Little Black Dress

Love Game

Hara’s POV

It’s a sunny day where the birds are chirping as I walk past them. The sun is shining brightly, the wind somehow warm but soothing fresh. I am now walking to a near bus stop. I checked myself in the windows of the surrounding buildings quite a while and decided I don’t look that bad.

Well, maybe a little.

Blame the late notice.

My brother, Go Jonghyun said he wants to meet me when he called this morning, it’s a little weird because he doesn’t even call me on a daily basis but he said it’s important and I should wear something black. Of course I asked whose funeral we’re going to go to but I could almost see himself facepalming over the line. He came up with the excuse so he could find me easily. I did argue too, that shouldn’t I wear something colorful if he wanted to easily notice me? But then again, rage took over him so he just ended the call with, “Just come you ungrateful little sister!”

So I’m wearing my chiffon little black dress with some details on the collar. It’s not like I have many options either, it’s a present from my mother on my 16th birthday. It felt a little shorter now but it falls just above my knees so, I hope it’s good enough. I’m wearing a pair of my one and only kitten heels too.

I bought the bus ticket and entered the first bus that came. I sat alone in a corner, like I usually would even at school. I put on my headphones and quietly sang along to the song I’m listening as the bus took me to my brother’s office. Now playing : Mr Mr by SNSD.


Sehun’s POV

(Flashback from a few days ago)

I listened to my manager half-heartedly as I was sipping my favorite chocolate bubble tea.

“So, Sehun. Since you decided not to come to the place yourself, Mr. Cho the director-thingy gave me this list of questions to ask you, since, some people put their preferences as well.”

“I prefer not coming to the show at all.”

“Sehun! This show is quite big and famous to young people, I’m sure your fans would love to see you happy!”

“With them.”

“Right! This show gave them the chance!”

“What?” I choked. “So any random sasaengs could walk in easily? Shouldn’t you care about my safety first aside from my love life?”

“Sehun-ssi, just be obedient please. For once? Do it for yourself.” Baekhyun, my loyal manager gave me the cutest looking puppy face, ew like I would ever fall for that.

“Alright, whatever.” I sighed. They don’t call him Puppybaek for nothing.

“So, do you have any likes/dislikes in mind?”

“Miranda Kerr.”


“I just wanted to let you know what I like.”

“Okay, nevermind. Next question, long hair or short?”


“Are you kidding me?”

“No, I’m serious! Next question.”

“Skinny or curvy?”

“In the middle.”

“Sehun, pleaseeeeeee..”

“Baekhyun, just ask me the questions!”

“Feminine or a little tomboy?”

“Edgy. What else?”

“Do you want to write any dresscodes? To see them the way you like?”

“Little black dress.”


Hara’s POV

I entered the ginormous(gigantic+enormous, duh) television station. My brother works as some kind of broadcasting technician there, he helps a few names of shows to be aired, trained the new employees too sometimes. I’ve been here once/twice but only for a quick moment to fetch him when his car was being fixed. But now, I don’t know how to find him and as I check my phone, the battery was super low. Why. Did. I. Play. The. Mr Mr. Song. The. Whole. Bus. Ride. Mental. Facepalm.

I decided to sit on a nearest bench, hoping to find an electric socket somewhere because I did bring my charger(I know today’s gonna be a long one) so I looked carefully. As I walked to the other corner, an unknown man dragged me by the hand.

“Yah, what are you doing?”

“I should be the one asking, Miss.”

“What do you mean? Are you a kidnapper?”

“No, but the show starts in 5 minutes you should really get in line like the others.”

“Show? Get in line? Others?” before even answering, he pushed me to a crowd of what seemed like fangirls and I couldn’t even reach him again as the sea of squeaking girls drowned me. I was forced to walk where they walk to, wherever it is. I’d figure I’m not capable to fight anyway so I went with the flow.

I was welcomed in a dimmed stage, with a single red chair in the middle, all the girls seemed to know exactly where they’re going and they sat respectively on the seats surrounding the little stage.

“How do I look?” I heard someone asked.

“Better than I do, at least. Aish, I didn’t get to wear my mascara properly. Sehunnie would not like me for sure..” another cried. Who’s Sehunnie? I turned my head towards the source of the voices only to look at 2 miserable-looking-too-much-make-up fangirls. One with a curled long hair and insanely red lipstick and another with too-noticeable blush on, almost looking like a boiled crab. The others were practically the same or in some cases, worse.

A shining stage light made it’s way to the chair in the middle of the stage, only to create a spotlight for a blonde, weird looking man.

“SEHUNNIE!” the fangirls shrieked at once. Oh, this is the Sehunnie they’re talking about. Another second, a host(I’m guessing) appeared from nowhere and walked to the stage and casually greeted the audience.

“Welcome, love-seekers to the one and only, most prestigious match-making tv show, I Wanna Date You, Oppa!”

“Woohoo!” I hear everyone but myself cheered and clapped their hands in excitement.

“So, as usual, Oh Sehun here would have to pick 3 numbers and the girls with the said seat numbers should come forward, are you guys ready?”

“YES!” the fangirls said in unison. I looked left and right for any clues of this insanity, but nope, this is definitely not one of my brother’s shows so I just slumped in my seat, wanting to disappear somehow.

“Oh Sehun, please choose 3 straws containing the numbers.” The host instructed. Said boy easily chose 3 from the bowl of straws and handed them.

“Are you sure?” he asked as if it’s the most important moment of one’s life.

“As I’ll ever be.”

“Well then, let’s call out the 3 lucky girls! First up, number 90!” he called. A cute looking girl jumped around too-excitedly, heading to the stage right away. Crews that are unseen on tv came with 3 smaller chairs and put them in front of Sehun. The girl sat on one of them.

“Next up, number 27!” a y looking(maybe older than me) girl stood up. I thought I was the crazy one to even watch this show now. Turns out there’s someone even crazier than I am, being amazingly beautiful yet still coming to this show.

“Our lucky last, she’s number 12!” he announced. Nobody stood up.

“Number 12?” he repeated. Suddenly, a spotlight fell on me.

“Well there you are! Please, come up.” He suggested. I pointed at myself dumbfoundedly and he nodded eagerly as a reply. I looked at the mad fangirls around me and decided the stage might be a safer place and I could definitely keep my distance from their death glares. I dragged my feet and sat on the last chair available.

“Well, that’s it Sehun, how do you like your choices so far? You have a very cute young lady here..” the host pointed at the first girl, “..a beautiful and phew, smoking hot one right here..” he pointed at the second one, “..and..” he seemed to have no words to describe how I look. Horrible? Terrifying?

“Go Hara.” I finished the rest for him.

“And this fine lady Go Hara, so shall we continue?”

“YEAHH!” the fangirls screamed and Sehun nodded.


Sehun’s POV

I stared judgingly at the 3 girls in front of me. Not bad at all, this show is not bad at all. Maybe I should consider coming to this regularly, hehe. The host distracted me from my thoughts.

“ shall we continue?” I nodded excitedly.

“First part is How Well Do You Know Oh Sehun?, each girl would be asked 3 same questions and 2 girls with the most right answers continue, are we clear?” the 3 of them nodded. Some crews handed each of them a board with some papers and pens.

“First question, when is Sehun’s birthday?” April 12th, easy. Any fans would know that.

“Second one, how old is he now?” What the heck. Who made this questions? They’re way too easy, man.

“Third one, hahaha good one!” the host laughed while reading it. What could it be?

“What’s the colour of the underwear he is wearing now?” WHAT?


Hara’s POV

Sehunnie’s birthday?

Heck, I barely know him. I only met him today in this creepy love show. I heard some of the girls’ whisper though, “Ah.. such an easy question. 12th of April how could anyone not know?” then I scribbled it down. Might as well play this love game right.

How old is he now?


He looks 30. I don’t know. Mid-twenties? I’ll go with 27 then.

Colour of.. WHAT THE HELL HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT? I freaked out for a good one minute before realizing, this is just a game I don’t even plan on playing, what do I care? This doesn’t matter at all.

The host collected the papers and read it carefully.

“The answer of question number one, is as you all know, April 12th, congratulations everyone got that right. Number 2, Sehunnie how old are you?”

“I’m 20 years old now.”

“Woah, only a girl is correct, the other two wrote 19 and 27.” I saw Sehun scoffed in disbelief at my answer. Ha ha.

“Last question, only you know the answer Oh Sehun..” the host teased. I saw him blushed furiously.

“It’s black.” He stated. The other girls sighed in annoyance, I’m guessing they were wrong.

“Actually, a girl guessed it right. Go Hara, right?”

“Yes?” I nodded sheepishly.

“How did you even know?” everyone looked at me in a mocking way, probably thinking I’m a dangerous sasaeng fan.

“Lucky guess?” I answered.

“I see. So, Go Hara and number 27 continue on this game, number 90, we’re very sorry to say you’re out..” number 90 girl stood up, wiping her tears away as she returned to her group of friends.

“Well, I suppose Sehun wants to know both of you ladies further, so please introduce yourself.” The other girl took the mic politely and spoke in an angelic looking smile and the most melodic tone possible.

“I am Seo Minji from Seoul. I am 20 years old too, currently opening up my own nail salon after I graduated highschool. I love pink and of course I love you..” she smiled. A chorus of aww was heard.

“Aww..” the host aww-ed, “thank you Minji for coming here tonight. Any comments, Sehun?”

“I love you too, and all of my fans.”

“AWWWWW..” the fangirls bursted. What the hell is he trying to portray cause I can see the fakeness all over himself. Suddenly the mic was ‘thrown’ at me. I looked around nervously. I looked everywhere but his eyes.

“I am Go Hara from Busan actually, but recently I live here. 18 years old, currently studying in Seoul U, majoring in Arts. I love..” everyone was quiet and anticipated my next words, “ be here. I love this show so much.” I faked a smile and the host and the crews bought it, suddenly adding a team of supporters for me.

“PICK HER, SEHUN!” the cameraman shouted.

“Huh?” I asked nonchalantly and the whole studio laughed.

“No biases here but she is quite funny, Oh Sehun.” The host commented. “The last question, we’ll give you just 30 seconds to convince Sehun why he should pick either one of you.” 30 seconds? Is this Miss Universe or what?

“We’ll start from you, Minji.”

“Sehun, I may not be the prettiest, nor the smartest girl you’ve ever met in your life..”, is this a trick cause she seems out of this world beautiful, “But I’m willing to stand by your good days and bad days, through hardships and happiness, and I promise to be faithful if you pick me, and I will always try to make you happy everyday.”

“AWWWWWWWWWWW..” the crowds cheered. Obviously they’re not on my side. We shall see, people, we shall see who he’ll pick. What nonsense am I talking about?

“Sehun, I..” everyone looked at me. I felt nervous seeing the timer ticked in the screen in front of me. 17, 16, 15, 14, “ lost for words to describe..” I gulped really hard. 5,4,3, “ love for you.” WHAT???

The next minutes went by blurry, the next thing I knew was the host asking Sehun the question of the night, “Who do you pick, Sehun?”

“I pick..” everyone held their breaths dramatically while I was still processing what I said earlier. “..number 12 cause she’s funny.”

Funny you say?

I’ll show you funny, Mr. Blonde, weird looking guy. Ha ha.

“Go Hara, congratulations!!” the host cheered. “Well, that’s it for today, folks. We shall see you next week with our other cute idol, Kim Myungsoo from Infinite! Untill then, good night and congrats to the new couple! Go Hara and Oh Sehun everyone!” he informed. Then, I felt a hand interlaced with mine roughly. What. The. Hell. The owner of the hand waved to the crowd and bowed a few times as if we both were the chosen Tributes in The Hunger Games and he was to be Peeta and I was.. a dumbfounded Katniss. The lights were dimmed again.

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Guys! I have a trailer now, and while I figure out how to put it in my foreword, might as well check it out first :
It's from Prestige Films, pretty right??
Exoticgirlu #2
Good , continue