Triple Date?

Love Game

Hara’s POV

As soon as I got home and away from the brat, I locked myself in my room and called Kai oppa straight away, I need to clarify some more things, to be exact.

“Pick up, pick up..” I impatiently muttered.

“Hey, beautiful.”


“Oppa, are you home?”

“Yes, after a tiring night, finally home now.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, should I hang up?”

“Don’t, I mean.. no, why?”

“I thought you said you were tired?”

“After hearing your voice, I got better.”

Excuse me. I’ll be right back. Don’t worry, just trying to breathe properly, that’s all. Don’t mind my overly-fluttering heart.

“So you’re not mad at me?” I managed to say.

“Why would I be? Oh, because of your boyfriend Sehun?”

“He’s not my boyfriend!” I quickly said.

“That’s what media says, though..” he reasoned.

“Kai oppa, he’s not, believe me. It’s just.. agency, business stuffs..” I tried to convince him once more.

“I totally understand if it’s something the agency arranged, and.. I would still like to hang out with you sometimes if you don’t mind.”

“No, I don’t mind at all!” Oops, I clamped my hand over my mouth. Too much excitement, Hara. “Oh, and I still have your jacket with me.”

“Sounds like a second date to me.”


“I’ll pick you up tomorrow, 10 am is that okay with you?”


“Alright, go to sleep now beautiful, don’t want you to have less beauty sleep, do we?”

“Yeah right.”

“Sweet dreams, my Hara.”

Sweet dreams, Oppa. Wait, did he say my?


I woke up with a goofy smile spread all over my face. I’ve got a date.. I’ve got a date with my Kai oppa, thank you world for finally working well for me.

I went to shower and then changed my clothes. I picked a stripes blouse and a white flare skirt(yes, this is how desperate I am I even volunteered to wear skirt myself). I braided my hair and put on some lip gloss, whoa, so this is what it feels like to actually dress up properly unlike my normal self who wears jeans and t-shirts on almost every occasions.

The bell rang and I quickly wore my shoes and ran to open it.

“Kai op-” I greeted only to find, “SEHUN?”


Sehun’s POV

“SEHUN?” she asked with shocked expression, wide eyed like she just saw some kind of monster in front of her.

“Morning.” I walked past her to enter but she prevented me. “Get away, I can’t come in.”

“Exactly, I don’t want you to come in. I didn’t even invite you to come in.” What?


“I’m leaving soon and I don’t want you lurking around in my house.”

“Leaving where?” ugh, this girl is just so damn annoying. Leaving without me? Who does she think she is?

“It’s none of your business.” None of my business, you say?

“Well it is because you’re my-”

Another figure appeared behind me, leaving me and Hara speechless.


Hara’s POV

I opened my door wider to find who I’m supposed to go with today.

“Hey, Hara..” he stopped mid-sentence, throwing a questioning glance at Sehun and casually walked in, which Sehun scoffed at.

“I’m sorry oppa, he just barged in like he usually would, but umm, do you still wanna go?” I asked hopefully. God, please just erase the blonde from the picture somehow. I do not want him anywhere near my perfect date.

“I do.” Thank you, Lord.

“Oh, and here’s your jacket.” I handed him his jacket.

“Thanks, shall we go now?”

“Wait, wait, nobody’s leaving!” Sehun chirped. “Without me.” Whatwhatwhatwhat? WHAT? Why does this idiot have to mess up my perfect date?

“WHAT?” I glared at him.

“I’m sorry to ruin your little date, Jongin. But in reality, Hara is my girlfriend, so if you want to go anywhere with her, you should ask my permission first.” Sehun stated, looking rather annoyed.

“I know everything, Sehun-ssi. And excuse me, I’ve planned this date before and she is going with me.” Kai said calmly, taking one of my hands.

“No one cares about what you planned, brat, she’s mine!” Sehun bursted. Did I hear the brat calling others brat?

“But not for real, she’s not!”

“Looking for trouble, are we, rookie?”

“SHUT UP.” Both boys turned to look at me. “I prepared myself well today and I better go on my date before I start World War 3, and no, noone’s gonna be able to stop me from doing so. And Sehun, if you don’t want the media to see me and Kai oppa dating for real, you can either go with us or I’d lock you in my apartment. Is that clear?”

Both boys nodded.

“Good, now we shall go.”


I’ve never been in many dates before but I sure as hell never went into this kind of triple date I’m having right now. Sure, Sehun the brat was right. Cameras welcomed the three of us as soon as we stepped out of the apartment building. Not their fault though, since it’s Sunday and they probably have nothing else to do. Don’t you guys have a life?

Sehun and I were holding hands as Kai oppa followed closely behind us, walking towards the brat’s car. Sure, it’s a nice car but I prefer riding Kai’s motorcycle.

“Where do you wanna go, oppa?” I asked Kai who sat on the back seat.

“I was thinking about going to the cinema, would you like that?”

“Sure.” I said, “..and Sehun, didn’t you hear where we’re going?” I inevitably changed my tone of voice from a bubbly girlfriend to an angry boss. Sehun scoffed and started the engine, probably hating the fact that he indeed was our driver that day. Whatever, it’s his fault to barge in anyway.


Sehun’s POV

I got annoyed during the whole ride, scoffing at each sentence Jongin said to Hara. Why did I even agree to this? I just want to let that brat knows Hara’s mine.

We arrived in front of the cinema not so much later. Jongin annoyingly opened the door for Hara, but then I snatched her hand right away and walked with her. I don’t care about what the brat feels.


Hara’s POV

This is so.. uncomfortable. Kai oppa opened the door for me but Sehun ended up stealing me from him, intertwining his fingers with mine eventhough I struggled so hard under his grasp. Luckily, Kai oppa seemed to understand and he threw me quick glances and he smiled every once in a while.

The three of us walked to one of the ticket booths and decided to watch the new horror movie(I’m not really a fan of horror movies but Kai oppa seemed to like it so much so I complied), Sehun smirked at my choice of movie. We continued to walk to the theatre wordlessly.

Sehun immediately grabbed the seat in the middle, preventing me to sit next to Kai oppa. I glared at him before he finally gave up and moved. I sat in the middle, Sehun on my right and Kai oppa on the left.

The movie then started.


Sehun’s POV

The movie’s okay, but Hara seemed to be so scared. The fact that she jumps to Jongin everytime she’s scared didn’t help me at all. I tried to squeeze her hand to comfort her but she seemed to like hugging Jongin so much and I could almost saw him smirked at me when Hara decided to lay her head onto his chest completely, with him whispering sweet words to encourage her. Ugh, I’m so sick of it!

An hour and a half later, the movie ended and we all exited the theatre. Hara let go of my hand and I saw Jongin boldly holding her hand in front of me, with her giggling, making them both look like a lovey dovey couple as I followed them from behind.


“Oh, there’s a photobox!” Hara squealed. She immediately ran over there. Eventually, the three of us ended up squeezing ourselves inside the little box. We took some pictures, then Hara suggested me to leave while she takes pictures with her oppa. Couldn’t get any worse..

A few more minutes, Jongin went out and told me it’s weird if I don’t get to take pictures of me and Hara. Afterall, I’m her supposedly boyfriend, so I smirked and excused myself.

“You better know this is Kai oppa’s idea to save your . Upload it to Instagram or something later, brat.” Was the first thing she said when I came in.

“I will, I promise.” I winked and sat next to her. The screen in front of us revealed a countdown before the shots.


Hara and I stuck our tongues out.


Hara and I glared at eachother, with her giving me a ‘Why are you mimicking my pose?’ look.


Hara closed her eyes. I chuckled and scooted to her closer.


“What the hell??”


Hara’s POV

What is this brat trying to do? Lucky for him, I agreed to take some pictures with him as well(for the sake of the proof of our date), he even decided to take this advantage as well?

The 4th shot, he kissed my cheek.

He freakin’ kissed my cheek in front of my date, what the hell does that mean? I angrily stomped my way out of the photobox while the brat laughed endlessly as he retrieved the pictures. I walked to Kai oppa.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, worried of my annoyed look.

“I hate your idea.” I stated.

“Hey, Hara! You might wanna keep this one!” Sehun flaunts the picture of him kissing my cheek with my eyes wide open. “Oh, and Jongin.. whatever you think you have, she’s still mine. Burn!” the brat grabbed my wrist and Kai oppa looked at us wordlessly while I mouthed millions of apologies.


“I can’t say I had too much fun today..” Kai oppa started when we reached my front door.

“I’m sorry, oppa.” I said, glaring at the brat who was standing far from us both.

“..but I’m happy as long as I’m with you.” I heard Sehun scoffed again for the umpteenth time today.

“I’m happy when I’m with you too.”

“Okay, so.. I’ll call you later tonight.”

“I’ll be waiting.”

“Good bye..” he said, fearlessly leaning closer towards my lips. But before his plump lips landed on mine, ‘boyfriend’ Sehun fake-coughed so hard. So Kai oppa settled with pecking my other cheek(the one Sehun didn’t kiss), bid one more good bye then left without sparing Sehun a glance.

“Just what was he thinking, such a moron.” Sehun commented as he walked into my house. I had no more energy to shoo him, so I let him wander around my kitchen, probably stuffing himself with my snacks.

I propped myself on my couch and the tv. Just then, I heard my cell phone rang, the caller ID showed my brother’s name.

“Yes, Jonghyun?”

“Little duck! I can’t believe it!” he suddenly squeaked.

“Believe what?” I asked, confused. Completely clueless.

“Your picture made it to the popular page, the explore page on Instagram!”

“What picture?” I asked incredulously, heart pounding with all the possibilities popping up in my head. Did paparazzis plant hidden cameras in my apartment and see me ?

“The one with Oh stupid Sehun, little duck!” then I heartlessly hung up. I quickly opened my Instagram to see the picture Jonghyun was talking about.



With my beautiful girlfriend Hara on a little date today, kiss kiss from your prince charming! XOXO


That brat just signed his death sentence.

“Have you seen our picture, hon?” he asked, walking out of my kitchen with a bag of Lay’s. HON? WHAT IN THE WORLD??

“Ah, you must’ve seen it, huh. Pretty, right? Such a pretty girlfriend I have. I did what you told me to do, I hope you’re happy.” He said with a content smile playing on his lips.

“OH SEHUN, COME HERE YOU BRAT!” Oh Sehun, you better prepare yourself for your dooms day.


Author's Note►

Wow, long time no update guys O_o

As you can see, I've been busy with my weird life(I had a problem, I didn't get the scholarship I applied for and I cried for weeks and I was like in no mood to write whatsoever). But anyways, I'm back with this andddd a new trailer, go check it out folks!

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Guys! I have a trailer now, and while I figure out how to put it in my foreword, might as well check it out first :
It's from Prestige Films, pretty right??
Exoticgirlu #2
Good , continue