finds Suga on the sofa with his legs stretched out on the coffee table.

tumblr_inline_n55d7oRQk71s8lgjg.jpg"Hmm? What's wrong?" Suga lends his computer knowledge to Jimin and starts tinkering with the tablet.

tumblr_inline_n55d70n0pO1s8lgjg.jpg"I WAS DOING THIS EARLIER AND THAT AND THIS AND THAT AND BAM IT-" Jimin kept yammering on and on about how the tablet was working fine earlier and how it went kaput soon after.

tumblr_inline_n55d7oRQk71s8lgjg.jpg"mhmm...mhmm..." Suga didn't really listen to the kid as he continues the repair session. "Okay done.", giving the tablet back to Jimin who immediately lights up with a smile and tightly hugs the techie hyung.

tumblr_inline_n55d70n0pO1s8lgjg.jpg"THANK YOU~~~~ WANNA WATCH THIS MOVIE WITH ME~~~" Jimin flicks the page over to the bookmark but... "YOONGI-HYUNG!!!"

tumblr_inline_n55d7oRQk71s8lgjg.jpg"..." Suga facepalms hard as soon as he saw what happened right in front of him.

tumblr_inline_n55d6n10M91s8lgjg.jpg"I'm going out..." J-Hope gets up and exits the dorm but...

         tumblr_inline_n55d7tPxTG1s8lgjg.jpgtumblr_inline_n55d7bQFuu1s8lgjg.jpg"HAHAHAHA THIS ONE IS THE BEST!!!" Taehyung and Jungkook were laughing amongst themselves while...

              tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpgtumblr_inline_n55d76wwxf1s8lgjg.jpg "NO NO AND NO!!!" Rap Monster was still helping Jin with which outfit to wear to the fan meet tomorrow.

                  tumblr_inline_n55d7oRQk71s8lgjg.jpgSuga was busy fixing the tablet again... right after Jimin... 

                         tumblr_inline_n55d70n0pO1s8lgjg.jpg "IT HAPPENED AGAIN!!!!" 

nobody paid attention to him...

Deciding that maybe a walk was what he needed on a day like this... J-Hope begins making his way to the nearby park.

tumblr_inline_n55d6n10M91s8lgjg.jpg"What's going on today..." J-Hope walks along the sidewalk and plays pebble soccer by himself. 

Finally reaching the park, the lonely member finds a secluded hill and lays down on the prickly grass bed. "... I wonder how mom and dad are doing...", staring at the clouds as they form different shapes to create a movie, J-Hope soon finds himself falling asleep.


Half an hour later...




the members call out for the abandoned member.

J-Hope wakes up as the chime of his beloved alarm calls out for him.

tumblr_inline_n55d7tPxTG1s8lgjg.jpgtumblr_inline_n55d7bQFuu1s8lgjg.jpg"LET'S GO PLAY SOCCER!!!"


tumblr_inline_n55d70n0pO1s8lgjg.jpg"LET'S WATCH A MOVIE!!!"

The members were waving to J-Hope as he stood up with his head down.

Finally running over to J-Hope...

tumblr_inline_n55d7bQFuu1s8lgjg.jpg"HYUNG I TOLD YOU WE TOOK IT TOO FAR!!!" Jungkook elbows Suga in the stomach.

tumblr_inline_n55d7oRQk71s8lgjg.jpg"MIANHAE!!!" Suga claps his hands together and bows.

Tears started running down J-Hope's face, drop by drop and hitting the grass.

tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpg"We're sorry!" Rap Monster puts his arm over J-Hope and comforts the member.

tumblr_inline_n55d76wwxf1s8lgjg.jpgJin takes the other side and starts patting slowly, "sorry that we made you feel alone... all of us love seeing your smiley side... so would you please smile for us J-Hopey?" Jin headbutts J-Hope's head gently.

tumblr_inline_n55d6n10M91s8lgjg.jpg"..." J-Hope clenches his fists... "I HATE YOU GUYS!!!" J-Hope steals the soccer ball from V and runs. "IF YOU WIN. THEN I MIGHT FORGIVE YOU!!! ME-RONG!!!" J-Hope sticks out his tongue and pulls the bottom lid of his right eye down a bit. 

tumblr_inline_n55d70n0pO1s8lgjg.jpg"YOU'RE ASKING FOR IT!!!" Jimin points and chases the member.

tumblr_inline_n55d7tPxTG1s8lgjg.jpg"HEY THAT'S CHEATING!!!" V joins the game~

tumblr_inline_n55d7bQFuu1s8lgjg.jpg"COME ON YOONGI-HYUNG!!! YOU'RE GOING TO DEVELOP A BEBE TUMMY~" Jungkook pulls Suga's arm and runs.

tumblr_inline_n55d7oRQk71s8lgjg.jpg"SLOW DOWN!!!" Suga was trying to catch his breath... already...

tumblr_inline_n55d76wwxf1s8lgjg.jpg"... I'm actually glad... we did this..." Jin stares at the members from a distance... 

tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpgRap Monster looks over at Jin and nods... "stuff like this... only makes us closer..." Rap Monster smiles at the scene in front of him.

tumblr_inline_n55d76wwxf1s8lgjg.jpg"but..." Jin takes a headstart and joins the members, "YOU'RE LAST AGAIN!!! HAHAHAHAHA" 

tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpg"YAH!!!" Rap Monster sprints with all his might and begins a chase of his own...




That night...

tumblr_inline_n55d6n10M91s8lgjg.jpg"Dear journal...

The members really scared me today... I thought they were going to leave me behind but all of a sudden...

they surprised me! I am really glad that I'm in BTS now... I love each and every one of them... my brothers...


- Jung Hoseok~"


J-Hope closes the notepad and...




tumblr_inline_n55d6n10M91s8lgjg.jpg"YOU GUYS ARE SO DEAD!!!!"

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the last installation has finally arrived... I know its sad when another series ends! but that's when newer ideas take over!


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Chapter 6: OTPs and Hopey ♡ the members were probably behind him as he writes ;~;
TaemiChan #2
Chapter 5: The power of pink~~~
I wonder if i should change my favourite color to pink.....
Btw, where's jimin????
Chapter 5: what a nice tea party \o/
and why is grandpa yoongi hitting baby kookie? ;~;
Chapter 4: Were Suga's clothes on the muffin or-?
Chapter 3: ...Taehyung... -facepalms- what the eff did you think was happening? ;~;