Scar From The Past

Love Game

Hara’s POV

I opened the door. There stands the last person I’d like to see in the whole entire world. I even had to blink so many times to realize, it was him standing in front of me. To my horror, his image doesn’t disappear after so many blinks and the so called awkward silence.

“Hara.” He smiled warmly. What are you trying to do?

You? What are you.. doing here?” I choked. My eyes darted elsewhere, no just don’t make me look into those eyes again, those warm chocolate orbs that once fooled me.

“What I’m doing here? Checking up on you, of course. I miss you, Hara. I couldn’t sleep last night.” He said rather calmly.

“Why?” I asked, curious of his answer. Does he want to get back together?

“Couldn’t stop thinking about how good you look in that red skin tight dress.” Oh. He watched the show last night. “Why don’t you ask me to come in, babe?” he pushed past me and entered my apartment.

“Kris, I didn’t welcome you. Please, get out.”

“So much for being nice.. just admit that you missed me baby.” When he called me ‘baby’ it didn’t affect me anymore. I remember I used to fall for that, but now my heart stood still.

“Kris, I thought we have figured everything together. I thought you were the one who asked for a break up. I’ve moved on, Kris. Let me go.”

“Move on? With that bastard called Oh Sehun? I didn’t know you were this low, I thought you had a great taste, Hara. Oh wait, you used to.”

“He isn’t a bastard. You are.”

“What did you just say, baby?”

“You are a bastard, Kris. You ruined my whole life, you wrecked my dreams and I thought you were my first and last love, but you’re simply just a jerk with no feelings.”

“Say it to me again.” He pushes me against the walls and I whimpered. He’s no going to scare me now. I’m a brave girl.

“You. Are. A. Jerk.”

What happened the next few seconds, was blurry(I think I experience so many lost memories now). I remembered seeing him so furious. I remembered seeing his right hand moved to.. maybe slap me but as I closed my eyes, I heard another man’s voice.

When I opened them, all I saw was Sehun punching the life out of Kris’ body. I tensed but my voice won’t even come out. I gathered all of my power before I pulled Sehun away.

“Sehun, stop! Please..” I begged. Sehun turned around. Kris used that moment to punch Sehun back.

“Sehun!” I immediately covered him from Kris.

“Stop it, Kris.” I said through gritted teeth. “I’ve had enough. You don’t get to hurt Sehun too. You’ve hurt everyone I love. Go find someone else to bother, WE’RE OVER. FOREVER.”

“We’ll see, Hara. We shall see who will come begging for me at my front door. Untill then, Hara. We’ll see who’ll have the last laugh.” Kris said and left the apartment. FINALLY!

“It’s about time he leave.” Sehun said, locking the door. I sat on my sofa, depressed. Sehun sat besides me.

“Hey, wanna talk about it?”

“Sehun, I’m sorry he had to punch you and, thank you for saving me. I’m..” I sobbed inevitably.

“It’s okay, Hara I’m here..” he shushed me as he comfortably hugged me. I would’ve squirmed my way out of his grasp on a daily basis, but in the need of this kind of warmth, I let myself cry on his chest. I somehow felt safe there.

“I dated him about 2 years ago,” I started and Sehun listened to me carefully. “I was so young and dumb then, I didn’t know love and he.. well he introduced me a new world. A new world he said is ours forever. A world only the two of us share.”

“Ew, so cheesy.” Sehun commented and I glared at him. “Sorry, please continue.”

“Anyways, I found him cheating on me one day and he himself wanted to break up with me immediately, saying that he’s sorry and he doesn’t deserve me.. and..” I hiccuped.

“And what?”

“He hurts me phisically too, sometimes. He’d slap me or punch me or just call me with mean, bad words. But, I survived.”


Author’s POV

Sehun’s heart flinched and suddenly felt heavy hearing all of Hara’s confessions. Here he thought she was just another immature annoying girl when in reality she’s overcame so much, even a physical abuse from her ex. Sehun held her tightly and silently cried too.

“Sehun, are you crying?” Hara looked up to Sehun’s watery eyes.

“Stop it, you dummy this isn’t a freaking Hollywood movie. He hurt me, he did. But he can’t now and he won’t.”

And the words both of them would never expect slipped out of Sehun’s mouth.

“Don’t you worry Hara, I’ll protect you.” Instead of answering, Hara nodded and finally pulled away from Sehun’s hug.

“Thank you, Sehun. For everything.”


Sehun’s POV

I just wanted to bother her like I did recently, but today.. I learned new things about her that touched a part so deep in my heart I wanted to cry my eyes out for her. I know her feelings, too. My ex-girlfriend cheated on me a few times and I insisted that she’s the one so I’d hold on to the hurting and crying but one day, I woke up with her texting me saying she wanted to break up with me. I lost everything I fought for and for once I thought I’m done. But eventually my job helped me move on and erase her presence in my dreams and her name in my heart.

I kept thinking of a way to help Hara. She’s a good girl. She deserves to be happy, and I’ll try to with all I have.


Hara’s POV

I didn’t think my problem with Kris was small, it’s just.. I got so used to people pitying me and I hate that. I’m independent and I’ve fully, completely moved on over Kris.

Yes, he used to tell me what to do and what not to do. Yes, he used to abuse me and control my whole life then cheat on me. But he’s not a part of my life now.

He isn’t a part of me anymore. He’s just a scar from the past.


I woke up early in the morning, around 4 because I heard noises from my kitchen. Wait, I live alone. Did Kris come back? Is it a ghost? A criminal?

I walked alarmed and carefully to my kitchen and prepared my umbrella to hit the unknown intruder. I tiptoed and.. it was a guy. My heart beats faster and adrenaline rushed all over me. Easy, Hara. You got this. Knock this guy down then call the police, easily and slowly.

In one solid move, I hit the guy with my umbrella.

“Owwie!” he whimpered. Isn’t that..


Sehun’s POV


“What did you do that for?”

“What are you doing in my house at 4 in the freaking morning?”

“It’s already 7, you sleepyhead.”

“Huh?” I checked my wall clock. Oh, something must’ve been wrong with my room’s clock. “How did you get in?” I plopped next to him, smelling the aroma of omelette he was cooking.

“Stole one of your spare keys, duh.” And he got his head flicked by me.

“A thank you would’ve worked!”

“Don’t do that again! You scared me!”

“Ungrateful kid.” He muttered.

“What did you say?”

“Nothing!” he quickly covered his mouth and pretended to zip it close.


At last we both sat in silence, eating the omelettes.

“You said you don’t cook.” I stated.

“Don’t. Not can’t.” He continued to eat like a chipmunk, messy like a 5 years old.

“Eat carefully, Hun.” I wiped his cheek with a napkin. He froze for a while but then continued to eat, eyes judging me. “What?” I asked.

“Speaking for yourself, I see.”


“True, I am. Because of my awesomeness. Yehet..”

“I regret even bringing this topic up..” I lowered my head, uninterested.


Sehun’s POV

“Eat carefully, Hun.” Hara wiped my cheek carefully. “What?” she asked innocently. Why did you do that? I wanted to ask her but I froze in amazement. The way her fingers wiped me carefully, the way she takes care of me..

“Speaking for yourself, I see.” I answered with sass, trying to cover the blush emerging from my cheeks.

“Unbelievable.” She commented. Phew, she didn’t see it.

“True, I am. Because of my awesomeness. Yehet..”

“I regret even bringing this topic up..” she said and I laughed victoriously.


Hara’s POV

“Why did you come this morning, Sehun? There wasn’t any certain evil powers that would hurt me.”

“You want me to leave? Great! I’ll just..”

“No!” I said. Damn it, why do I sound so desperate. “I mean, the door’s always opened for you to walk out, you know..”

“I don’t want to.”

“Exactly! You love annoying me.”

“Not for today, Miss. I’ll accompany you watch Spongebob or something.”

“Yeah yeah..” I flipped through the channels. Finally I chose to watch a rerun of I Hear Your Voice.

“Sooha is such a cutie, aww he’s very nice..” I fangirl-ed.

“Aish, are you blind? Do you not see the handsomeness besides you just now?” he said and I scoffed. “Hey, Hara.. let’s play something or go outside. I’m bored.”

“I’m not.”

“Hara..” he pleaded and.. he used his deathly aegyo. Whatever you cute heroic but annoying man.

“I have no Play Station or anything here.”

“Then let’s go outside.”

“Outside you say? With you? In one fine afternoon like this? Do you want me to get killed by your sasaeng fans?”

“We can always disguise ourselves.”


20 minutes later I found myself in a mall’s arcade place with Sehun playing the basketball game while wearing a black hoodie and sunglasses. He covered his hair with a hat too.

“You look crazy.”  I said.

“Crazy good, right?” he smirked.

“You wish..”

“Hey, Hara. Wanna play with me?”

“Anything but basketball.”

“No, come here first. Just like when I taught you the first time!” he offered excitedly.

“Uh, thanks but no thanks.”

“Hara, you know I always get what I want..” and with that I surrendered. I let him guide me during one level.

“Yehet, high score!” he threw his hand in front of me for a high five but I didn’t reply his excitement, energy was drained out of me. I hate basketball and skinship and he combined it into this ‘let me teach you how to play basketball’ game. Whatever.

“Hara, let’s go buy some frozen yoghurt. My treat.” He suggested.

“YEHET!” I exclaimed and he looked at me weirdly. “I mean.. YEAH, HEY LET’S NOT WASTE ANYMORE TIME SHALL WE?” and I pulled him to the froyo shop.


We sat in one corner, enjoying our own cup of froyo, thanks to Sehun the brat. I have to admit, he impresses me lately. It’s like.. he changed into a more friendly guy, eventhough he is still annoying most of the times.

“Hara, give me some of your strawberries.”

“If you like strawberries, why did you order cookies?”

“Because I don’t want to eat the same thing, it’s not creative and it’s a waste of money.” He explained and I laughed at his theory.

“Here.” I scooped some for him. “Hey! No cookies for me?” I demanded.

“Nope, no cookies for you.”



Sehun stood awkwardly in front of my apartment door and I know he didn’t know what to say either.

“Thank you, Sehun. For coming today and taking me to the arcade and the froyo too. I had so much fun.” I started.

“Yeah I had fun too watching you at basketball.”

“Yah, I’m a beginner! Whatever. But really, thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Well then, see you tomorrow?”

“Of course.” He said. I lowered my head and I swear from I don’t know which corner of my eyes I saw Sehun approaching me. Did he intend to kiss me? I looked up immediately.

“Be careful!”

“Huh?” he awkwardly pulled his head away.

“On your way home, I mean. Bye Sehun!” I ran inside as quick as possible. I waved him a goodbye once and closed the door. What the hell did he just try to do?


Author's Note►

Hey there readers, long time no update haha->is that even grammatically correct? Whatever. Who cares about grammar anyway, right? Kekeke.

I know I promised to update yesterday but school.. was just being itself. Ugh.  I need a vacation, real soon and unfortunately the upcoming holiday is Ramadhan which means I can't read or write too much fanfics as it could possibly disturb my prayer activities..

Anyways, cheer up because holiday is still holiday right?

Oh, and please comment so I know what you think, yeah? I'm gonna end this super long unimportant author's note now, sorry kekeke. Thanks for reading, loves!

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Guys! I have a trailer now, and while I figure out how to put it in my foreword, might as well check it out first :
It's from Prestige Films, pretty right??
Exoticgirlu #2
Good , continue