Phone Calls and Texts

After 1095

Luhan laid on his floor, contemplating whether or not to tell Sehun that he remembered everything. He stared up at the ceiling and sighed.


Baekhyun happened to be passing by the blonde's room at that time and he nearly fell over at the sudden outburst. Luhan sat up and shook his head. Clenching his fist, he hit his bed. "Maybe if I avoid him, he'll forget about it!" Luhan nodded and fell back again. "LUHAN, FIGHTING!" He yelled, staring at his fan.

Minseok rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Luhan sure is noisy this morning" he complained, pouring some coffee into his mug. Baekhyun nodded and turned the tv on. "Hey, is Sehun still banished?" Minseok nodded and looked at the clock and then back at Baekhyun. Baekhyun stared back. An awkward silence hovered in the air before a knock was heard at the door. Both of them stood up just as Luhan zipped past them and swung open the door. Chanyeol, Chen, and Kai fell inside. "Hello~" Chanyeol waved up at Baekhyun from the floor. Chen stood up and dusted off his clothes with his hands. Luhan rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen, stepping on Jongin's stomach in the process.

"What are you guys doing here? It's Sunday, Go to church. Especially you Jongin." Minseok squinted at the tan boy on the ground who just shrugged. Baekhyun helped Chanyeol up, stepping on Jongin while doing so. Jongdae grabbed Minseok's hand and started walking out of the house. "W-what the heck Jongdae, let me go. I'm still in my PJ's!" he pulled back, but that tightened Chen's grip on his hand. Chanyeol picked Baekhyun up kidnap style and ran out of the house. Jongin coughed and stood up. He looked at Luhan and waved his hand before running out after his friends. Luhan stood there with a qustioned look on his face. "That was... unexpected..."

He peeked outside to see Chanyeol and Jongdae throwing Baekhyun and Minseok into the backseat of Jongin's car with Jongin himself, while the other two went up front and finally drove away. Luhan thought about whether or not to help his friends but he decided to not.

Yixing walked down the stairs and yawned. "Why are you guys so noisy so early in the morning?" he asked, rubbing his eyes. Luhan looked up at him and blinked a few times. "You are up really early, Xing." he said, looking at the clock which read 11:20. Yixing sighed and crossed his arms.

"You know what, I came out here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now." and with that, he made his way back upstairs and slammed his door. Luhan rubbed the back of his head and shrugged.

Sehun peeled himself off of his couch and looked at his phone. Why did Luhan have to leave so early? Now he was bored with nothing to do. He then realized that he had his number saved to his phone. And Luhan was just complaining yesterday about how he never called. It should be alright, right?

Luhan heard his ringtone go off inside the kitchen and he jogged over to it. He picked it up and anwsered, "Yello?" He heard faint giggling on the other end and made a face. "Who is this?" He asked, tapping the bottom of the table with his foot. "Ah, Xiaolu! It's Sehun!" he laughed, catching his breath. "AGH, What do you want? I just got home!" he almost sounded mad, but Sehun knew he wasn't. "I thought that maybe we could talk on the phone!" he smiled, giggling again. "Wha-" he sighed, "Okay fine. What do you want to talk about?"

"Marry me"


"Why not?" Sehun pouted on the other end of the phone, thinking of telling Luhan what he had heard when he was drunk. "Just admit you love me"

"I don't love you" Luhan crossed his arms, sitting on the couch. He heard a mumble at the other end of the phone and a sigh. "You still there?" he asked, biting his lip. "Of course my honey bunches of oats!" Sehun replied, batting his eyes at the wall. Luhan stood up and walked outside to the porch, sitting on the rocking chair. They talked for a while, Luhan arguing about his relationship with the other, and Sehun constantly confessing and teasing the simple minded Luhan.

"And on top of that, you even said you liked me, so I think that you should at lest give me a kiss once and a while."

"That doesn't make any sense," Luhan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose at Sehun's logic. He heard another giggle. "You didn't deny you like me that time" Sehun smirked, and waited for a reaction. "Th-that!" Luhan started, feeling his face heat up. There was a beep and Luhan looked at his phone. It was almost dead. "My phone is dying, bye." The blonde quickly stuttered out, hanging up. He sighed at the moment of relief, and went back inside the house. He plugged his phone in and went to the kitchen to make some lunch.

When he got back, there were 6 unread messages. "I'm so popular" he laughed, checking the messages, seeing they were all from Sehun.




<(I LOVE YOU♥♥♥)



Luhan shook his head and shrugged, taking a bite of his sandwich.

(What do you want?)>

<(Let's continue talking!! I miss you~)

(It's only been 10 minutes...)>

<(Well, I i have a confession)

(About what?)>

<(You snore in your sleep)

(I do not.)>

<(You like me~ You said when you were drunk last night~)

Luhan choked and started coughing. He beat on his chest, eyes watering up. He grabbed his water and chugged it, sighing afterwards. Why is he bringing this up? Why now?

<(You told me everything... You think i'm cute?)

(Well, so what?? It doesn't mean anything!)>

He could say it confidentaly on text, but in reality, he was nervous, and his palms were sweating. On the other hand, Sehun's heart was beating out of his chest, finally telling Luhan about the other night.

<(So you like me?)

(Yeah, I like you!)>

Luhan made a loud shriek, shaking his phone. "How could I send that?! What's wrong with meee??" He hit himself in the head, breathing heavily. "What am I going to do!"

Sehun stared at his phone, all in smiles. "Luhan said it... He likes me!" He yelled through running around hysterically. Hayoung glared up at him from the kitchen table and started clapping slowly. "Congratulations, you get an extra hour in the ball pit." she smirked, putting her mug to her lips. Sehun rolled his eyes and sat down, being really fidgety. "It was obvious he liked you." Hayoung continued, throwing a pillow at the brunette. Sehun caught it and put it on the couch. "Don't be a kill joy, Noona!" he yelled, burrying his face in the couch cushions. 

Baekhyun and Minseok walked into the house, still in their pajamas, to see Luhan freaking out on the floor. "What's wrong with you?" Baekhyun asked first, making a face. "I'M BEING EMBARASSED" he yelled, flailing his arms and legs around. Minseok shook his head and crawled over to him. "Did you confess?" he asked, knowing his best friend too well for his own good. Luhan nodded and accidentally tripped Baekhyun down to the ground with the rest of them. "Where were you guys?" Luhan finally asked after calming down.

"Chanyeol and Jongdae kidnapped us, took us to Jongin's house, who already kidnapped Kyungsoo, and they bought us clothes so we could go on a triple date. Like, they could've asked us, but Kyungsoo would he thrown a fit." Baekhyun explained in one breath. Minseok nodded, and sighed. "We forgot our Pj's at Jong-pig's house so we'll have to go later."

"That's why you guys are dressed in hipster crap?" Luhan asked. "Pretty much." The bacon replied, all of them still laying on the floor. The doorbell rang, and Luhan stood up to get it. "That might be one of the musketeers with our pajamas." Minseok smiled. sitting up. Luhan opened the door and was met with Chanyeol, who was standing there awkwardly smiling. He handed a bag to Luhan and told him they were the Pjs. Baekhyun waved to him, and they both smiled. How cute.

Chanyeol stepped away, to reveal a Sehun, who was hiding behind the giant. Luhan glared at Chanyeol, who just shrugged. "Luhan, we need to talk, don't we?" Sehun asked, smiling. The shorter held his breath and nodded lightly. "Ok, let's go somewhere"

Luhan followed Sehun outside, leaving Minseok and Baekhyun the house.


Short and subtle. Not my style. Oh well, I've had summer work to do, so please understand my little galaxies! And, I hope you got some of my Tumblr references hehe *wink wink*






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Ohluhan101 #1
Chapter 1: OMG. OMG. OMG.
Lattexo #2
Hello Panda_Doll
My name is Lattexo and I'm a Vietnamese translator
I would want to ask you your authorisation to translate your "After 1905"
I hope you will answer.
But I don't (and i can't) forget to say the most important thing :
Thank you for all your work
~ Lattexo ~
DinoPearl_Riza #3
Chapter 10: oh i just realized that they used jongin's car XD hahaha
ceisya #4
Chapter 10: Updateee soon
DinoPearl_Riza #5
Chapter 9: omg it's great ><
sorry i've been a silent reader for a while.. i just read it all today.. hehe
oww.. foor sehuna... why did you play with the stove anyway...
I love it! Great job! I think it is very good so keep up with the great work.
Chapter 8: But i like ur story tho~ =)
Nefastraven #8
Chapter 4: soooo you'll finally know the answer to your question
sorry I didn't answer yesterday I started watching Baka to Test and I was distracted
It was Minseok that's your answer
Lujan has Sehun-sense he knows ALLLL
loveluck #9
Chapter 4: Wherr hav u been all my lyf?!>.> omg this flufff@$#&@ this is wat I need... too much angst wiv othrrs; its sad so yayyy! soo cute XD!