Soju and Sake

After 1095

It has been about 5 weeks since Sehun got banned from the house and he still hasn't paid off all the tea. Life is interesting but peaceful. Sehun always manages to convince Luhan to hang out with him on the weekends, Baekhyun invites Chanyeol over to the house ALL THE TIME, Yixing goes to wherever he goes off to during the evening, and Jongin goes and bothers Kyungsoo every once in a while.

Luhan was late for work and he was running, yet again. The door to the bar was right there, if he could just-

He ran into the double doors and fell back onto his . This happens too often he thought. Kris, his boss, cracked open the door and peeked out. "Are you.. okay?" He asked, half concerned, more worried for the doors. Luhan nodded and stood up. He walked into his workplace and sat down. Two minutes to spare until the damned place opened for the night. Kris sat at the booth across from Luhan's seat and sighed. "What's up, Yi Fan?" Luhan sat up and propped his chin on his hand. Kris shrugged and looked at him with boredom written all over his face.

"Well, we were thinking of doing another concep-"


"Oh, come one! You can pick a theme"

"No. The second to last time I dressed up, a dude mistook me for a woman, and now he doesnt leave me alone"

Kris held in his laughter because he knew how pissed the smaller blonde could get. Luhan figured and rolled his eyes. They both stood up and headed to the back counter, time to open up.


After work, Luhan recieved his paycheck and walked out. "Ohh~ Sweet, sweet paycheck! I will save you for that new hat I wanted!" He chirped, kissing the little envelope with the money inside. Just then, he spots a familiar face walk up to him smiling. "Luhan!" The tall brunette boy almost couldn't contain his excitement. Luhan narrowed his eyes and smacked him on the back of the head. "O-OW!" He shrieked, holding his wound. "Yah! Oh Sehun! Im older than you, you can at least call me hyung! Hyung!" He yelled loud enough for Sehun to hear only. Sehun nodded and stood up straight.

"Hyung" He started. "Jongin got a job at a resturaunt! Let's go bother him!" His eyes got wide and he couldn't stop smiling. Luhan shook his head and turned around, starting to walk away. "Ah! Wait up!"

Sehun ran up to the other's side and grabbed his shoulder. "Why don't you want to go?" He asked, smile gone. "I have other things to do than bother people I already don't like." He replied bluntly. The younger nodded and proceeded to follow him. Luhan stuffed the envelope into his jacket pocket and smiled. Hot Topic, here I come! He thought, feeling something touching his hand. He looked down to see Sehun interlocking their fingers.

"Eh.. Sehun, what are you doing?" He looked up at the boy only to see a devilish smile planted on his face. The brunette let in a huge breath and held it for a second before bursting out singing.


Luhan nearly screamed at the sudden outburst, and immediatly wanted him to stop. "Sehun! What the heck, shut up!" He tried not to scream.

"I GOT A BOY, A HANDSO-" Sehun felt a pair of smooth hands on his mouth. Luhan looked totally panicked, like he was embarassing him or something. Of course he wasn't though. "Alright! I'll go! Just SHUT UP!"

"Yay! It's walkable distance, so let's go" Sehun cheered on the inside, intertwining their fingers again and dragging Luhan to where Jongin was working. The older blushed when the brunette grabbed his hand again, but he looked the other way so he wouldn't notice. After a few blocks, they walked into a darkly colored building decorated with red velvet curtains and lace table covers. Luhan hid behind Sehun, in the fear that Jongin would see him first.

Sehun let go of the little blonde's hand (much to his dislike) and walked up to a man wearing a fancy waiter's uniform. Sehun and the waiter talked for a second before they both walked away. Luhan was about to say something (for example if he could go too) before he spotted Jongin cleaning up a table. He walked over, his fear gone, and lightly kicked Jongin in the calf.

"Omo- oh.. It's Lu-fat.." Luhan nearly flipped his , but he kept his cool. "Jong-." He replied not giving eye contact. Jongin gave a scowl and continued clearing the table. A wild Sehun appeared and he was, once again, all smiles. "I guess you found him first, huh?" He hung onto the shorter blonde as him and his best friend glared at eachother.


Sehun carried Luhan out of the resturant as he was mumbling incoherent words. A drinking competition gone wrong resulted in both Luhan and Jongin passing out, a coworker taking the tan boy home. "I can still take him! Put me down you rhinocerus!" his words were slurred and Sehun just rolled his eyes. "Actually, no. You are warm and I might like it."

Luhan was definitaly the random drunk. He carried the other to Jongin's car and put him in the passenger seat. "Hey!" he yelled, banging on the window. "Hay is for horses, Luhan." Sehun got into the driver's seat and started the car. "It's also a commonly used phrase for salutations, you jackass. Sehun, this is why you are single. And, What did I tell you about calling me hyung?!" Luhan took off his shoe and started beating Sehun in the head with it. "Ow! Why do you keep hitting me??" He complained. Okay, so maybe he was a violent drunk.

They arrived at Sehun's apartment at about midnight. The taller brunnette crawled out and was expecting the other to do the same, but instead he heard silence. He looked into the car and found his little deer playing on his phone. "Why don't you ever text me? Or call?" He asked randomly. "I see you all the time" he reasoned, wondering if that was the wrong anwser. "Idiot, that doesnt mean I dont miss you.." Luhan looked up at him with tears in his eyes. Back to random drunk.

Sehun had to half carry Luhan to his apartment room, he was still very wobbly. "You're home is cleaner than I dreamt about" the blonde marveled at the totally OCD apartment complex. "Well, it's thanks to my roommate and- wait, you dreamt of my room?" He asked, sitting on the couch.

Luhan ignored him and sighed. "It's so hot in here!" he whined, starting to take his shirt off. "Woe! Wait a minute!" The younger felt his face heat up and he covered his eyes. "What? I'm hot!" he whined more, sitting on the couch. It's not weird, we're both men, and... holy crap he has abs. Sehun's thoughts drifted towards town and he his lips. Luhan noticed Sehun staring at him, looking up and down at his body and he snickered.

"Oh Sehun, don't be a freaking ert, I will stab you with my eyeliner. Nobody will miss you, I swear."

"I wasn- okay, so maybe I was, but it's because I like you."

Luhan's face turned a shade of red and he smiled while cupping his face. "Ah~ really?" he cood, staring at the other. Sehun was a bit suprised. He gulped and remembered that his significant other was drunk. "So... I have a question for you" he looked at Luhan cautiously before continuing, "What am I to you?"

Luhan's smile faded and he started sniffling. "I like you, of course, but i'm such a coward to admit it because of your idiocy, I hate you, Oh Sehun!" he was bawling at this point, but continued, "I didn't know I liked you, maybe when ran into you that day? But, I thought it was cute when you always proposed to me and stuff, I kept up the act, not realising how much I started actually liking you, and I ignored your feelings, I'm sorry! Don't hate me!"

Sehun's eyes grew wide and he hugged Luhan with no hesitation in his system. Luhan clinged onto him, still ugly sobbing. Emotional drunk? "I would never hate you, Xiao Lu. I love you remember? And to tell the truth, it was love at first sight. My sister tried to convince me that it was, but I denied it. After she said something semi-smart, I took that oppurtunity to make it seem like she knocked some sense into me, when in reality, I just wanted an excuse to confess my love, when I knew I already did. So I guess we were both wrong"

The crying ceased and the sniffles dimmed. Everything went quiet for a few minutes. But, those few minutes were anything but awkward, Luhan still in his arms. Soon after, he started to hear small snores. He looked down, the small blonde fast asleep on his lap. "But really, i'm only an idiot around you..." he smiled, wiping the tear tear stains from the other's cheeks.

If that couch was not the comfiest thing ever, Sehun might have thought about moving him and Lulu to his bed, but it was and Sehun fell asleep on it with Luhan next to him.

Bacon. Something smells of bacon. And... It's really cold in here. Luhan popped his head up from the couch and looked in the direction of the smell. He fell back onto the couch and hit something hard. He looked up and saw Sehun sleeping there. If he didn't remember everything that happened last night, that would be great, but sadly, it's a genetic curse to not forget after being drunk. Why not fake some of it? He stood up and walked into the kitchen to see that guy... Something-dae... Minseok's man purse... Jongdae! Kim Jongdae, yeah. He was cooking bacon and eggo waffles. So much for a drama-like breakfast, like in the movies. He walked into the kitchen limping because he fell asleep on his legs weird. Just great.

Jongdae looked over and gasped. "Omo, Luhan, you're limping?? And shirtless??" He ran over to the smaller and grabbed him. "What did that jackass do to you, you poor thing!" he started looking at Luhan with those motherly sympathy eyes. Jongdae walked over to the couch, quickly grabbing something from the floor. There was a smack sound followed by a loud screech. "OH SEHUN YOU ARE SO DEAD," smack "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT TO POOR LUHANNIE WHO IS LIMPING OVER THERE" smack "YOU ERT" smack "THAT WAS PROBABLY HIS FIRST" smack "AND HE DID IT WITH AN IDIOT LIKE YOU!!"


A few seconds later, they both walked into the kitchen. Jongdae smiling and Sehun with red marks all over his face and arms. "Well, breakfast is ready! Bacon and Eggo waffles!" Jongdae clasped his hands together and gave them both a plate, leaving Sehun out. The rest of that morning, Jongdae ignored Sehun.

Luhan found his shirt and quickly put it on, still feeling cold. "Do you need a ride home, Luhan?" Jongdae offered, "Sehun will take you." Sehun was about to protest, but that didn't make sense. Luhan bowed and said his thanks.

It was a quiet ride home, but It was enjoyable through music. Sehun decided to finally ask, "So, how's your memory? Remember anything from last night?"

"All I remember is getting drunk and taken to your house. But I know you didn't do anything to me."

"Ah, okay.. Nothing else?"


They pulled up to the street next to the house and Luhan got out. He walked over to Sehun's window and tapped the glass. He rolled it down and Luhan leaned in, resting his head on the window frame. "Well, thanks for the ride. And taking care of me last night..." He gave the brunette a quick peck on the cheek before running into the safety of his home. Sehun smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. So I wonder if he really doesn't remember? Sehun started the car again and drove off towards Jongin's house. He needed to return the car before Jongin realized it was missing.

ITS DOOOOOONE!! Omo, sorry for the delay and not updating for like FOREVER IM HORRIBLE but with all the that happened with Kris and Baekyeon (which i totally ship now) I forgot to edit and stuff. Dang that sounds bad. Welp, im happy to say that I already have a fic planned out and its going to be a grand slam and POW and WHAM and (im so freaking excited to write it!!!) BE AS EXCITED AS ME OK. and comments are welcome. i love em. i love you. all of you. every single one of you. 0.0

Please. hug me

So the thing is is that i need to think of better titles for the chapters lol so random right? boring mostly... lets get creative subscribers! AND i have been enlightened. I started watching roommate in my spare time and i highly recomend it cuz it is funny as hell BOM. Chanyeol is so cute!!! he should get his own show or somethin (i really just wanna hear is deep voice more)

I need to go to sleep omygawsh.


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Ohluhan101 #1
Chapter 1: OMG. OMG. OMG.
Lattexo #2
Hello Panda_Doll
My name is Lattexo and I'm a Vietnamese translator
I would want to ask you your authorisation to translate your "After 1905"
I hope you will answer.
But I don't (and i can't) forget to say the most important thing :
Thank you for all your work
~ Lattexo ~
DinoPearl_Riza #3
Chapter 10: oh i just realized that they used jongin's car XD hahaha
ceisya #4
Chapter 10: Updateee soon
DinoPearl_Riza #5
Chapter 9: omg it's great ><
sorry i've been a silent reader for a while.. i just read it all today.. hehe
oww.. foor sehuna... why did you play with the stove anyway...
I love it! Great job! I think it is very good so keep up with the great work.
Chapter 8: But i like ur story tho~ =)
Nefastraven #8
Chapter 4: soooo you'll finally know the answer to your question
sorry I didn't answer yesterday I started watching Baka to Test and I was distracted
It was Minseok that's your answer
Lujan has Sehun-sense he knows ALLLL
loveluck #9
Chapter 4: Wherr hav u been all my lyf?!>.> omg this flufff@$#&@ this is wat I need... too much angst wiv othrrs; its sad so yayyy! soo cute XD!