Thank you , my 1st friend

Crazy In Love ( Listen it while you read please ^^) 


You were introduced to your new class, you kept the same old cold poker face while saying “I’m Park Sarang from LA, please take good care of me, thank you”. 


The boys in the class are going crazy & creating tons of noise by the moment you finished your intro. “Hey, wanna date me?””Wow, new style of girl, I like you pretty girl!””You look hot!” is all you can hear & you already start to dislike this bunch of immature and ert classmates. “eww, disgusting. I’m here to study, not to be you immature beings’ toy” you told yourself.


You’re being called to sit beside a cute looking girl. You can’t help but to feel relieve that you get to sit with a girl rather than the guys in the class. “Hi! I’m Kim Hana! Nice to meet you!” the girl said with a cute smile. “Hello, I’m park sarang, nice to meet you too.” You replied coldly.

Hana frowned with your replied and start to ask “Why are you treating me so coldly? We are friends right?” She didn’t wait for you to reply and continued, “I’ll be your first high school friend and I’ll bring you around the school today for a tour okay! Kyaaaa I can’t believe I have a friend already! We’ll be best friend okay!” and hana kept blabbering about how she’s so happy to have you as a friend.

At first you felt so weird towards her for being so friendly, but looking at how she’s so excited and smiling so wide while talking, you got soften by her cute and down to earth personality. “hmm, maybe I should try to be friendlier and better to hana, she’s such a sweet heart for a new high school friend” you thought to yourself.


When the lesson started, hana starts to get all serious, begin to guide you along what is going on with the topics you are going to learn & made some bookmark on the major topics mentioned in year 1. You stared at her, out of a sudden you felt so touched. No one treat you so good like her, other than your aunt.


You start to wander in your thoughts, thinking about your past.

Your parents left you after a terrible car incident, both killed instantly in it. They were protecting you, hugging you tightly together when the incident happens. When you are complaining that their hug are painful for you, you didn’t realize that when their embrace are getting loose, it means that it’s going to be the last hug with warm you’ll ever get from them.

When you finally get to breathe and climb up from their cold embrace, you start calling “appa~omma~” while shaking them. “Wake up!! Don’t be a lazy bum~” you continued to call for them. Then the young you start to feel blood from both their head and body, you screamed in horror “APPA!!! OMMMA!!! WAKE UP!! IT’S SO SCARY. PLEASE WAKE UP!” and you fainted in their cold embrace again. All you can remember next is you in a white cold room with your grandparents holding your hands.

You started to daze into the air, refusing to eat, refusing to drink. You can’t believe your appa and omma are gone just like that, you blamed all on you, if it’s wasn’t for you, they would have survive. Your grandparents thought it would be tough for you to stay in Korea to go through all these heartbreak and sad memories; they brought you to LA thinking that that was the best for you.


Yes, the start of the new LA life was sweet and lovely; you smiled and laughed a lot more. It was your grandparents and aunt that brought you these much laughter and joy in life. But, life made a quick down fall when both your grandparents fell sick one after another. In less than 5 year, both of them passed away. It wasn’t a tough battle for them as they passed away side by side as they wish to and slept forever with a smile.

Yet, it was a tough one for you, with 4 closest kin of your leaving you in 5 years; you start to think that it’s best for you to not love anyone anymore.  To you, no love means no heartbreak. It wasn’t easy facing all these, facing death, facing heartbreak and facing the loneliness after it.

Since then, you decide that only studies wouldn’t bring heartbreak, it will only bring good grades and better life in the future for you and your aunt for being able to help her in the business that your grandparents left behind.


You drifted from the social circle. When girls are dating guys, you are studying your nights off. When girls are busy shopping, you go to the library. No one wants to talk to you or be friends with you, just because you’re a geek. But you didn’t care at all; all you want was good grades.

And when you finally got consent from your aunt to return to your root country, you were so happy & start to think that your dream is finally reaching. To make your grandparents company the best in Korea. To visit your parents once again.


“HEY Sarang! ARE YOU THERE!?” You suddenly got brought back into sense noticing hana’s cute waving infront of you. “Ahh? Ah! Yes, why?” you replied. “Are you listening to me? I said~ I’ve already bookmarked the main topics to focus on and it’s lunch time! Let’s go!” Hana then took you by the hand and dragged you with you replying again.

“Aish, this girl” you thought and smiled to yourself. “Nice to meet you hana, thank you for being my 1st friend in Korea”



Keke I'm sorry if you wished there is more loveline story in this chap,

I want to express the importance of friendship and past of the lead more in this chap, 

Look forward for th next one! I'm sure you'll like it!!

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great job!
would also love to see more hoyaxhana interactions. n.n
keep up the amazing work! hwaiting! :D
oooo~ this story is so amazing! please update soon! i wanna find out what happens next! XD
OMG so cutee ~~ I really love your story! Update soon ~!! :)
_khaycee_ #5
ngaww this story is so cute xDD<br />
update soon!
awwwwwwwwwww~!<br />
What a cute story!<br />
Can't wait for another update!<br />
Update soooooooonnnnn~!
CBLL92 #7
Lovin' this story more & more.. ^^
smackbee #8
@thisismiffy HAHAHAHAHA IKR <3 Thannkkyu babe <3<br />
@arimuchiu Thank you for reading! I hope I didnt disappoint you ^^<br />
@mishazilla ^^ Thank you for reading! <br />
@-Muasbby I enjoy writing about them too! Thank you! ^^<br />
@U-Kissluva awwww thankyou! I'll do a better job! ^^<br />
OMG THAT IS SO CUTE!!!!!! oh new read and AHHHHHH THE COUPLING IS SO CUTE!!!!<br />