In Between

Love Game

Hara’s POV

Another week passed with me, texting Kai frequently and calling him every night. Sehun finds a way to always interrupt, though. But anyway, Kai oppa’s supposed to come here today and I heard Sehun’s schedule is gonna be full of photo shoots, another dance moves training, etc so I’m kind of happy.

“Knock knock!”

“Who’s there?” I ran to my door.

“Your lovely Kai oppa!”

“Oh hey there, come in!” I opened the door.

“I brought movies.”

“Cool!” I said, setting up the bowl of chips and cans of soda on the table. Kai prepared the movie then he sat on my couch comfortably. “All set?”

“Ay, captain!” he said and I chuckled. He’s so.. funny. And handsome, and terribly cute sometimes. And caring, and thoughtful and lovely. Oh.. those lovely abs and chiseled chest and strong biceps..

“Are you done?” he asked out of the blue.

“Huh? Done with what?” I snapped out of my thoughts.

“Undressing me mentally.”

“What the hell!” I threw myself beside him and lightly punched his arm. I blushed furiously nonetheless. Mind reader too, apparently.


So we sat almost in silence as the movie started. It was one of those new Avengers movie from last year. I’ve watched it before but seeing the excited grin in Kai’s face, maybe he hasn’t. I didn’t complain anyway because I find him more interesting than the movie itself.

“Come here.” He nonchalantly said.

“Huh? Where to?” I asked from my side of the couch(we were currently sitting quite far from eachother, though still on the same couch).

“Here, silly!” without even a glance at me, he swiftly dragged me to his side, curled up on his chest. Is this.. cuddling? My heart beats crazily as he wrapped his right hand around me. He tilted his head too, enough to rest it on top of mine.

“Kai oppa?” I tried to look up at him, and I regret doing it soon because our faces were so close and one wrong move our lips would’ve touched.

“Hmm?” he hummed, looking as calm as ever.

“I was wondering.. if you’re okay with this?” I motioned to our current sitting position.

“Definitely.” He answered in a heart beat.

“I mean..” I squirmed a little but he tightened his hold on me.

“I’d like to stay like this forever if you don’t mind.” He stated.


“Oh, and shush, the movie’s getting good.” He said and I giggled. I boldly snuggled deeper with him, feeling the comfortable warmth he emanates. I’d like to stay like this forever, too.


About an hour later, I heard the sound of a key forcefully shuffled into my door’s lock. Kai oppa was so absorbed in the movie he didn’t notice anything else, though. I was going to stand up and scream for criminal when he entered my house dramatically.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING?” he yelled frantically as I was still in a shocked state, mouth open wide when Kai finally turned his head to see the unwelcomed guest.


Sehun’s POV


Baek is trying to kill me slowly with this amount of work today. I mean like, really? I’m no superman, y’all I can get tired too and maybe die too somehow. I glanced at my wrist watch every once in a while.

“Oh Sehun, take three!” the photographer called. I checked myself on the mirror with the new set of outfit on me once more before I returned to the set, obviously annoyed. I know I’m handsome but it’s not like I want to see my face in every commercial there are in the entire Korea everyday like, ew, that’s weird.

“Smirk for me, handsome! Yes, keep your posture that way! Show me manly!” the stylist decided to instruct me too. Oh my God, couldn’t get any worse..

I took a few more shots then it was a wrap. Finally! I could almost die from the loving stares every gay workers threw at me like, holy crap I’m freaking straight, can’t you see?

So I decided I’d visit Hara before I go home, because..

Well, I have no solid reason. Well umm.. no idiots I don’t miss her, but yeah, I just need to see if she’s okay. Who knows if a monster hid somewhere in her closets, ready to attack her without my presence to save the day. Then, I drove to her apartment after bidding goodbye to everyone on set.


I walked giddily the whole hallway I was mentally screaming to myself, ‘What the hell is wrong with you, Oh Sehun?’ but I continued to walk until I reached her front door. Wait, I hear someone’s talking.. a woman –definitely not her voice. And a man! Who are they? Wait, is she having a secret meeting with someone?

I impatiently pressed the spare key and opened the door to find her, sitting on her couch..

..cuddling with the monster named Jongin.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING?” I screamed(out of shock, anger, jealousy? What the hell, I don’t even know anymore).

“Aren’t I supposed to be the one asking, Oh Sehun?” Hara replied as she untangled herself from Jongin, looking rather annoyed. Jong-stupid-in decided to stand up and come between us as well.

“Don’t you have a massive amount of schedule today, Sehun?”

“How did you –oh, I see how it is now. You two planned this adultery behind me, didn’t you?”

“What kind of adultery are you talking about, brat? We weren’t doing anything.” Hara defended.

“Well lucky I’m here to save the day, if not, God knows what that ert has going in his head, he might hurt you, Hara! He might’ve..” I moved to reach her but Jongin hid her safely behind his back. “Move, !” I cursed at Jongin.

“I’m sorry Sehun, but I see no problem here until you came, and we can do anything and everything we want to do because the way I see it, you ain’t God and you don’t own her, jackass.”

“Are you trying to get into a fight, JONGIN?”

“I don’t mind fighting at all. Anytime, anywhere.”


Hara’s POV

“Kai oppa, Sehun, STOP IT! Ugh, how many times am I gonna face this my whole life? Can’t I just have a normal date for once? Can’t I enjoy my life for once? Screw you guys and screw my screwed up feelings. You guys confuse me so much and you both better go before I call the police!”

“But I’m your legit boyfriend!”

“Stop hallucinating, Sehun!”

“But the movie..”

“Kai oppa, I’m sorry I need some time to myself. This..” I motioned to the three of us, “ not acceptable. I see it clearly that none of you are going to back off and I’m tired, so I’ll back off instead. I’m so, so tired, so please.. get out both of you.” I almost cried, tired of the emotional fight everyday to choose between the guy I actually like and the guy I’m supposed to like.

“Good night, Hara.” Kai oppa exited obediently.

“Sorry, oppa.”

“I’m not-” the brat insisted staying I suppose.

“LEAVE!” I yelled, pushing him through my door and locked it. I rested my back tiredly. Am I gonna ever be not tired? I don’t know.

I tried sorting out my feelings before and though it might be the best choice to risk Sehun’s reputation than my own feelings, another part of me –a big one, want to somehow protect Sehun. I like Kai oppa but I can’t completely let Sehun go, it’s really confusing. Why am I acting like this, if I don’t have the slightest bit of feeling for Sehun.

Or do I?


Sehun’s POV

I didn’t expect her to be mad at me. What is wrong with this world and that girl? Aren’t I supposed to be the one who’s mad like crazy? Walking into your girlfriend cuddling with another guy, THAT’S unacceptable. I came all the way here just to get kicked out? Jongin glared at me before walking to the elevator but I stood still in front of her door.

Wait, is she.. sobbing?

The strong Hara I know.. is sobbing? Why? Did I hurt her?

“Why can’t I.. let him go?” I heard her cry. Let who go?

“Why is it so hard to get away from him? I hate him but I want him near me too!” is she talking about me? Why is this so confusing?

“Please don’t let me fall for Sehun, God. Please.. he.. he doesn’t love me for real. He just wanted to save his name, his fame. I can’t love a guy like that. please just distract me from him and let me love Kai oppa.” O..kay. it’s kind of clear now who she’s talking about. Love me? She loves me? What does she mean?

I sighed again. What do I actually feel for her, I can’t even figure out myself. But she.. she bravely declared her feelings that easily? I’m not that despicable then? For someone has finally loved me.

But, but she doesn’t want to love me..

Because she thinks I don’t love her. I.. aargh! Why can’t I say the same? I like her. I like her a lot and I’m mad when she’s near Jongin or any other guys. I want her to be mine and only mine. But, love? Is it this easy? This fast? This surprising..

I’ve gotta clear my head for now.


Hara’s POV

I felt bad for both guys. I don’t know what had gotten into me last night that I turned into an emotional wreck like that, they clearly didn’t deserve my wrath. So the first thing I did this morning was calling Kai oppa to apologize. Luckily, he sounded like he’s cool so I sighed, relieved. Then, I tried to call Sehun.


“Baek?” I asked, confused.

“Yes, honey?”

“Why are you picking up Sehun’s phone?”

“Umm, he left it?”

“Where is he?”

“At the hospital?”



I wasted no more time as I ran as fast as I could to the bus stop, then I hopped onto the bus that would take me to where the hospital Baekhyun told me Sehun was. I didn’t know he was even sick, that brat! That annoying brat! How dare he makes me worry like this? What does he think I am?

I ran rapidly to the said room and bursted open the door.

“SEHUN!” I shouted, surprised to see he wasn’t the one on the bed. A little girl was.


Sehun’s POV

“SEHUN!” I heard someone shouted my name so I whipped my head to see Hara standing in front of the door, panting hard.

“Hara? What are you doing?” I asked, how did she know where I was?

“What do you think I’m doing, you brat! I called you but Baek was the one who picked up, telling me you’re at the hospital. I was worried you crazy! I thought you were..”

“Hi, unnie..” Seorin greeted politely. Hara shot me a ‘Who is this?’ look.

“I’m Seorin, Sehun oppa’s sister. I’m here because of brain cancer, and umm.. oppa tells me a lot about you. But he lied, you’re prettier in person.” She smiled and if she wasn’t sick I would’ve scolded her for embarassing me in front of Hara.

“H-hi, Seorin. I’m Go Hara, I umm..”

“Sit.” I motioned to the chair next to me and Hara –for the first time ever, obeyed like a obedient puppy.

“She’s my girlfriend, Seorin-ah.” I finished for her.

“You’re too lucky to have someone so beautiful, oppa.” Seorin complimented and Hara blushed.

“Aish, not really. You’re beautiful too, Seorin.”

“Thank you, unnie.”

“Well I hope you don’t mind me visiting here with your oppa.”

“Of course not!” Seorin squealed. I smiled contently as I watched these 2 girls talked so easily like they were sisters. Hara.. cares for me. She.. aish, why am I suddenly so nervous around her.

“Oppa?” Seorin called.

“Yes, Seorin-ah?”

“Why are you smiling to yourself you look like a crazy person.”

“I was not!” I defended myself.

“You were..” Hara chuckled sweetly.

“Were you thinking about Hara unnie?” she asked out of nowhere and I saw Hara blushed again madly.

“No I wasn’t, I was..” I tried to come up with an excuse but failed miserably.

“Don’t lie, oppa. You’ll have longer nose like Pinocchio.” Hara bursted out laughing at her sentence while I stayed silent, completely embarassed. This is so.. not me.


Hara and I sat on one of the park’s bench, our own ice creams silently.

“So.. you have a sister.”


“With brain cancer.”


“Yet you never told me.”

“I didn’t know you wanted to know.”

“Well you could’ve at least said you had a sister or something. You never told me about anything at all.”

“Is that what you wanted?”

“Figure out yourself, dummy!” she yelled, obviously annoyed with my stupidity.

“Well umm.. both of my parents passed away.” I started.

“Car accident?” she guessed.

“No, natural death. I don’t really know why.. I was in the first years of being a trainee. Hardest years of my life.” Hara looked at me curiously so I continued.

“I found out about Seorin’s cancer a while later. And, yeah.. I realize I should man up and be the best brother for her. Someone’s gotta take care of her so.. I work really hard until now.”

“I see.” Hara commented.

“Well, basically that’s it.  What else do you want to know?” I turned to look at Hara but before I said anything else, she attacked me in a fierce hug. Is she crying again? Oh God, what did I do wrong now?

“Sehun, don’t ever keep secrets from me..” she sobbed. I patted her back comfortingly as I shushed her with sweet words.

“Promise I won’t.”

“If you ever have any troubles at all, share some with me. I’ll help you no matter what.”

“Thank you, Hara.” I whispered thankfully.

“Just, don’t.. make me sad, okay?”



Author's Note►

Hey, lovelies! Sorry for the late update, seriously I have no excuse for being so lazy to write lately but here you go.. I hope this fluffiness will make it up for you! I have like 3 days left of holiday so let's see if I could squeeze the next 3 chapters. Afterward, I would also love to come back to my once a week update routine(hopefully). So, comments what you want and thanks for reading! :)

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Guys! I have a trailer now, and while I figure out how to put it in my foreword, might as well check it out first :
It's from Prestige Films, pretty right??
Exoticgirlu #2
Good , continue