First Rejection

After 1095

His friends, food, work, partying, and no worries. That seemed like heaven to Luhan. He was eating his favorite Hokkaido Creme bread with his best friends, Minseok and Baekhyun, at a party. He was eating, drinking, dancing, having fun. Things took a turn when Minseok met this guy with amazing cheekbones and an incredible voice. Baekhyun ditched him for Chanyeol, too. Luhan was sitting alone.

"Why can't I find my soulmate?" Luhan complained, staring at the multiple couples around him.

"Luhan" A voice called out to him. He whipped his head around. What was the source of this voice? His soulmate? Life long partner?

"Luhan!" The voice started sounding desperate. Luhan tried calling out to the voice, but realised he couldn't speak.

"Luuhaann~" Why couldn't he do anything to tell the voice he was there?

Suddenly Luhan's eyes shot open. He darted upwards, hitting his head on something. Groaning in pain, he looked next to him and saw Sehun rolling on the floor in pain.

"G-good morning Luhan!" He managed to say in between pain spasms. Luhan pressed his lips into a straight line and laid back down in his bed.

'Why is this person in my house? I must be dreaming' He thought to himself, pulling the blankets over his head. Luhan then felt something warm climb into the bed with him. Right then, all the thoughts about last night's events flodded his memory and he shot up again. He looked at Sehun, who was now in the bed with Luhan. They both heard the door open and looked towards it.

"Luhaaaan-ssi~ I made some breakfast-in-bed for you!" Kyungsoo walked in to see Sehun laying in the bed with Luhan, shirtless, and Luhan's face was beet red. He made his signature confused, wide-eyed face. He quickly put the tray down and quietly shut the door.

"Oh ." Luhan thought out loud. He heard Kyungsoo run down the stairs screaming "MY EYES!"

Sehun smirked and looked at Luhan, who was red with embarassment. He wrapped his arms around the smaller boy and planted a kiss on the side of his head. Luhan felt his face heat up and he looked at Sehun with confusion in his eyes.

"Marry me, Xi Luhan? I love you" Sehun stared at the blonde boy with a smile. Luhan threw a pillow at him and ran to the door. He stuck his tongue out and opened his bedroom door.

"No, idiot!" He yelled before running out. Sehun chuckled to himself and picked up his phone to check his text messages. When Luhan walked into the kitchen, he felt 3 pairs of eyes stare at him.

"W-what?" He couldn't look at any of them. Did they already know? (except Kyungsoo, of course)

"Hmmm, nothing~" Baekhyun hummed while smiling suspiciously. Minseok looked at Kyungsoo, who looked back at Baekhyun, and they all laughed. Luhan glared at them and they all shut up. There was a knock on the door, and the wide-eyed owl ran to get it, taking off his apron in the process.

"Yah! Byunbaek! What are you narcisists giggling about!" Luhan finally snapped.

"Aish, nothing you masochist!" Minseok retorted with a smirk. Luhan's face turned a dark red.

"Im not a masochist..." Luhan muttered, leaving the kitchen to see who was at the door. His eyes widened when he saw a tan, but very y, stranger with his hand around Kyungsoo's waist. His motherly friend was leaned back, and it seemed as if they were dancing together. The tan (and y) stranger started to lean in, about to kiss his dear friend, when a flipflop hit the weirdo in the face.

"KIM JONGIN STOP IT." A voice from the top of the stairs yelled. Jongin looked up the stairs to see Sehun with his hands on his hips. He frowned and let Kyungsoo go, who ran to the kitchen. Minseok and Baekhyun walked out to see what was with all the commotion.

"Thanks alot, Oh Sehun, you let a perfectly beautiful target get away." He stated very nonchalantly. Luhan looked up at Sehun, who looked back at the little blonde and waved.

"Luhan, this is Kim Jongin, my gay neighbor and best friend." Sehun introduced the man.

"Arn't we ALL gay here?" Minseok muttered under his breath.

"I came here to pick you up, and you introduce me as your gay neighbor first? Man, I am so leaving you here next time." Jongin smirked, rubbing the back of his head. Sehun ran down the stairs and swiftly kissed Luhan on the lips. Minseok and Baekhyun's eyes widened, and they looked at eachother, then back at Luhan, whos face was the color of a tomato.

"I'll be back tomorrow to declare my love for you!" Sehun shouted before exiting the door.

"He is so cheesy, you could put him on bread. I will also be back for that squishy beauty in the kitchen!" Jongin grinned, leaving and closing the door behind them. After they drove away, Minseok pushed Luhan onto a chair, and Baekhyun leaned closer to him.

"Tell us ALL the details!" Baekhyun shouted. Luhan rolled his eyes as he began his story of everything that happened the night before, since they already knew the first part.

"What's with all the talking?" a tired voice questioned, walking down the stairs. They greeted the sleepy and cluelss Yixing who always wakes up at 3 pm for some reason. He doesn't work, but he always has money.

"LUHAN IS IN LOVE" Kyungsoo blurted out from the kitchen. That sneaky was eavesdropping. Yixing's jaw dropped open and he stared at Luhan for what seemed like a few hours.

"That's unusual" He finally broke the silence. They all laughed except Luhan.

"I'm not in love! I just find him attractive." Luhan stated simply, hoping they wouldn't bother him further. But as usual, he was wrong. That whole evening, they asked questions that even luhan didn't have an anwser to.

Sehun walked into his apartment to see a random guy sleeping on the couch. Again. His idiotic sister was at fault.

"OH HAYOUUUUNNGG. STRANGER DANGER ALERT, RED BUTTON, RED LIGHT, WHO IS THIS??" Sehun shouted loudly, waking up the man. He stood up and stretched. Sehun stared at the man, when he felt his phone vibrating. He anwsered it and it was HaYoung.

"The random man on the couch is Jongdae. He is your new roommate! I moved in with Amber while you were taking someone's ity, so have fun~!" She hung up before he could even say anything. He stuffed his phone in his pocket. HaYoung never seised to amaze him. Sehun looked up, and the black haired man waved. Sehun waved back, trying to smile, but instead looked like Golem.

"Hello, Sehun hyung! My name is Kim Jongdae~ but you can call me Chen. Im your new roommate I guess! I hope we can get along really well." Chen smiled. To tell the truth, Sehun thought Chen was very good looking. He had straight dark hair that hardly covered his eyes, he had amazing cheekbones that didn't look real, and his voice was really nice to listen to. Sehun snapped out of his little trance and walked over to the other man.

"Nice to meet you, Chen!" Sehun didn't know what else to say. After sitting and getting to know eachother better, it turned out that Chen worked at a store that HaYoung managed. I guess that's how they met. He moved from Gangnam to find this guy that he loved who lived in Seoul. What a romanticist.

Luhan walked up to his room and realised he had work tomorrow! He had to shower, then go to sleep. He put his phone on the bed and started to undress. It rang, and he picked up.

"Luhan! Goodnight, I love you!" he heard Sehun whisper on the other end of the phone. His cheeks became pink.

Sehun could sense that Luhan was blushing, so he added in ,"Let's get married one day, alright?"

"No, idiot!" Luhan yelled into the phone and hung up. He covered his face and sqealed on the inside. That Oh Sehun was going to be the wreck of Xi Luhan, and they both knew it. Luhan grabbed his towel and headed for the shower.

Minseok and Baekhyun sat at the table with Kyungsoo, all drinking their favorite herbal tea. It was an awkward silence, and they didn't know what to say.

"So, I like this guy..." Baekhyun started out. Minseok spit out his tea and looked at his friend.

"E-EXCUSE ME?" He managed to cough out. Kyungsoo smiled and congratulated Baek, but Minseok was dumbfounded.

"The infamous diva Byun Baekhyun who is impossible to embrace has a man captured in his eye?!" He dramatically questioned.

"You are over exaggerating, Minseokkie!" Kyungsoo spouted, "Byun-ssi isn't any of those things"

"Well, you get my point right? Baekhyun has never had a crush before."

Baekhyun blushed and told them what had happened at the bubble tea shop. They were both interested and grossed out, considering Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun's once.

Sehun put the phone away and sat back down.

"Who was that? Boyfriend?" Chen asked, nudging Sehun suggestively.

"More like fiance." Sehun corrected, smiling at the word fiance.

"Oh? Introduce me next time then!"

"Oh, I will~" The brunnette laughed

Luhan opened his eyes and sighed.

"I don't know why, but I think i'll punch Sehun tomorrow." He closed his eyes again and fell asleep.


Something i have noticed is that all the chapters start out with them waking up. ahaha funny i guess! Well i hoped you like this chapter, please leave a comment so i know if i did well or not! And thank you that few subsribers! You have made me so happy! And I only have one more member to introduce.. (dundunduuuun) please wait for that!

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Ohluhan101 #1
Chapter 1: OMG. OMG. OMG.
Lattexo #2
Hello Panda_Doll
My name is Lattexo and I'm a Vietnamese translator
I would want to ask you your authorisation to translate your "After 1905"
I hope you will answer.
But I don't (and i can't) forget to say the most important thing :
Thank you for all your work
~ Lattexo ~
DinoPearl_Riza #3
Chapter 10: oh i just realized that they used jongin's car XD hahaha
ceisya #4
Chapter 10: Updateee soon
DinoPearl_Riza #5
Chapter 9: omg it's great ><
sorry i've been a silent reader for a while.. i just read it all today.. hehe
oww.. foor sehuna... why did you play with the stove anyway...
I love it! Great job! I think it is very good so keep up with the great work.
Chapter 8: But i like ur story tho~ =)
Nefastraven #8
Chapter 4: soooo you'll finally know the answer to your question
sorry I didn't answer yesterday I started watching Baka to Test and I was distracted
It was Minseok that's your answer
Lujan has Sehun-sense he knows ALLLL
loveluck #9
Chapter 4: Wherr hav u been all my lyf?!>.> omg this flufff@$#&@ this is wat I need... too much angst wiv othrrs; its sad so yayyy! soo cute XD!