Mr. Romantic

Love Game

Sehun’s POV

I stood awkwardly in front of her apartment door and I didn’t know what to actually say. Wow, this is the first time ever I feel like I am lost for words. I just watched her every moves carefully. Is she thinking what I’m thinking?

“Thank you, Sehun. For coming today and taking me to the arcade and the froyo too. I had so much fun.” she started.

“Yeah I had fun too watching you at basketball.” I remarked and she pouted immediately.

“Yah, I’m a beginner! Whatever. But really, thank you so much.” Her pout changed into one of the cutest smile I’ve ever seen. Whut.

“You’re welcome.” I replied.

“Well then, see you tomorrow?”

Is this it? Why do I feel like I still want to be with her. No, please don’t say good bye!

Think, Sehun! What should I say?

“Of course.” I muttered.

Someone told me action speaks louder than words, so instead of keep thinking of the words to say, I leaned my head towards her, slowly and surely. She hung her head low, but I continued. She should know..

“Be careful!”

“Huh?” I awkwardly pulled my head away, as if the conversation earlier isn’t awkward enough.

“On your way home, I mean. Bye Sehun!” she ran inside, leaving me dumbfounded in front of her front door.

What the hell did you just try to do, Oh Sehun? Headache. It must be a headache you’re having right now because of too much basketball. Why can’t I think straight? I rested my head on her door.

“Sehun pabo..” I silently cursed myself.


Hara’s POV

I stood near my door. Wait, I could still hear Sehun’s voice. To get rid of my curiousity, I pulled it open and..

“Oww!” both Sehun and I yelped.

It seemed like he was resting on my door because we immediately fell in an awkward position, him on top of me.

“I’m so sorry!” he said, a little while after we both regained our consciousness.

“Sorry, I didn’t know you were still there.” I muttered.

“It’s my fault. I should’ve left. Is your back okay?” he lifted himself from me.

“No, but.. I’ll be fine.” I said and he helped the both of us to stand up.

“So..” he trailed, “Wanna watch TV again?” he suggested, already making himself comfortable on my sofa.

“Great, I’ll make some drinks.” And with that, I left to the kitchen.


I stirred my own cup of cold chocolate milk, then Sehun’s, not really paying attention to the surrounding but then,


“Aargh!” there goes the spoon. “Sehun! You scared me!”

“I intended to do just that.” he said with that poker face of his.

“Yah! I almost had a heart attack you know!”

“What are you, 50?”

“Shut up you 27 years old.”

“I’m 20!” he protested. “Wait, you must be the one who wrote I’m 27! Huh? Didn’t you?”

“That’s my honest guess.”

“Really? If I were 27, then how about you? 30?”

“See for yourself, Mister.” I pointed to a mirror nearby.

“Huh.” He scoffed.

“Huh.” I scoffed back.

“I’m here to get my drink anyway.”

“There’s nothing for you.”

“But there are 2 glasses!” he whined.

“Yeah both are mine. You scared me so you won’t get my famous chocolate milk for a reward.”

“YAH I’M THIRSTY!” he chased me around and I tried to run away with both glasses occupying my hands, hiding them from him. “Give me one!”

“NO WAY!” I kept running away. At one point, he caught me in the corner, almost hugging me from behind.

“Got you!” he said. I froze while he took his own glass and ran away. I stayed glued to the ground. What did I just experience? Too. Much. Flutter. I’m. Suffocating. Need. Oxygen.


Sehun’s POV

Trying to play chase, are we? You’ll see Go Hara. No one could run away from me. I caught her from behind and I took my glass of chocolate milk victoriously. But weirdly, she kept quiet, not moving an inch from where she stood. What happened to her? Whatever, I’m thirsty.


Hara’s POV

Finally home alone. No more flutter trigger. Sehun left an hour ago.

I layed flat on my bed, trying to get rid of these freaky images of him today. When we fell. When he chased me and hugged(well it felt like it) caught me from behind.

What has gotten into me, really?

I can’t forget about these stupid details about Sehun.

How ridiculous he looks. Ridiculously handsome.

How weird he sounds. Weirdly soothing.

And above all of those, how.. romantic the things he does. If that’s even possible to say. Are we into this too deep? Are we starting to not act and embrace this feelings naturally? Am I the only one feeling this way?


Answer me, Sehun.

I looked up to see a poster of him stuck to my walls(one of his previous pranks).

Sehun. Why do you look so handsome and date-able there? Why are you so annoying in reality? Why do you make me so confused? Answer me, Oh Sehun. I walked closer and brushed my fingers lightly over his cheek. Oh Sehun..


If there’s just a slight possibility but ugh who knows.

Sehun, do I..

Like you?


I woke up to 2 text messages.


From : Sehun

To : Hara

I can’t sleep.


Can’t sleep? Why did he text me then? He should’ve counted sheeps or do anything else. Why in the world would he text me instead? That weird guy.


From : Baekhyun

To : Hara

Hara, can I meet you this afternoon? I miss you, let’s talk ^.^


Is there something wrong with these boys? World? Or is it only me? Overreacting?(most likely). I groaned in annoyance and stirred back to sleep.


Whut. It’s 2 p.m already! Such a lazy girl I am! I haven’t even had breakfast! Another text then came.


From : Baekhyun

To : Hara

I’m 10 minutes away from your apartment!


Holy.. cow I’vegottogetreadynownownow!


“Hey, Bacon!” I casually said, while still brushing my hair.

“Hey, Hara.. were you.. taking a nap?” Baekhyun guessed while he scrutinized my I-just-woke-up look.

“Sort of.” I hid the fact that I just showered in 5 minutes and got changed with whatever clothes I found near me.

“Where do you wanna go, then?”

“I don’t know Baek, surprise me.”


Not so much later I found myself sitting in a crowded Chinese restaurant.

“Sehun and I, and our other friends like to go here!” he stated.

“Wow, great?”

“Let’s eat jjajangmyun!” he said, sitting happily on one of the empty seats.

“So, Baekhyun. What do you wanna talk about?” I tried to start the conversation.

“Oh, there’s a lot. You’ll see. Anyway, how are you?”

“Fine, I guess.” I answered simply. Then we ordered 2 bowls of jjajangmyun for each of us, orange juice for me and milkshake for Baek. Yeah, so manly right? Milkshake.

A few minutes later our bowls of jjajangmyun came.

“Well enough talking, more eating now!” he said and started to dig in. I chuckled then followed him.


“Hara, I don’t know how to say this but I think since we’re kinda close now I can say it to you to the point, right?”


“I think..”

I waited patiently.

“I think.. Sehun is a lot happier now.”

“Maybe he is, I know I’m not.” I said sarcastically.

“No, I mean.. really, Hara! I don’t know what you do to him, but.. he smiles a lot now. He opens up more. He.. talks more. He is different now, he changed. I want to thank you, Hara.”

“You’re.. welcome?”

“I don’t know what’s happening between you guys but you should know that I fully support your relationship with him.”

“Baek, I think.. we’re more like close friends now. That’s it.”

“But really, think about it Hara. Don’t you feel happy with him?”

“I don’t know, what do you want me to answer?”

“Hara, ask yourself. Do you like Sehun?”

Believe me, Baekhyun. I have. I just haven’t got the answer yet.


Lunch with Baekhyun didn’t help me much well at least my tummy was happy.

I.. aargh!?;’:”<.+_)->

Why did he even plant those kind of thoughts to my head? Me? And Sehun? As a real couple? You’ve got to be kidding me.

Another unexpected text then came to my phone.


From : Jonghyun oppa

To : Hara

Hara, are you busy? Can I call you?


Sure you can, I replied. Then my phone rang and I picked it up.

“Wassup, little duck?”

“Nothing much, wae? Suddenly remember you have a little sister?”

“Aww, you hurt me little duck. I didn’t call you for no reason.”

“Yeah, I see. What is it now? Did dad scold you?”

“What? Why would you.. aargh. Whatever. What I want to know is if you’re free like tomorrow afternoon maybe?”

“Wait..” I pretend to check my imaginary agenda, “Yes, why?”



“You know how much I love you right little duck?”

“Uh, Jonghyun, you’re starting to sound creepy here..”

“So, when I asked you to meet me that time I actually wanted you to meet a friend of mine, well if you didn’t get dragged to that stupid love show.”

“Meet a friend of yours?”

“Yes, and I still want you to meet him.”

“What for?”

“What for? Are you crazy Hara, how do I answer that?”

“Why did you plan this in the beginning?”

“I mean.. I just want you two to meet, whatever happens next, that’s up to both of you. But I know he’s a nice guy and I like him, figure you’d like him too you know.”

“What are you, gay?”


See? My brother goes mad all the time. And.. nobody.. I mean NOBODY could escape from his madness. Ugh.

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Guys! I have a trailer now, and while I figure out how to put it in my foreword, might as well check it out first :
It's from Prestige Films, pretty right??
Exoticgirlu #2
Good , continue