First Truth

After 1095

Sehun heard a knock on the bathroom door and panicked.

'What if it's Luhan?? MY HEART ISN'T READY FOR THIS!' He thought, almost punching the mirror.

"Pssst. Sehun! Let's get out of here! I can't handle that Kyungsoo, he is way too pure! I feel guilty just looking at him! And seriously, I CANNOT drink anymore tea." He heard a voice whisper.

Sehun opened the door to see Chanyeol looking smaller than usual. Chanyeol stared at the brunnette, making hand motions for them to get out of there, before they are literally sent to heaven. Sehun grabbed the taller male and smashed their lips together. After a few seconds of Chanyeol's endless struggling, Sehun let go of him.

"DUDE WUTDAFAQ" Chanyeol's eyes grew wide at Sehun, him wiping his mouth as best as he could.

"Well, I don't feel anything with you..." Sehun muttered to himself, walking down the stairs. Chanyeol ran into the bathroom and started pouring mouthwash in his mouth, not stopping until his mouth was completely numb. Sehun called out to El Jose (L.Joe) and Tao. They happily said their goodbyes, grabbed Chanyeol, and left. Chanyeol kept his distance the rest of the way home.

Luhan woke up shortly after Sehun left. He called out for Baekhyun to get him some water. Baekhyun walked in with a plate of cut up oranges instead.

"I asked for water." Luhan said bluntly and weakly.

"I heard orange slices rehydrate you faster" The taller boy replied with a grin. Luhan shrugged and ate them greatfully. He sighed and sat there for a second.

"What's wrong? Need any medicine?" The little bacon offered. Luhan shook his head and touched his bottom lip.

"I think i'm forgetting something important" The blonde admitted. He shook his head again before lying back down.

"Well, are you sure you don't need anything else?"

"Well, I had a dream that a certain idiot watched me undress..." Luhan admitted again, looking at Baekhyun, who made a face.

"That's unusual you gay " He laughed at Luhan, who flicked him off and covered his head with his blankets. Baekhyun left the room and headed downstairs.

That night, Sehun sat on the couch with HaYoung, watching a movie. He tried to pay attention, but he just couldn't. His thoughts all lead back to Luhan and their "kiss". He felt his face heat up and he covered his eyes.

"You crying?" HaYoung asked. Sehun glared at her angrily and she laughed.

"No seriously, what's up with you? You havn't been paying attention to the movie at all." She looked at Sehun, he looked the other way. She called him a brat and he tensed up. He turned back around to face her.

"So, I met this very amazing person, and I think it was love at first sight so I asked them on a date, but before the date, i find out that 'she' is a 'he' and I freaked out and didn't show up on the date, so they got really sick because they were waiting for so long, and his friend found out and dragged me to their house to say sorry and when I tried to apologize he kissed me and I ran away to the bathroom, and im still messed up from the kiss! Sis! I'm not gay! women are my life, this kid is ruining my life with the ladies!" Sehun ranted on to his sister, leaving out a few parts.

"So, you love him?" HaYoung asked.

"NO. NOT GAY." Her little brother stated clearly.

"Well, did you like the kiss?" She questioned further.

"Well.. I mean.." He trailed off, not anwsering.

"Obviously you did. You love him, idiot." She closed her argument.

"I don't! How in the world did you get love from a kiss?"

"Well for one thing, when you talked about him, your eyes twinkled and dialated, and you turned a little pink. I could see you smile at the mention of that kiss, too. It's OBVIOUS" HaYoung deadpanned. Sehun stared at her and shook his head, "I'm not gay..." He muttered under his breath. HaYoung paused the movie and kicked him off the couch.

"Does the gender matter when it comes to love?" She glared at him. "If you love him, then you love him, admit it! I doubt you would want to see that kid with some other man, huh? Do you WANT to give him away just like that?" HaYoung almost started to yell.

Sehun cringed at the thought of Luhan hand in hand with somebody else. He then imagined that man as himself. He really couldn't imagine Luhan with anybody except him. That's when he realised. He couldn't imagine Luhan with anyone else because he was going to stay by his side. Sehun wanted to protect him. Comfort him. Kiss him. Sehun was indeed gay, but gender really didn't matter to him at that point in thought. He stood up and dashed out of the apartment, heading to Luhan's house.

"Go get him, idiot." HaYoung started to play the movie again.

Sehun stumbled onto the road and ran towards Luhan's house. He passed YG Lane, and crossed onto JYP Boulevard. To the place he wanted to know best, he stopped in front of the house he was looking for, on SM Street. He looked up at the window on the top floor, and he held his breath. He saw Luhan taking off his shirt. He turned a bright pink and turned away. Luhan really wasn't like anyone else. He never would have thought that a man would make him so embarassed. He looked at his feet and noticed he wasn't wearing any shoes. But, besides that, there were small pebbles scattered along the ground. He picked one up, and hurled it at the window, hoping it wouldn't crack the glass. The pebble missed, and instead, landed in the gutter. He tried again.

After changing out of his sweaty t-shirt, Luhan sat down on his bed, listening to some DBSK CD's that his friend Daehyun sent him for Christmas. He jumped in suprise when he heard a clack at his window. He snuck up to it and noticed somebody throwing pebbles. Luhan opened the window and was greeted to a rock hitting him in the forehead. He cringed in pain and glared at the bystander on the gass of the yard. He then heard and idiotic and obnoxious voice.


"AISH BE QUIET." Luhan snapped back. He took a closer look and made out what seemed to be an idiot's face.

"What do you want, idiot?" the blonde asked, slightly annoyed.

"I'm sorry!"

"You already said that." Luhan was getting very annoyed.

"No, I mean i'm sorry for standing you up. I never imagined that I would have accidentally asked out a dude."

"Then why are you here!?" He wanted to throw a book at that idiot. How could he forgive him?

"And... I love you, Xi Luhan!" the boy on the ground yelled up to the window. Luhan stiffened and looked back down to the idiot known as oh Sehun. He was wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and a robe, with no shoes added. It was 23 degrees outside that night. Luhan closed the window and walked to his bedroom door.

Sehun's heart broke when Luhan shut the window. Did he already get rejected without being given the chance? Well, that's what he deserved for being an idiot. He walked up to the door, and sat in front of it. His pocket rang, and he anwsered it.

"Don't bother coming back home." he heard his sister giggle evily. He hung up and violently put the phone back in his pocket. there were some clicks above his head and he looked up. He saw Luhan with the door open.

"Get in here, idiot, and be quiet."

Sehun's face lit up and he nodded. He stepped into the house for the second time that day, and followed Luhan to his room. He could here his heart beating, and his palms sweat. Luhan opened the door and invited Sehun inside. They both sat on the bed in an awkward silence until Luhan spoke.

"So, Why are you here with almost no clothes on?" He questioned.

"I love you." Sehun anwsered simply. Luhan tensed up and blushed.

"Th-that's a lie." He replied, a little shaken in the voice. He looked at his hands.

"I can prove it to you" Sehun whispered, leaning towards Luhan. The small boy looked up and Sehun's lips grazed his.

"I love you, Luhan!" He repeated a little louder. Luhan was too suprised to react quickly enough, and he rapidly quieted down the other boy.

"I still don't believe you."

"I'll do anything to prove it to you." Sehun responded.

"If I told you to jump out that window?" He questioned.

"If you want." the latter didn't hesitate to respond.

"Do it"

Sehun gulped. Sure, it made him sad that Luhan would want him to jump out of the window, but if it was to prove his love... He walked to the window and opened it as wide as it could go. He jumped up to the window pane and looked towards the ground. I was at least 3 stories up. He jumped.

Luhan wrapped his arms around Sehun's waist and pulled him back into the room before he fell.

"OK! I BELIEVE YOU!" Luhan yelled on the room's carpet floor next to Sehun. Sehun sighed of relief. He truly was an idiot. He rolled to face Luhan and hugged him, smiling wide.

"Thank god..." He whispered. Luhan didn't move. After telling the brunnette to kill himself, he could at least give him this moment. Before he knew it, Luhan had fallen asleep in Sehun's arms. Sehun grabbed a blanket with the arm that wasn't being used as a pillow. He covered himself and Luhan. Soon, he started to drift off to sleep right next to Luhan.

"I'll marry you then..." He smiled, kissing the top of Luhan's head before fully being devoured by sleep. 'smells like strawberries' He thought.


I don't like this chapter -_- sorry~~



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Ohluhan101 #1
Chapter 1: OMG. OMG. OMG.
Lattexo #2
Hello Panda_Doll
My name is Lattexo and I'm a Vietnamese translator
I would want to ask you your authorisation to translate your "After 1905"
I hope you will answer.
But I don't (and i can't) forget to say the most important thing :
Thank you for all your work
~ Lattexo ~
DinoPearl_Riza #3
Chapter 10: oh i just realized that they used jongin's car XD hahaha
ceisya #4
Chapter 10: Updateee soon
DinoPearl_Riza #5
Chapter 9: omg it's great ><
sorry i've been a silent reader for a while.. i just read it all today.. hehe
oww.. foor sehuna... why did you play with the stove anyway...
I love it! Great job! I think it is very good so keep up with the great work.
Chapter 8: But i like ur story tho~ =)
Nefastraven #8
Chapter 4: soooo you'll finally know the answer to your question
sorry I didn't answer yesterday I started watching Baka to Test and I was distracted
It was Minseok that's your answer
Lujan has Sehun-sense he knows ALLLL
loveluck #9
Chapter 4: Wherr hav u been all my lyf?!>.> omg this flufff@$#&@ this is wat I need... too much angst wiv othrrs; its sad so yayyy! soo cute XD!