Prank 7: Don't say I didn't warn you

School of Bangtan PRANKSTERS

The last day of peace and quiet as the BigHit staff started getting busy with...

"Namjoon, we need you to attend the meeting at 3PM today for a concept shoot."

    "Rap Monster - what are your thoughts on the new line up for this album?"

           "Should we go with Pink as the theme for this one?"

tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpgRap Monster stood in the middle of the lobby, getting stormed by the staff while his manager was in a schedule meet.

tumblr_inline_n55d7tPxTG1s8lgjg.jpg"Namjoon-hyung sure is busy today..." V played his best poker face as he takes a sip of his grape juicebox and leans against the wall with his right foot up.

tumblr_inline_n55d7oRQk71s8lgjg.jpgSuga leans over with his arms crossed. "Well... I would help but thing is, I already got my schedule to worry about too in 30 minutes... apparently PD-nim needs to reapprove some of the stuff..."

tumblr_inline_n55d7tPxTG1s8lgjg.jpgV wasn't too fond of the word 'schedule' but he had an idea of his own as he whispers something into the older boy's ear.

tumblr_inline_n55d7oRQk71s8lgjg.jpgSuga widens into a grin. "Ooooh me likey~"

The two members sneak into the shadows ~ OPPA SNEAKY STYLE~


An hour later...

tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpgRap Monster was in one of the second floor meeting rooms, deciding on how to improve the new line up for the album. He sighed as the stress was reaching the final 1% of his brain capacity.

"♪EYYYY~~~ AY lady...♪" 

Music can be heard from the hall as it got from louder to quieter and repeated the same trend for a bit.

Rap Monster didn't want to lose focus as his head was fixated on the bundles of paper in front of him. Slowly he takes off his shades and massages in between his eyes.




Finally losing all hopes in humanity, Rap Monster stomps over to the wooden door and pulls it wide open.

There he sees...


tumblr_inline_n55d7oRQk71s8lgjg.jpgtumblr_inline_n55d7tPxTG1s8lgjg.jpgSuga and Taehyung dressed in baby blue tuxedos and aviator shades, squiggling down the hallway as gangnam style played.

Rap Monster gave them a stare of sorts that hinted the words, "GET THE FK OUT" in caps lock and exclamations behind the word so clearly that anybody can see flames flaring out of his body.

tumblr_inline_n55d7oRQk71s8lgjg.jpgtumblr_inline_n55d7tPxTG1s8lgjg.jpg"EYYYYYY AY LADEH!!!!" Taehyung and Suga continued as their trademark smiles ticked off the leader even more.

tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpg"... GET THE OUT!!!!" Rap Monster hoists the boombox off the floor and chucks it at the two members who were squiggling down the hall. 

tumblr_inline_n55d7oRQk71s8lgjg.jpgtumblr_inline_n55d7tPxTG1s8lgjg.jpg"AY LADEH!!!!" The yelling of the repeated lyrics could be heard even when they were out of sight... the two were truly masters of...


tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpg"dem trolls..." Rap Monster does a 180 degree turn and slams the door behind him as he gets back into the groove of things.


Continuing his little stress session... the time has come for the concept meeting at 3PM...


The meeting consisted of Bang PDnim, the managers, stylists, producers, Suga, Jin, and Rap Monster while Jungkook and Jimin were working in the studio with the other staff in the room next to them. Light thumping of the beats can slightly be heard but the meeting was still doable as they needed to review the track afterwards.

tumblr_inline_n62vukivNb1s8lgjg.jpg"Moving this meeting forward, we will need to revolve a concept around this song. I know the lyrics in itself has paced us through nearly half of it but... that isn't quite enough." Bang PD takes off his glasses and looks around the room. "Can anybody tell me what we are missing?"

tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpg"I think-umm-" Rap Monster sees something moving behind the glass where the PD sat in front of. He couldn't bare to make any suspicious movements as it will dot the attention and cause the serious businessman to turn around.

Right behind the businessman was a giant studio glass window that let them see what was happening behind it... the design has many flaws when one uses it as a meeting room but... the only personnel that can enter were the staff anyway.

tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpg"If we move along the idea of uh a theme that uh..." Rap Monster gulps down as his mouth begins salivating and sweat running down his forehead. "could uhm captivate our audience uh better and relate to umm...."

tumblr_inline_n62vukivNb1s8lgjg.jpgBang PD nods his head as he closes his eyes to focus on the leader's idea... 

tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpg"the teenagers of this generation... uhmmmmm... uh... that would uh probably... be better... uh yeah..." Rap Monster made side glances and head tilts toward the two rascals outside as he widened his eyes and clenched his teeth.

tumblr_inline_n55d6n10M91s8lgjg.jpgtumblr_inline_n55d7tPxTG1s8lgjg.jpgOutside, J-Hope and V were on tricycles while wearing the same blue tuxedo and shades getup from earlier. On the back of the tricycle though, a flag was present that read, "they see me rollin'~"

Bang PD opens his eyes after the leader finished his proposal.

The managers and stylists try to keep a straight face as they cover their faces with the papers.

tumblr_inline_n62vukivNb1s8lgjg.jpg"Anybody have any questions before we proceed to the recording studio?" The man asks before standing up from his seat.

Everybody keeps quiet while Rap Monster shaked his head quickly in hopes of moving this forward.

tumblr_inline_n62vukivNb1s8lgjg.jpg"Good because I have a question... WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING OUT HERE!!!"

tumblr_inline_n55d7tPxTG1s8lgjg.jpg"OH RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!" V shouts as he pedals as hard as he could on the little tricycle.

tumblr_inline_n55d6n10M91s8lgjg.jpg"I'M TRYING!!!" J-Hope who rode in front of V slowly turns his head as the man glares at him.

tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpg"..." Rap Monster shakes his head and sighs...

tumblr_inline_n62vukivNb1s8lgjg.jpg"Anybody else want to disrupt the meeting?" Bang PD turns around as he was about to breathe out fire at the crowd.

"YOONGI-HYUNG!!! HELP ME!!!" V just couldn't keep his mouth shut....

tumblr_inline_n55d7oRQk71s8lgjg.jpgSuga begins to creep away slowly but...

tumblr_inline_n62vukivNb1s8lgjg.jpg"M-i-n Y-o-o-n-g-i s-s-i" Bang PD turns his head slowly as the member goes into attention. "Would you care to explain what these two were up to?" His smile had only 1 meaning behind it and 1 meaning alone... 

tumblr_inline_n55d7oRQk71s8lgjg.jpgSuga scratches the back of his head and lets out a nervous laugh as his only means of reasoning...

tumblr_inline_n62vukivNb1s8lgjg.jpgBang PD closed the distance between him and Suga while dragging J-Hope and V along. "This won't be pretty when I'm done with you." He turns around and nods his head. "RAP MONSTER HIT IT!!!"


Rap Monster flicks the light off and a disco ball came down. Jungkook cranks up the volume in the studio and Jimin opens the door that barred off the sound earlier.

Harlem shake begins to play as the 3 supposed pranksters just stood there... not believing that...

tumblr_inline_n55d7h9BHL1s8lgjg.jpg"Don't say I didn't warn you~" Rap Monster just got them ... real... good...

tumblr_inline_n62vukivNb1s8lgjg.jpgBang PD leans over while dancing, "You 3 are still in trouble by the way~ but for now~ let's dance!"




This marks the end of the Bangtan Boys' venture in the Pranksters... If they've learned anything... and that's pranking takes too much time and effort especially for V and Rap Monster...

--- The School of Bangtan has finally come to a close---

Thank you very much for following the SoB series for this long! this will now be replaced by a new series and it's....


Click Here To Find Out

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the last installation has finally arrived... I know its sad when another series ends! but that's when newer ideas take over!


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Chapter 6: OTPs and Hopey ♡ the members were probably behind him as he writes ;~;
TaemiChan #2
Chapter 5: The power of pink~~~
I wonder if i should change my favourite color to pink.....
Btw, where's jimin????
Chapter 5: what a nice tea party \o/
and why is grandpa yoongi hitting baby kookie? ;~;
Chapter 4: Were Suga's clothes on the muffin or-?
Chapter 3: ...Taehyung... -facepalms- what the eff did you think was happening? ;~;