What Could've Happened, or Not

After 1095

It was a quiet afternoon and Kyungsoo sat in the kitchen sorting his tea, while Minseok blabbered on about him and Jongdae. Really, Kyungsoo's life was boring. Probably more uneventful than Yixing's. He sighed and Minseok stopped talking. "What's wrong?" he had concern written on his face considering Kyungsoo always smiled at his stories.

"Just... nothing. Don't worry about it." He smiled at Minseok and put his tea away. The baozi shrugged it off and skipped out of the room. He sighed again when he heard the doorbell ring. Oh great, who's bothering me now? He thought negatively. He went to the door and found that Luhan had already anwsered it.

Luhan's eyes narrowed at Jongin. Jongin on the other hand flashed his little player smile, and winked. The smaller blonde almost gagged, but managed to keep his lunch in.

"Hey Lu-fat, where's Kyungsoo?" The taller of the two broke his thoughts.

"E-excuse me?"

"Has Sehun knocked you up yet?"

"I'M A BOY" Luhan's face turned bright red and he almost grabbed Jongin, when Baekhyun happened to pass by and pull him back. Jongin nonchalantly walked in and stared at Luhan trying to gauge his eyes out.

"Sorry, couldn't tell from your fairy face." He sarcastically apologized with a smug grin on his face. He spotted Kyungsoo in the corner and ran up to him. "My little squish!" He leaned in for a kiss, when he felt a pair of small hands on his lips. "NO" Kyungsoo had blocked him. Yixing had walked downstairs at that moment, signaling the 3 pm mark. Someone else followed Yixing, hiding behind him. "Joonmyeon, right?" Baekhyun looked up at the boy. He simply blushed and nodded.

"And that, children, is the look of afternight ." Jongin smirked, laughing a bit watching as Suho's face turned bright red. Yixing just nodded. Everyone suddenly became quiet. They all turned to Yixing, who just shrugged. "I have a life, too" was his excuse. Jongin felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned to be greeted by a flick to the forehead. He blinked a few times to realize that it was Kyungsoo.

"H-How dare you come into my house insulting my chil- I mean friends, try to kiss me, and then make poor little Joonmyeon feel awkward to the bone! I think you should leave, sir, before I get mad."

Jongin blinked some more, and nodded. He left with a blank stare, and Kyungsoo closed the door.

"That was....cute.." Jongin smiled and walked down to his car. Everyone stared at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo stared back. "Was that not anger?" Baekhyun broke the silence. The mother figure just chuckled. "None of you have seen real anger" They cringed.

Sehun lay down, propping his head on his blankets, watching some movie with Jongdae. However, he wasn't paying attention to the movie. Neither was Jongdae. They were both texting away to the people they love the most. Moreover, they were acting like little teenage girls, showing eachother the sweet texts they recieved. Happiness and funtimes ended when Jongin came in like a wrecking ball, yelling about love or some .

"Slow down, you're talking like 500 words per second. Why are you in my house in the first place?" Sehun stood up and walked over to his best friend. Jongdae just sat there in a giggling fit while texting Minseok. "So I got flicked in the forehead and I might be in love" He announced confidently.

"Oh, THAT. Yeah Luhan told me, you called him fat?" Sehun was starting to become distracted from what Jongin originally came there for, he had to think of something quickly.

"No,no, He misinterpereted what I was saying. I said 'fatty' as in 'fatty tuna' implying that he was delicious."


"What the hell, Jongin, that's just gross" Jongdae stopped texting for a moment just to comment on what he had just heard. Sehun just grabbed his best friend's shoulder and gave him a thumbs up with a small tear forming in one of his eyes. "I understand, my brother."

Luhan felt a chill go down his spine during dinner, and he quickly swallowed his food. "Something wrong with the food?" Kyungsoo asked, hoping that wasn't the case. Luhan just shook his head and explained, "It's probably Sehun's fault, I'll just slap him tomorrow." Kyungsoo nodded, slightly confused by the situation and the explanation, but he didn't want to question the small blonde boy any further. Minseok ran downstairs and almost leaped onto the couch, but missed and hit the ground with a hard thud. Kyungsoo ran over to him and propped his head up. Luhan tried to hold in his laughter.

"Minseok! Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital? Any broken bones? Speak to me!" Minseok reached out to Kyungsoo's face with his right hand and beckoned him to come closer. Kyungsoo leaned in and Minseok whispered, "May the force be with you." before dramatically breathing out and closing his eyes. Baekhyun peeked in, hearing the whole ordeal, and shook his head.

"Minnie, your whole life is a joke." He sighed, shrugging. Minseok just sat up and stuck his tongue out.

"I just wanted to lighten up the mood, you pork leftovers."

"Stop calling me that"

"But that's what bacon is."

"Do you really want to die? Huh?"

"Come at me, BRUH"

Baekhyun picked up a banana from Luhan's plate and threw it at the baozi. Sadly, Baekhyun's eyesight isn't the best and he accidentaly hit Kyungsoo in the face. Luhan was literally on the floor laughing his off. Kyungsoo's forehead turned a bright red. Baekhyun's eyes widened in fear and he ran upstairs to his room before the shorter brunette had time to react. Luhan, still laughing, walked over to Kyungsoo with a bandaid. Kyungsoo glady took it and put it on his forehead. "I look ridiculous" he complained, Minseok just patted where the bandaid was.

Sehun took in a breath, walking up to Luhan's house with no real purpose. "Jongin is a jerk" he sighed, ringing the doorbell. The door opened and Yixing groaned. "Luhan" he called out lazily. In an instant, the small blonde boy appeared. Sehun let out a genuine smile to see his beloved after a few days.

"Oh, what's up Sehun?"

"Marry me"




"I'll do anything"

"If you're that desperate marry Jongin."

"Hell no"


Sehun sighed and rubbed the back of his head. Did he really sound that desperate? He shrugged and smiled. Luhan invited him in to have some tea. Sehun walked into the house and quickly pecked Luhan on the lips before scurrying to the kitchen. The blonde boy showed only a light shade of pink. He slowly walked into the kitchen to see Kyungsoo and Baekhyun already talking to him. Minseok was in the corner facetiming Jongdae. It was normal thing already. Sehun would come to Luhan's house proposing, he would reject him, they would chat with some tea, and Sehun would leave. Same thing. The kiss was new. Maybe it would become part of the routine. The taller brunette looked up and beckoned Luhan to come over and converse with all of them.

Luhan walked over and Sehun quickly pulled the other onto his lap. He tried standing up, but Sehun just tightened his grip.

"Are you two dating?" Baekhyun dared to ask, watching the two of them struggle.



 They both looked at eachother with confused looks. Luhan quickly stood up and cleared his throat, trying to hide his red blush. "I'm just not weird with skinship is all" he tried explaining. Kyungsoo shook his head and looked over at Minseok who made kissy faces at the couple. Luhan's red face became noticable and everyone laughed. "You guys " he pouted, sitting on an open chair.

Yixing laid on the couch, listening to the laughter behind him. He felt tired and didn't want to get up to tell them to quiet down, so he decided to call Suho. He swiped the screen of his phone right before it started ringing. What perfect timing that kid has. He anwsered the phone and was met with a worried sounding Joonmyeon.



"Are you free right now?"


"Can we get some coffee, it's important."

Yixing hummed in response and Suho hung up. He already knew where to go. It's where they always went. He stood up and walked to the door. Kyungsoo looked over to him. "Where are you going this late" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "Out" Yixing looked at him and walked out the door. He didn't bother putting on some decent clothes, which earned him awkward looks from other pedestrians. He was wearing a white t-shirt and plaid knee length shorts. He arrived at the cafe and saw Joonmyeon in the corner booth, fiddeling with his fingers. The small boy looked up and waved at him. He nodded his head and walked over.

"I-I'm glad you made it" he studdered. Yixing sat down and stared at him. He looked very sad and it worried him. "What's wrong?" he asked blatantly, just staring at the boy.

"I'm sick again" He looked down at his lap, waiting for Yixing to respond.

"Are you going to leave?"


"Are you going to.. leave me?"

"Probably... hyung, I'm scared this time"

For the first time since he got there, Joonmyeon looked up. His eyes were bloodshot and he was trembling. Yixing stood up and grabbed Suho's arm. He dragged him out of the cafe and down the street. "I-it hurts, Lay-ssi" the latter whimpered.

Yixing stopped in front of an art studio, still grabbing onto Suho's arm. The small brunette was breathing heavily, considering he was just dragged a long way up hill. The taller boy turned around and engulfed him into a hug. Joonmyeon was suprised, no doubt about that, but something stopped him from telling Yixing he was constricting him to the point where he couldn't breath. He felt small drops of warmth hitting his shoulder and knew that all emotionless Yixing was crying. He didn't move. Didn't say anything. He let Yixing cry on him until no more tears came out.

They walked together, hand in hand, back to Yixing's house. They talked about the past, Joonmyeon still reminding the other about the things he had forgotten. Even after all these years of not talking, they were as close as they were in highschool. Maybe closer now.

"I wasn't crying because I was sad"

Joonmyeon looked up at him with a questioning look. He didn't ask, he just waited for an anwser.

"You're still here, afterall" Yixing was right. If he wasn't gone yet, why would tears be shed? Joonmyeon smiled up at Yixing and hooked their arms together. "Then let's make the most of out time."

Sehun walked around the kitchen, looking for something to do. Baekhyun went to bed, Yixing was out, Kyungsoo was talking to Luhan, and he didn't have anything to do but wait. "Yah, stop snooping around!" Luhan yelled, but he just shook his head. The short blonde rolled his eyes and went back to the conversation he was having with Kyungsoo about how Jongin is a total asshat. Sehun walked over to the stove and turned it on and off continuously. More interesting than badmouthing his best friend, which he has already done on multiple occasions.

He left the stove on and turned around to grab a piece of paper to burn, but when he turned back around, the box next to the stove was on fire.




Kyungsoo ran to the cabinent and pulled out a fire extinguisher. He sprayed the box while screaming simutaniously until the fire was long gone. They both stared at Sehun who slowly started scooting away from the furious boys.

"Oh Sehun, Get your back here!" Sehun had never heard Kyungsoo curse before and he knew he was in big trouble. He looked at him in the eyes and realized he looked more sad than angry. Luhan shook his head and glared at the brunette boy while comforting his scarred friend. Years of collection rare teas of different countries and herbs, all gone. Thousands of dollars in tea, literally burned to a crisp, that could've been sold for more. Kyungsoo wasn't just mad or angry, he was an emotional 13 year old girl.

After that night, Sehun was banned from that house until he could pay for all of the tea that perished in the small fire, which was all of it. 13,000 dollars. He wasn't rich, he could hardly pay for a pair of jeans. Why would Kyungsoo buy all that tea anyway? What purpose did it serve to pay thousands of dollars to buy tea? Well, to sell it of course. Kyungsoo was being nice by telling Sehun to pay for the costs of the tea. It was originally for sale at 64,000, which a certain rich british person was going to buy. Ah, Sehun really screwed up. It was stupid to basically be banned from seeing Luhan over very expensive tea. But, it was precious to Kyungsoo, yet he still didn't understand. Idiot.

 Personally, I like the Sulay side story alot. That's why it's my main side focus, huhu. Kyungsoo's tea has died, oh no! But really, I think i'm getting used to this whole fanfic writing thing, and I hope you guys are proud of me... Even if only a few of you comment ever, it always brings a large dimply smile to my face when I see a new comment! Is it good? I was reading some mpreg and decided it's funny as hell, so maybe after i'm finished writing this fanfic, I'll write an mpreg (probably about Kaisoo or other) (BTW sorry bout the spelling)

Like, how can you NOT think they are the cutest motherheffers you have EVER seen.




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Ohluhan101 #1
Chapter 1: OMG. OMG. OMG.
Lattexo #2
Hello Panda_Doll
My name is Lattexo and I'm a Vietnamese translator
I would want to ask you your authorisation to translate your "After 1905"
I hope you will answer.
But I don't (and i can't) forget to say the most important thing :
Thank you for all your work
~ Lattexo ~
DinoPearl_Riza #3
Chapter 10: oh i just realized that they used jongin's car XD hahaha
ceisya #4
Chapter 10: Updateee soon
DinoPearl_Riza #5
Chapter 9: omg it's great ><
sorry i've been a silent reader for a while.. i just read it all today.. hehe
oww.. foor sehuna... why did you play with the stove anyway...
I love it! Great job! I think it is very good so keep up with the great work.
Chapter 8: But i like ur story tho~ =)
Nefastraven #8
Chapter 4: soooo you'll finally know the answer to your question
sorry I didn't answer yesterday I started watching Baka to Test and I was distracted
It was Minseok that's your answer
Lujan has Sehun-sense he knows ALLLL
loveluck #9
Chapter 4: Wherr hav u been all my lyf?!>.> omg this flufff@$#&@ this is wat I need... too much angst wiv othrrs; its sad so yayyy! soo cute XD!