The Other Stories

After 1095

Chanyeol reached for his phone, but pulled his hand back again. He was sitting inside the bubble tea shop called 'Tapioca Dream' that his friends always went to. Tao had called for them to meet up, but in the end he was there by himself, with Baekhyun managing the little shop. Chanyeol looked up at the curley haired boy and blushed. He had always been a big flirt with cute guys like Baekhyun, but couldn't find himself the courage to even talk with the other boy.

Baekhyun had arrived to work early to get some paper work done. He was in his office when he heard the front door's bell ring. He walked out and it was the tall boy whom he had run into a few days previous. The boy sat down and looked about aimlessly. Baekhyun blushed thinking how cute he looked with his fake glasses and brown hair that covered his eyes.

They both sat in an awkward silence for what seemed like ages.

"So, you here by yourself?" Baekhyun asked, looking up at the boy.

"Y-yeah... my friend didn't show up like he said he would." Chanyeol replied, a little excited that Baekhyun had started a conversation first.

"Would you like anything to drink?"

"Not at the moment" Chanyeol anwsered

"And sorry for dragging you and your friends to my house the other day." Baekhyun apologized

"N-no it isn't your fault!" Chanyeol waved his hands and smiled. The little bacon smiled back and came back from around the counter and sat at the chair in front of Chanyeol.

"Well, since we aren't doing anything, let's chat! I really admire you." Baekhyun smiled, resting his chin on his hands and looking up at the taller male.


Tao smirked and sat back on the booth chair with Sehun at a pub. The black haired man knew chanyeol had a little crush on Baekhyun and 'set them up on a date'. He looked at his drink, admiring his wonderful skills when Sehun interupted his thoughts.

"Uh, Tao, why are we here? Isn't his a gay pub?" Sehun whispered, looking around.

"You're gay right? Shut up and drink your whatever you ordered." Tao ordered, staring at the latter.

"My drink hasn't arrived yet." He complained, wanting to see Luhan. Tao rolled his eyes and saw a worker walking over with a refill of his drink. The worker was crossdressed, but that didn't matter. He was actually kinda pretty to Tao, and sort of familiar. The worker put Tao's drink on the table and took the other glass.

"Excuse me, my drink hasn't arrived yet, I ordered a bloody mary?" Sehun asked, staring at the worker. The worker turned to Sehun and the brunnette's mouth dropped open.

"Sorry sir, I will have it delivered right away!" the worker winked and ran off to the back counter.

"T-T-Tao! that was Luhan wasn't it?!?" Sehun studdered, still staring at the worker. Today, Luhan was wearing a brunnette wig and a red with black lace maid dress.

"Yeah, you didn't know? He works here full time, idiot." Tao insulted, sipping his drink. He looked up at the bar, and saw a very tall man that caught his eye. He was wearing a black tank top that showed off his tattoos and shorts that went to his knees. Sehun looked up at Tao and chuckled.

"Know him?" The younger asked.

"I do, actually!" Tao got up and sped walked to where the male was. He practically jumped onto him, wrapping his arms around his neck. The tall man jumped back in suprise.

"Kris-ge!" Tao shouted, nuzzling into Kris's chest. Kris looked around and scratched his head.

"Tao? How did you know where I was?" He questioned

"Total coincidence! Why did you leave in the first place?" Tao asked, looking up at him.

"Family problems..." Kris smiled and patted Tao's head. "It is nice seeing you again" He added.


Chanyeol laughed and gazed into Baekhyun's eyes.

"Is Yixing really that clueless?"

"Yeah! And he only ever wakes up at 3 pm. I think he has his own reasons, but you know, he is a cool guy once you get to know him!"

After getting to know eachother, the two realized they had alot in common. A few hours passed by and they stayed like that. No other customer came into the shop that day. Maybe it was because Baekhyun had put the sign on the door as 'Closed'. . .


Luhan cursed under his breath at the sight of Sehun at his work place. He wasn't allowed to break his 'cutesy, nice, clumsy' type character, so he had to pretend he didn't know the kid. He saw Sehun staring at him in the corner of his eye and he decided to a little. Luhan walked over to Sehun and smiled. He took Tao's empty cup and replaced it with a full one, ignoring Sehun's pouting look.

"Excuse me, my drink hasn't arrived yet, I ordered a bloody mary?" Sehun asked. Luhan smirked and turned to Sehun.

"I'm sorry, sir, I will get it right away!"  Luhan winked and skipped off, making a grim look. He knew Sehun had been suprised and decided to a little more. After getting a random drink, he walked back Sehun's table putting it on the table top.

"Here you go, sir~" Luhan tried to make his voice sound a little more feminine. He looked at Sehun who blushed, not looking back. He saw Tao almost choke on his drink, and went over to him.

"Are you okay, mister?" Luhan made a worried look and grabbed Tao's hand. Sehun flinched and watched in the corner of his eye as his man love grabbed one of his best friend's hands. He felt something hot inside him and scoffed. Tao smirked at Sehun, only making him look more mad. Luhan saw this and grabbed the brunnette's hand.

"Please don't be mad, I only wish to make everyone happy!" Luhan smiled. Sehun's whole face turned red and he froze up. Luhan walked away and went to the back counter.

"I really can't tell what he is thinking sometimes..." Tao sighed. Sehun nodded.

"I just can't stay mad at someone so cute!" Sehun covered his face with his hands and shook his head. Nobody mentioned that Luhan had gotten the wrong drink for Sehun. It was tequila.


Yixing laid in bed, as he usually did. It was about 3 pm and he had just woken up. His friend was going to visit him while everyone else was out doing something else on this beautiful Sunday afternoon. The doorbell rang and he waited for a moment. He sighed and stood up, walking out of his room on the left side of the hallway. The doorbell rang again and he jogged down the stairs. He only just then realized that forgot to put his shirt on. Oh freaking well. He opened the door and yawned.

"Lay!" the person at the door beamed. Yixing felt a pair of warm arms around his body and he sighed again.

"Thanks for inviting me over.."

"No problem Joonmyeon. I havn't seen you in like 2 years? Or since highschool.. I don't remember.." Yixing looked up, thinking, trying to figure out when the last time he saw Joonmyeon.

"It's been 4 years. I moved." Joonmyeon reminded him.

"Ah. Well, you can come in." Yixing stepped aside so the little brown haired boy could step inside. Joonmyeon looked around and gazed at the very pretty house. Much different from the apartments in Seoul. Yixing directed him to the kitchen and made some tea. They always had tea. Kyungsoo never let them run out. No one knows why.

"So do you live with anyone?" Joonmyeon asked, examining the tea cups.

"Yeah. They are really loud." The dazed boy said. Joonmyeon nodded and looked down.

"There's this thing that people call me now" He commented at a low volume

"And what is that?"

"Suho." He looked up and Yixing's face was right in front of his.

"Cute" He whispered, planting his lips on Suho's. Suho closed his eyes and smiled. Yixing pulled away and poured his tea.

"I really did miss you, you know.." Yixing smiled for the first time since Suho got there. The smaller boy stood up and hugged Yixing, almost tipping over his tea.


"Call me Yixing." He suggested.

"Yixing... Thanks."

"For what?"

"I don't know.. for remembering me." Suho chuckled, recalling their highschool life. Day after day of helping Yixing remember everything since what had happened. Just then the door opened and Jongin walked in with Kyungsoo under his arm. Kyungsoo looked terrified as usual, and even more suprised to see a stranger hugging his roommate.

"Yixing... who...what?" Kyungsoo half asked.

"Same to you, Kyungsoo. Joonmyeon, this is Kyungsoo, my mom. Kyungsoo, this is Joonmyeon, my lover." Yixing completely lied. They both looked at eachother totally confused. Jongin didn't say anything, but instead chuckled. Kyungsoo slapped his arm off of his neck and went to the stove to start cooking a late lunch. Yixing sighed and grabbed Suho's hand. Suho blushed and looked down at his feet. Jongin raised his eye brow and smirked. He snuck up behind Kyungsoo and wrapped his arms around the smaller boy.

"I feel like a married couple!" He shouted. Kyungsoo elbowed him in the stomache and watched as he fell to the ground. Yixing rolled his eyes and left the kitchen, walking up the stairs, Suho still holding his hand. He led the smaller male to his room and Yixing laid on his bed.

"I'm so tired..." He yawned.

"Well, I-I can leave, if you wa-" Before Joonmyeon had the time to finish, Yixing pulled him onto the bed with him.

"Yixing, Um..."

"Shh. Go to sleep, I'm tired." Yixing wrapped his arms around Suho and nuzzled his nose into the crick of his neck. After a few minutes, Joonmyeon heard snoring. He smiled and fell asleep himself.


Baekhyun and Chanyeol had long gone left the store and started walking to the house. They havn't stopped chatting since that morning, and to tell the truth, it was very fun. They talked about their friends, families, jobs, food, etc. Baekhyun grabbed onto Chanyeol's arm and asked him to go to many places with him in the near and far future.

"I really like you Chanyeol, you know that?" Baekhyun confessed, blushing. Chanyeol blushed too, looking down at Baekhyun.

"I like you too..." Chanyeol chuckled. And it was the truth. He actually did like Baekhyun after getting to know him. They arrived at Baekhyun's house, and the little coffee-haired boy ran up to the porch.

"Just to say I have never had a crush before and it is all your fault! So, you have to take responsibility!" Baekhyun pointed to the tall man, then ran into his house, leaving Chanyeol outside.

"So he wants me to ask him out?" Chanyeol scratched his head and smiled. He started walking home.


Chen walked around the market, looking for groceries for dinner that night. He wanted to make a japanese dish called Katsu Curry (which was the one he love's favorite meal), but didn't exactly know where everything was, considering he only recently moved to Seoul. The only reason he was in Seoul was to look for the man he loved from Gangnam. His love had moved so suddenly, he couldn't do anything about it. After finishing highschool, he moved to Seoul to look for him.

He found the vegtables aisle and started looking for potatoes. He picked one up that looked good and put it in his basket.

"That one is no good, you see, it had dark brown patches? It was bruised and wouldn't be very good to cook with." the voice beside him adviced.

"Oh, thanks. I'm making katsu curry..." Chen said, putting the potato back.

"Oh hey, that's my favorite!" the voice got a little louder. It sounded familiar. Chen looked at the stranger and dropped his basket.

"M-Minseok!" Chen grabbed the other's shoulders and hugged him.

"D-Do I know you?!" Minseok tried to leave the man's grip, but he wouldn't let him go. He started to freak out, but something caught his attention. This random guy smelled familiar... Not to be weird, but Minseok had an elite sense of smell.

"It's Jongdae! Chen!"

Something inside Minseok clicked and he hugged back. He doesn't remember very well, it is all foggy in his head, but he felt he knew him anyways.

"You remember me right? Highschool! I helped you back then!"

"Chen... Chen!" Finally, Minseok had remembered. Chen stood up for him when no one else would. He comforted him. But Minseok left without ever saying goodbye face to face. He felt immediate guilt.

"I'm sorry Jongdae... I never said goodbye..." He fell quiet

"Your letter made me understand. It's fine! I came to find you... I never got to tell you..." Chen started.

"Tell me what?" Minseok questioned, wondering what Chen traveled all the way to Seoul just to say. Really it wouldn't have taken long to travel between, but it took a while to find where Minseok was exactly.

"I love you, and I always have..." Chen smiled, finally getting to tell him.

"I... I don't know what to say..." Minseok studdered, trying to find words.

"You don't need to love me back, I just really wanted to tell you." Chen sighed, still embracing the other. Minseok pulled back and smiled.

"Come on, let's get out of here... I'm starving! I'll make you dinner" He pulled Chen's hand and they started walking home. After paying for groceries, of course! They walked into the house to see 3 other couples plus Baekhyun sitting in the kitchen.



I kind of left some foreshadowing of everyone's past in their little stories, so i hope you keep liking what im writing enough to keep waiting for updates to see what has happened before Baekhyun, Minseok, Yixing, Kyungsoo, and Luhan started living together! Nothing really for Luhan and Baekhyun, mostly everyone else who had an interesting past... OH WELL. Love you 17 subsribers! Everytime you comment, I get so happy, I can't handle it. <3<3<3








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Ohluhan101 #1
Chapter 1: OMG. OMG. OMG.
Lattexo #2
Hello Panda_Doll
My name is Lattexo and I'm a Vietnamese translator
I would want to ask you your authorisation to translate your "After 1905"
I hope you will answer.
But I don't (and i can't) forget to say the most important thing :
Thank you for all your work
~ Lattexo ~
DinoPearl_Riza #3
Chapter 10: oh i just realized that they used jongin's car XD hahaha
ceisya #4
Chapter 10: Updateee soon
DinoPearl_Riza #5
Chapter 9: omg it's great ><
sorry i've been a silent reader for a while.. i just read it all today.. hehe
oww.. foor sehuna... why did you play with the stove anyway...
I love it! Great job! I think it is very good so keep up with the great work.
Chapter 8: But i like ur story tho~ =)
Nefastraven #8
Chapter 4: soooo you'll finally know the answer to your question
sorry I didn't answer yesterday I started watching Baka to Test and I was distracted
It was Minseok that's your answer
Lujan has Sehun-sense he knows ALLLL
loveluck #9
Chapter 4: Wherr hav u been all my lyf?!>.> omg this flufff@$#&@ this is wat I need... too much angst wiv othrrs; its sad so yayyy! soo cute XD!